Acta Physica Sinica // 必威体育下载 daily 15 2024-08-20 10:33:36 2024-08-20 10:33:36 zh Copyright ©Acta Physica Sinica All Rights Reserved. 京ICP备05002789号-1 Address: PostCode:100190 Phone: 010-82649829,82649241,82649863 Email: Copyright ©Acta Physica Sinica All Rights Reserved 1000-3290 <![CDATA[CLASSICAL -DEFORMED WN ALGEBRA]]> // Author(s): YANG WEN-LI, HOU BO-YU <br/><p>The classical -deformed WN algebra and the corresponding -deformed Miura transformation are constructed.The algebra degenerate the classical WN algebra when →0.</p> <br/>Acta Physica Sinica. 1999 48(9): 1565-1570. Published 1999-09-20 Author(s): YANG WEN-LI, HOU BO-YU <br/><p>The classical -deformed WN algebra and the corresponding -deformed Miura transformation are constructed.The algebra degenerate the classical WN algebra when →0.</p> <br/>Acta Physica Sinica. 1999 48(9): 1565-1570. Published 1999-09-20 CLASSICAL -DEFORMED WN ALGEBRA YANG WEN-LI, HOU BO-YU 1999-09-20 Personal use only, all commercial or other reuse prohibited Acta Physica Sinica. 1999 48(9): 1565-1570. article doi:10.7498/aps.48.1565 10.7498/aps.48.1565 Acta Physica Sinica 48 9 1999-09-20 // 1565-1570 <![CDATA[QUANTUM -DEFORMED WN ALGEBRA AND ITS SCREENING CURRENT ALGEBRA]]> // Author(s): YANG WEN-LI, HOU BO-YU <br/><p>The quantum theory of -deformed WN algebra is constructed.The corresponding quantum -deformed Miura transformation is given.We also study the algebra of the screening currents of quantum -deformed WN algebra.</p> <br/>Acta Physica Sinica. 1999 48(9): 1571-1580. Published 1999-09-20 Author(s): YANG WEN-LI, HOU BO-YU <br/><p>The quantum theory of -deformed WN algebra is constructed.The corresponding quantum -deformed Miura transformation is given.We also study the algebra of the screening currents of quantum -deformed WN algebra.</p> <br/>Acta Physica Sinica. 1999 48(9): 1571-1580. Published 1999-09-20 QUANTUM -DEFORMED WN ALGEBRA AND ITS SCREENING CURRENT ALGEBRA YANG WEN-LI, HOU BO-YU 1999-09-20 Personal use only, all commercial or other reuse prohibited Acta Physica Sinica. 1999 48(9): 1571-1580. article doi:10.7498/aps.48.1571 10.7498/aps.48.1571 Acta Physica Sinica 48 9 1999-09-20 // 1571-1580 <![CDATA[INTEGRAL TRANSFORMATION WITH CHANGEABLE COEFFICIENT AND LANDAU SYSTEMS IN THE FRAMEWORK OF NONLINEAR-SUPERSYMMETRY METHOD]]> // Author(s): JING HUI, SHI QING-YUN <br/><p>We present a generalized integral transformation with changeable coefficient,and show that the case of electromagnetic field interaction could be settled by nonlinear-suppersymmetry method.As an example,Landau systems are analyzed.</p> <br/>Acta Physica Sinica. 1999 48(9): 1581-1586. Published 1999-09-20 Author(s): JING HUI, SHI QING-YUN <br/><p>We present a generalized integral transformation with changeable coefficient,and show that the case of electromagnetic field interaction could be settled by nonlinear-suppersymmetry method.As an example,Landau systems are analyzed.</p> <br/>Acta Physica Sinica. 1999 48(9): 1581-1586. Published 1999-09-20 INTEGRAL TRANSFORMATION WITH CHANGEABLE COEFFICIENT AND LANDAU SYSTEMS IN THE FRAMEWORK OF NONLINEAR-SUPERSYMMETRY METHOD JING HUI, SHI QING-YUN 1999-09-20 Personal use only, all commercial or other reuse prohibited Acta Physica Sinica. 1999 48(9): 1581-1586. article doi:10.7498/aps.48.1581 10.7498/aps.48.1581 Acta Physica Sinica 48 9 1999-09-20 // 1581-1586 <![CDATA[UNIVERSAL FORMULA FOR CALCULATING THE MATRIX ELEMENT OF RADIAL OPERATOR OF RELATIVISTIC HYDROGEN ATOM]]> // Author(s): HOU CHUN-FENG, JIANG YONG-YUAN, SUN XIU-DONG, SUN WAN-JUN <br/><p>The universal formula for calculating the matrix element of radial operator of relativistic hydrogen atom is established.</p> <br/>Acta Physica Sinica. 1999 48(9): 1587-1592. Published 1999-09-20 Author(s): HOU CHUN-FENG, JIANG YONG-YUAN, SUN XIU-DONG, SUN WAN-JUN <br/><p>The universal formula for calculating the matrix element of radial operator of relativistic hydrogen atom is established.</p> <br/>Acta Physica Sinica. 1999 48(9): 1587-1592. Published 1999-09-20 UNIVERSAL FORMULA FOR CALCULATING THE MATRIX ELEMENT OF RADIAL OPERATOR OF RELATIVISTIC HYDROGEN ATOM HOU CHUN-FENG, JIANG YONG-YUAN, SUN XIU-DONG, SUN WAN-JUN 1999-09-20 Personal use only, all commercial or other reuse prohibited Acta Physica Sinica. 1999 48(9): 1587-1592. article doi:10.7498/aps.48.1587 10.7498/aps.48.1587 Acta Physica Sinica 48 9 1999-09-20 // 1587-1592 <![CDATA[CONSTRUCTION AND CALCULATION OF COUPLED WAVE FUNCTIONS AND MATRIX ELEMENTS OF OPERATORS FOR EQUIVALENT ELECTRONS]]> // Author(s): LI XIAO-MEI, CHEN JIAN-HUA <br/><p>The coupled wave functions for equivalent electrons are constructed by (U,D)L-LSQ-R scheme,where U(D) is the total orbital angular momentum of all spin up (down) electrons,Q is the quasi-spin,R is the interchange operator between spin and quasi-spin.It is</p> <br/>Acta Physica Sinica. 1999 48(9): 1593-1600. Published 1999-09-20 Author(s): LI XIAO-MEI, CHEN JIAN-HUA <br/><p>The coupled wave functions for equivalent electrons are constructed by (U,D)L-LSQ-R scheme,where U(D) is the total orbital angular momentum of all spin up (down) electrons,Q is the quasi-spin,R is the interchange operator between spin and quasi-spin.It is</p> <br/>Acta Physica Sinica. 1999 48(9): 1593-1600. Published 1999-09-20 CONSTRUCTION AND CALCULATION OF COUPLED WAVE FUNCTIONS AND MATRIX ELEMENTS OF OPERATORS FOR EQUIVALENT ELECTRONS LI XIAO-MEI, CHEN JIAN-HUA 1999-09-20 Personal use only, all commercial or other reuse prohibited Acta Physica Sinica. 1999 48(9): 1593-1600. article doi:10.7498/aps.48.1593 10.7498/aps.48.1593 Acta Physica Sinica 48 9 1999-09-20 // 1593-1600 <![CDATA[EVOLUTION OPERATOR AND WAVE FUNCTION OF A TIME-DEPENDENT OSCILLATOR]]> // Author(s): XU XIU-WEI, LIU SHENG-DIAN, REN TING-QI, ZHANG YONG-DE <br/><p>From the generalized linear quantum transformation theory,we obtain the normal product form of evolution operator and the wave function for a time-dependent oscillator.</p> <br/>Acta Physica Sinica. 1999 48(9): 1601-1604. Published 1999-09-20 Author(s): XU XIU-WEI, LIU SHENG-DIAN, REN TING-QI, ZHANG YONG-DE <br/><p>From the generalized linear quantum transformation theory,we obtain the normal product form of evolution operator and the wave function for a time-dependent oscillator.</p> <br/>Acta Physica Sinica. 1999 48(9): 1601-1604. Published 1999-09-20 EVOLUTION OPERATOR AND WAVE FUNCTION OF A TIME-DEPENDENT OSCILLATOR XU XIU-WEI, LIU SHENG-DIAN, REN TING-QI, ZHANG YONG-DE 1999-09-20 Personal use only, all commercial or other reuse prohibited Acta Physica Sinica. 1999 48(9): 1601-1604. article doi:10.7498/aps.48.1601 10.7498/aps.48.1601 Acta Physica Sinica 48 9 1999-09-20 // 1601-1604 <![CDATA[SPATIOTEMPORAL CHAOS SYNCHRONIZATION BY ACTIVE-OCCASIONAL COUPLING]]> // Author(s): WANG JIN-LAN, CHEN GUANG-ZHI <br/><p>This paper proposes the occasional coupling synchronization scheme of the active-passive decomposition (active-occasional coupling).This scheme consists of synchronization and autonomous phases.In the former,the synchronization scheme is used to synchroni</p> <br/>Acta Physica Sinica. 1999 48(9): 1605-1610. Published 1999-09-20 Author(s): WANG JIN-LAN, CHEN GUANG-ZHI <br/><p>This paper proposes the occasional coupling synchronization scheme of the active-passive decomposition (active-occasional coupling).This scheme consists of synchronization and autonomous phases.In the former,the synchronization scheme is used to synchroni</p> <br/>Acta Physica Sinica. 1999 48(9): 1605-1610. Published 1999-09-20 SPATIOTEMPORAL CHAOS SYNCHRONIZATION BY ACTIVE-OCCASIONAL COUPLING WANG JIN-LAN, CHEN GUANG-ZHI 1999-09-20 Personal use only, all commercial or other reuse prohibited Acta Physica Sinica. 1999 48(9): 1605-1610. article doi:10.7498/aps.48.1605 10.7498/aps.48.1605 Acta Physica Sinica 48 9 1999-09-20 // 1605-1610 <![CDATA[A STUDY ON STRANGE DYNAMICS OF A TWO-DIMENSIONAL MAP]]> // Author(s): HE DAI-HAI, XU JIAN-XUE, CHEN YONG-HONG <br/><p>The nonlinear dynamics of a two-dimensional map system on a plane is studied.We found that the attractor of the system changed from stable focus,stable invariant circle(limit circle) to the chaotic attractor contracted into low-dimensional manifold with o</p> <br/>Acta Physica Sinica. 1999 48(9): 1611-1617. Published 1999-09-20 Author(s): HE DAI-HAI, XU JIAN-XUE, CHEN YONG-HONG <br/><p>The nonlinear dynamics of a two-dimensional map system on a plane is studied.We found that the attractor of the system changed from stable focus,stable invariant circle(limit circle) to the chaotic attractor contracted into low-dimensional manifold with o</p> <br/>Acta Physica Sinica. 1999 48(9): 1611-1617. Published 1999-09-20 A STUDY ON STRANGE DYNAMICS OF A TWO-DIMENSIONAL MAP HE DAI-HAI, XU JIAN-XUE, CHEN YONG-HONG 1999-09-20 Personal use only, all commercial or other reuse prohibited Acta Physica Sinica. 1999 48(9): 1611-1617. article doi:10.7498/aps.48.1611 10.7498/aps.48.1611 Acta Physica Sinica 48 9 1999-09-20 // 1611-1617 <![CDATA[A NONLINEAR STATE FEEDBACK APPROACH TO THE CONTROL AND SYNCHRONIZATION OF CONTINUOUS-TIME CHAOTIC SYSTEMS]]> // Author(s): GAO JIN-FENG, LUO XIAN-JUE, MA XI-KUI, PAN XIU-QIN, WANG JUN-KUN <br/><p>This paper presents a nonlinear state feedback approach to the control and synchronization of chaotic nonlinear dynamic systems based on a unified frame for both the control and the synchronization.Assuming the boundedness of chaotic attractors and limit </p> <br/>Acta Physica Sinica. 1999 48(9): 1618-1627. Published 1999-09-20 Author(s): GAO JIN-FENG, LUO XIAN-JUE, MA XI-KUI, PAN XIU-QIN, WANG JUN-KUN <br/><p>This paper presents a nonlinear state feedback approach to the control and synchronization of chaotic nonlinear dynamic systems based on a unified frame for both the control and the synchronization.Assuming the boundedness of chaotic attractors and limit </p> <br/>Acta Physica Sinica. 1999 48(9): 1618-1627. Published 1999-09-20 A NONLINEAR STATE FEEDBACK APPROACH TO THE CONTROL AND SYNCHRONIZATION OF CONTINUOUS-TIME CHAOTIC SYSTEMS GAO JIN-FENG, LUO XIAN-JUE, MA XI-KUI, PAN XIU-QIN, WANG JUN-KUN 1999-09-20 Personal use only, all commercial or other reuse prohibited Acta Physica Sinica. 1999 48(9): 1618-1627. article doi:10.7498/aps.48.1618 10.7498/aps.48.1618 Acta Physica Sinica 48 9 1999-09-20 // 1618-1627 <![CDATA[LASER-ASSISTED ELECTRON-ATOM COLLISIONS:THE KROLL-WATSON FORMULA AND THE SECOND BORN APPROXIMATION]]> // Author(s): SUN JIN-FENG, MA ER-JUN, JIANG YU-HAI, ZHANG SHENG-HAI <br/><p>Recent measurements on CO2-laser-assisted electron-atom collisions have shown large inconsistencies with the Kroll-Watson formula.We use Born approximation theory to carry out a detailed study of the problem.The calculations have shown that the</p> <br/>Acta Physica Sinica. 1999 48(9): 1628-1634. Published 1999-09-20 Author(s): SUN JIN-FENG, MA ER-JUN, JIANG YU-HAI, ZHANG SHENG-HAI <br/><p>Recent measurements on CO2-laser-assisted electron-atom collisions have shown large inconsistencies with the Kroll-Watson formula.We use Born approximation theory to carry out a detailed study of the problem.The calculations have shown that the</p> <br/>Acta Physica Sinica. 1999 48(9): 1628-1634. Published 1999-09-20 LASER-ASSISTED ELECTRON-ATOM COLLISIONS:THE KROLL-WATSON FORMULA AND THE SECOND BORN APPROXIMATION SUN JIN-FENG, MA ER-JUN, JIANG YU-HAI, ZHANG SHENG-HAI 1999-09-20 Personal use only, all commercial or other reuse prohibited Acta Physica Sinica. 1999 48(9): 1628-1634. article doi:10.7498/aps.48.1628 10.7498/aps.48.1628 Acta Physica Sinica 48 9 1999-09-20 // 1628-1634 <![CDATA[THE COMPUTATIONAL SIMULATIONS OF THE GAUSSIAN CORRELATION RANDOM SURFACE AND ITS LIGHT-SCATTERING SPECKLE FIELD AND THE ANALYSIS OF THE INTENSITY PROBABILITY DENSITY]]> // Author(s): CHENG CHUAN-FU, QI DONG-PING, LIU DE-LI, TENG SHU-YUN <br/><p>The method for the simulational generation of Gaussian correlation random surfaces is proposed,and the computational simulation of the speckle field produced by this kind of surfaces on the Fraunhofer plane is performed.10000 speckle fieldsamples at each </p> <br/>Acta Physica Sinica. 1999 48(9): 1635-1643. Published 1999-09-20 Author(s): CHENG CHUAN-FU, QI DONG-PING, LIU DE-LI, TENG SHU-YUN <br/><p>The method for the simulational generation of Gaussian correlation random surfaces is proposed,and the computational simulation of the speckle field produced by this kind of surfaces on the Fraunhofer plane is performed.10000 speckle fieldsamples at each </p> <br/>Acta Physica Sinica. 1999 48(9): 1635-1643. Published 1999-09-20 THE COMPUTATIONAL SIMULATIONS OF THE GAUSSIAN CORRELATION RANDOM SURFACE AND ITS LIGHT-SCATTERING SPECKLE FIELD AND THE ANALYSIS OF THE INTENSITY PROBABILITY DENSITY CHENG CHUAN-FU, QI DONG-PING, LIU DE-LI, TENG SHU-YUN 1999-09-20 Personal use only, all commercial or other reuse prohibited Acta Physica Sinica. 1999 48(9): 1635-1643. article doi:10.7498/aps.48.1635 10.7498/aps.48.1635 Acta Physica Sinica 48 9 1999-09-20 // 1635-1643 <![CDATA[NON-CLASSICAL PROPERTIES OF STATES GENERATED BY THE SUPERPOSITION OF EXCITED COHERENT STATES]]> // Author(s): LU HONG, GUO GUANG-CAN <br/><p>The superposition of two excited coherent states of identical intensity but different phases yields a state that can exhibit varied non-classical characteristics.Under suitable conditions,as the phase difference changes,the mean photon number of the super</p> <br/>Acta Physica Sinica. 1999 48(9): 1644-1649. Published 1999-09-20 Author(s): LU HONG, GUO GUANG-CAN <br/><p>The superposition of two excited coherent states of identical intensity but different phases yields a state that can exhibit varied non-classical characteristics.Under suitable conditions,as the phase difference changes,the mean photon number of the super</p> <br/>Acta Physica Sinica. 1999 48(9): 1644-1649. Published 1999-09-20 NON-CLASSICAL PROPERTIES OF STATES GENERATED BY THE SUPERPOSITION OF EXCITED COHERENT STATES LU HONG, GUO GUANG-CAN 1999-09-20 Personal use only, all commercial or other reuse prohibited Acta Physica Sinica. 1999 48(9): 1644-1649. article doi:10.7498/aps.48.1644 10.7498/aps.48.1644 Acta Physica Sinica 48 9 1999-09-20 // 1644-1649 <![CDATA[CAVITY FIELD SPECTRA OF THE TWO-ATOM TWO-PHOTON JAYNES-CUMMINGS MODEL]]> // Author(s): GAO YUN-FENG, FENG JIAN, SONG TONG-QIANG <br/><p>The cavity field spectra for a pair of coupled two-level atoms with single mode of the radiation in an ideal cavity via two-photon resonant transition processes are investigated.The results for the initial fields in pure number state,coherent state or squ</p> <br/>Acta Physica Sinica. 1999 48(9): 1650-1658. Published 1999-09-20 Author(s): GAO YUN-FENG, FENG JIAN, SONG TONG-QIANG <br/><p>The cavity field spectra for a pair of coupled two-level atoms with single mode of the radiation in an ideal cavity via two-photon resonant transition processes are investigated.The results for the initial fields in pure number state,coherent state or squ</p> <br/>Acta Physica Sinica. 1999 48(9): 1650-1658. Published 1999-09-20 CAVITY FIELD SPECTRA OF THE TWO-ATOM TWO-PHOTON JAYNES-CUMMINGS MODEL GAO YUN-FENG, FENG JIAN, SONG TONG-QIANG 1999-09-20 Personal use only, all commercial or other reuse prohibited Acta Physica Sinica. 1999 48(9): 1650-1658. article doi:10.7498/aps.48.1650 10.7498/aps.48.1650 Acta Physica Sinica 48 9 1999-09-20 // 1650-1658 <![CDATA[STATIC AND DYNAMIC ANALYSIS OF PHASE SHIFT DISTRIBUTED FEEDBACK LASER DIODES]]> // Author(s): SHEN DAN-XUN, GU WAN-YI, XU DA-XIONG <br/><p>Using transfer matrix method with rate equations and couple wave theory,the static and dynamic analysis of 3PS-DFB and QPS-DFB diodes are presented.With vector processing rather than NR algorithm,carrier density and photon density distribution of the two </p> <br/>Acta Physica Sinica. 1999 48(9): 1659-1666. Published 1999-09-20 Author(s): SHEN DAN-XUN, GU WAN-YI, XU DA-XIONG <br/><p>Using transfer matrix method with rate equations and couple wave theory,the static and dynamic analysis of 3PS-DFB and QPS-DFB diodes are presented.With vector processing rather than NR algorithm,carrier density and photon density distribution of the two </p> <br/>Acta Physica Sinica. 1999 48(9): 1659-1666. Published 1999-09-20 STATIC AND DYNAMIC ANALYSIS OF PHASE SHIFT DISTRIBUTED FEEDBACK LASER DIODES SHEN DAN-XUN, GU WAN-YI, XU DA-XIONG 1999-09-20 Personal use only, all commercial or other reuse prohibited Acta Physica Sinica. 1999 48(9): 1659-1666. article doi:10.7498/aps.48.1659 10.7498/aps.48.1659 Acta Physica Sinica 48 9 1999-09-20 // 1659-1666 <![CDATA[ENERGY-LEVEL DIFFERENCE AND LASER ABSOLUTE FREQUENCY MEASUREMENT BY POLARIZATION BEATS SPECTROSCOPY WITH PHASE-CONJUGATION GEOMETRY]]> // Author(s): ZHANG YAN-PENG, GAN CHEN-LI, ZHU JING-PING, TANG TIAN-TONG, FU PAN-MING <br/><p>We have studied the polarization beats spectroscopy with phase-conjugation geometry in a cascade three-level system.It was found that the accuracy for the energy-level difference measurement is determined by the homogeneous linewidths of the optical trans</p> <br/>Acta Physica Sinica. 1999 48(9): 1667-1675. Published 1999-09-20 Author(s): ZHANG YAN-PENG, GAN CHEN-LI, ZHU JING-PING, TANG TIAN-TONG, FU PAN-MING <br/><p>We have studied the polarization beats spectroscopy with phase-conjugation geometry in a cascade three-level system.It was found that the accuracy for the energy-level difference measurement is determined by the homogeneous linewidths of the optical trans</p> <br/>Acta Physica Sinica. 1999 48(9): 1667-1675. Published 1999-09-20 ENERGY-LEVEL DIFFERENCE AND LASER ABSOLUTE FREQUENCY MEASUREMENT BY POLARIZATION BEATS SPECTROSCOPY WITH PHASE-CONJUGATION GEOMETRY ZHANG YAN-PENG, GAN CHEN-LI, ZHU JING-PING, TANG TIAN-TONG, FU PAN-MING 1999-09-20 Personal use only, all commercial or other reuse prohibited Acta Physica Sinica. 1999 48(9): 1667-1675. article doi:10.7498/aps.48.1667 10.7498/aps.48.1667 Acta Physica Sinica 48 9 1999-09-20 // 1667-1675 <![CDATA[THE POLING STABILITY OF TEFLON AF/NON-LINEAR OPTICAL POLYMER ELECTRET DOUBLE-LAYER FILM]]> // Author(s): CHEN GANG-JIN, XIA ZHONG-FU, ZHANG YE-WEN, ZHANG HONG-YAN <br/><p>The Teflon AF/NLO polymer electret double-layer system was presented in order to improve the stability of preferential dipole orientation in the NLO polymer electret layer. The polarization stability of the samples poled by constant voltage corona chargin</p> <br/>Acta Physica Sinica. 1999 48(9): 1676-1681. Published 1999-09-20 Author(s): CHEN GANG-JIN, XIA ZHONG-FU, ZHANG YE-WEN, ZHANG HONG-YAN <br/><p>The Teflon AF/NLO polymer electret double-layer system was presented in order to improve the stability of preferential dipole orientation in the NLO polymer electret layer. The polarization stability of the samples poled by constant voltage corona chargin</p> <br/>Acta Physica Sinica. 1999 48(9): 1676-1681. Published 1999-09-20 THE POLING STABILITY OF TEFLON AF/NON-LINEAR OPTICAL POLYMER ELECTRET DOUBLE-LAYER FILM CHEN GANG-JIN, XIA ZHONG-FU, ZHANG YE-WEN, ZHANG HONG-YAN 1999-09-20 Personal use only, all commercial or other reuse prohibited Acta Physica Sinica. 1999 48(9): 1676-1681. article doi:10.7498/aps.48.1676 10.7498/aps.48.1676 Acta Physica Sinica 48 9 1999-09-20 // 1676-1681 <![CDATA[THEORETICAL ANALYSIS OF PHOTOREFRACTIVE MULTIPLE-QUANTUM-WELL OPTICALLY ADDRESSED SPATIAL LIGHT MODULATORS]]> // Author(s): LI YI-GANG, GUO RU, JIN PENG, PAN SHI-HONG <br/><p>Using transient two-dimensional transport model, theoretical analysis is developed for optically addressed spatial light modulators with semi-insulating multiple-quantum-well structure operating in longitudinal field geometry. A partial differential equat</p> <br/>Acta Physica Sinica. 1999 48(9): 1682-1690. Published 1999-09-20 Author(s): LI YI-GANG, GUO RU, JIN PENG, PAN SHI-HONG <br/><p>Using transient two-dimensional transport model, theoretical analysis is developed for optically addressed spatial light modulators with semi-insulating multiple-quantum-well structure operating in longitudinal field geometry. A partial differential equat</p> <br/>Acta Physica Sinica. 1999 48(9): 1682-1690. Published 1999-09-20 THEORETICAL ANALYSIS OF PHOTOREFRACTIVE MULTIPLE-QUANTUM-WELL OPTICALLY ADDRESSED SPATIAL LIGHT MODULATORS LI YI-GANG, GUO RU, JIN PENG, PAN SHI-HONG 1999-09-20 Personal use only, all commercial or other reuse prohibited Acta Physica Sinica. 1999 48(9): 1682-1690. article doi:10.7498/aps.48.1682 10.7498/aps.48.1682 Acta Physica Sinica 48 9 1999-09-20 // 1682-1690 <![CDATA[COMPARISON OF RESULTS OBTAINED FROM TEMPERATURE MEASUREMENT AND NUMERICAL SIMULATION OF DC PLASMA ARC]]> // Author(s): SHAO QI-YUN, HE YU, GUO WEN-KANG, XU PING, ZANG DE-HONG <br/><p>The computational method of temperature distribution of free-burning arc is investigated by using a numerical simulation model, which is based on the local thermodynamic equilibrium. A spectrum temperature diagnostic system of plasma torch based on charge</p> <br/>Acta Physica Sinica. 1999 48(9): 1691-1700. Published 1999-09-20 Author(s): SHAO QI-YUN, HE YU, GUO WEN-KANG, XU PING, ZANG DE-HONG <br/><p>The computational method of temperature distribution of free-burning arc is investigated by using a numerical simulation model, which is based on the local thermodynamic equilibrium. A spectrum temperature diagnostic system of plasma torch based on charge</p> <br/>Acta Physica Sinica. 1999 48(9): 1691-1700. Published 1999-09-20 COMPARISON OF RESULTS OBTAINED FROM TEMPERATURE MEASUREMENT AND NUMERICAL SIMULATION OF DC PLASMA ARC SHAO QI-YUN, HE YU, GUO WEN-KANG, XU PING, ZANG DE-HONG 1999-09-20 Personal use only, all commercial or other reuse prohibited Acta Physica Sinica. 1999 48(9): 1691-1700. article doi:10.7498/aps.48.1691 10.7498/aps.48.1691 Acta Physica Sinica 48 9 1999-09-20 // 1691-1700 <![CDATA[HEAVY PARTICLE TRANSPORT PROCESS IN CATHODE SHEATH OF NITROGEN GLOW DISCHARGE]]> // Author(s): YU WEI, ZHANG LIAN-ZHU, LI XIAO-WEI, HAN LI, CHEN YAN-MEI, FU GUANG-SHENG <br/><p>The ions(N2+,N+) and fast nitrogen molecular (N2f) transport process in cathode sheath of nitrogen glow discharge plasma is studied by using Monte Carlo simulation. Spatial variation of energy distribution and a</p> <br/>Acta Physica Sinica. 1999 48(9): 1701-1708. Published 1999-09-20 Author(s): YU WEI, ZHANG LIAN-ZHU, LI XIAO-WEI, HAN LI, CHEN YAN-MEI, FU GUANG-SHENG <br/><p>The ions(N2+,N+) and fast nitrogen molecular (N2f) transport process in cathode sheath of nitrogen glow discharge plasma is studied by using Monte Carlo simulation. Spatial variation of energy distribution and a</p> <br/>Acta Physica Sinica. 1999 48(9): 1701-1708. Published 1999-09-20 HEAVY PARTICLE TRANSPORT PROCESS IN CATHODE SHEATH OF NITROGEN GLOW DISCHARGE YU WEI, ZHANG LIAN-ZHU, LI XIAO-WEI, HAN LI, CHEN YAN-MEI, FU GUANG-SHENG 1999-09-20 Personal use only, all commercial or other reuse prohibited Acta Physica Sinica. 1999 48(9): 1701-1708. article doi:10.7498/aps.48.1701 10.7498/aps.48.1701 Acta Physica Sinica 48 9 1999-09-20 // 1701-1708 <![CDATA[FAST WAVE MINORITY ION HEATING]]> // Author(s): ZHU XUE-GUANG, KUANG GUANG-LI, ZHAO YAN-PING, LI YOU-YI, XIE JI-KANG <br/><p>The mechanism of fast wave minority ion heating is discussed in some detail. The ray tracing algorithm is used to simulate fast wave heating for the plasma of two kinds of ions, and the calculation results of different ratios of two ions' density is obtai</p> <br/>Acta Physica Sinica. 1999 48(9): 1709-1717. Published 1999-09-20 Author(s): ZHU XUE-GUANG, KUANG GUANG-LI, ZHAO YAN-PING, LI YOU-YI, XIE JI-KANG <br/><p>The mechanism of fast wave minority ion heating is discussed in some detail. The ray tracing algorithm is used to simulate fast wave heating for the plasma of two kinds of ions, and the calculation results of different ratios of two ions' density is obtai</p> <br/>Acta Physica Sinica. 1999 48(9): 1709-1717. Published 1999-09-20 FAST WAVE MINORITY ION HEATING ZHU XUE-GUANG, KUANG GUANG-LI, ZHAO YAN-PING, LI YOU-YI, XIE JI-KANG 1999-09-20 Personal use only, all commercial or other reuse prohibited Acta Physica Sinica. 1999 48(9): 1709-1717. article doi:10.7498/aps.48.1709 10.7498/aps.48.1709 Acta Physica Sinica 48 9 1999-09-20 // 1709-1717 <![CDATA[STUDY OF THE INTER-BAND TRANSITION OF THE GaAs SINGLE-CRYSTAL FILM ON SrTiO3 SUBSTRATE BY MBE]]> // Author(s): CHEN YI-DONG, LIU XING-QUAN, LU WEI, SHI GUO-LIANG, SHEN XUE-CHU, Q.X.ZHAO, M.WILLANDER <br/><p>This paper reports the molecular beam epitaxy growth of the GaAs single crystal film on the perovskite oxide SrTiO3(001) substrate. The photo modulated reflectance spectroscopy and the photoluminescence measurement show that the energy band gap</p> <br/>Acta Physica Sinica. 1999 48(9): 1718-1722. Published 1999-09-20 Author(s): CHEN YI-DONG, LIU XING-QUAN, LU WEI, SHI GUO-LIANG, SHEN XUE-CHU, Q.X.ZHAO, M.WILLANDER <br/><p>This paper reports the molecular beam epitaxy growth of the GaAs single crystal film on the perovskite oxide SrTiO3(001) substrate. The photo modulated reflectance spectroscopy and the photoluminescence measurement show that the energy band gap</p> <br/>Acta Physica Sinica. 1999 48(9): 1718-1722. Published 1999-09-20 STUDY OF THE INTER-BAND TRANSITION OF THE GaAs SINGLE-CRYSTAL FILM ON SrTiO3 SUBSTRATE BY MBE CHEN YI-DONG, LIU XING-QUAN, LU WEI, SHI GUO-LIANG, SHEN XUE-CHU, Q.X.ZHAO, M.WILLANDER 1999-09-20 Personal use only, all commercial or other reuse prohibited Acta Physica Sinica. 1999 48(9): 1718-1722. article doi:10.7498/aps.48.1718 10.7498/aps.48.1718 Acta Physica Sinica 48 9 1999-09-20 // 1718-1722 <![CDATA[TRANSPORT OF ELECTRONS IN DOUBLE-BARRIER MAGNETIC STRUCTURES UNDER A CONSTANT ELECTRIC FIELD]]> // Author(s): WANG HAO, GUO YONG, GU BING-LIN <br/><p>We have investigated transport properties of electrons in magnetic quantum structures under an applied constant electric field.The transmission coefficient and current density have been calculated for electron tunneling through structures consisting of id</p> <br/>Acta Physica Sinica. 1999 48(9): 1723-1732. Published 1999-09-20 Author(s): WANG HAO, GUO YONG, GU BING-LIN <br/><p>We have investigated transport properties of electrons in magnetic quantum structures under an applied constant electric field.The transmission coefficient and current density have been calculated for electron tunneling through structures consisting of id</p> <br/>Acta Physica Sinica. 1999 48(9): 1723-1732. Published 1999-09-20 TRANSPORT OF ELECTRONS IN DOUBLE-BARRIER MAGNETIC STRUCTURES UNDER A CONSTANT ELECTRIC FIELD WANG HAO, GUO YONG, GU BING-LIN 1999-09-20 Personal use only, all commercial or other reuse prohibited Acta Physica Sinica. 1999 48(9): 1723-1732. article doi:10.7498/aps.48.1723 10.7498/aps.48.1723 Acta Physica Sinica 48 9 1999-09-20 // 1723-1732 <![CDATA[UNIVERSALITY OF RESONANT SPLITTING IN SUPERLATTICES]]> // Author(s): GUO YONG, GU BING-LIN <br/><p>In this work the resonant splitting effect in semiconductor superlattices and magnetic-barrier superlattices is investigated systematically by using transfer-matrix method.Universality of characteristics of resonant splitting is revealed for electron tunn</p> <br/>Acta Physica Sinica. 1999 48(9): 1733-1744. Published 1999-09-20 Author(s): GUO YONG, GU BING-LIN <br/><p>In this work the resonant splitting effect in semiconductor superlattices and magnetic-barrier superlattices is investigated systematically by using transfer-matrix method.Universality of characteristics of resonant splitting is revealed for electron tunn</p> <br/>Acta Physica Sinica. 1999 48(9): 1733-1744. Published 1999-09-20 UNIVERSALITY OF RESONANT SPLITTING IN SUPERLATTICES GUO YONG, GU BING-LIN 1999-09-20 Personal use only, all commercial or other reuse prohibited Acta Physica Sinica. 1999 48(9): 1733-1744. article doi:10.7498/aps.48.1733 10.7498/aps.48.1733 Acta Physica Sinica 48 9 1999-09-20 // 1733-1744 <![CDATA[MORPHOLOGY AND PHOTOLUMINESCENCE OF GeSi SELF-ASSEMBLED QUANTUM DOT ON Si(113)]]> // Author(s): SI JUN-JIE, YANG QIN-QING, TENG DA, WANG HONG-JIE, YU JIN-ZHONG, WANG QI-MING, GUO LI-WEI, ZHOU JUN-MING <br/><p>Morphology of self-assembled GeSi quantum dot grown on Si(113) by Si molecular beam epitaxy has been studied by transmission electron microscopy and atomic force microscopy.Photoluminescence from the as-grown sample and annealed sample was studied.The res</p> <br/>Acta Physica Sinica. 1999 48(9): 1745-1750. Published 1999-09-20 Author(s): SI JUN-JIE, YANG QIN-QING, TENG DA, WANG HONG-JIE, YU JIN-ZHONG, WANG QI-MING, GUO LI-WEI, ZHOU JUN-MING <br/><p>Morphology of self-assembled GeSi quantum dot grown on Si(113) by Si molecular beam epitaxy has been studied by transmission electron microscopy and atomic force microscopy.Photoluminescence from the as-grown sample and annealed sample was studied.The res</p> <br/>Acta Physica Sinica. 1999 48(9): 1745-1750. Published 1999-09-20 MORPHOLOGY AND PHOTOLUMINESCENCE OF GeSi SELF-ASSEMBLED QUANTUM DOT ON Si(113) SI JUN-JIE, YANG QIN-QING, TENG DA, WANG HONG-JIE, YU JIN-ZHONG, WANG QI-MING, GUO LI-WEI, ZHOU JUN-MING 1999-09-20 Personal use only, all commercial or other reuse prohibited Acta Physica Sinica. 1999 48(9): 1745-1750. article doi:10.7498/aps.48.1745 10.7498/aps.48.1745 Acta Physica Sinica 48 9 1999-09-20 // 1745-1750 <![CDATA[INVESTIGATION ON MAGNETIC PROPERTIES AND NARROW DOMAIN WALL OF Tb2Fe17-xSix SINGLE CRYSTALS]]> // Author(s): GAO SHU-XIA, DU JIANG, TANG CHENG-CHUN, MENG LI-QIN, WU GUANG-HENG, ZHAN WEN-SHAN, LI YANG-XIAN, QU JING-PING, XU GUI-ZHI <br/><p>The magnetic properties and narrow domain are investigated.The substitution of silicon for iron leads to the reduction of the lattice parameters,and the significant increase of the Curie temperature from 413K to 526K.The mean field analysis show that the </p> <br/>Acta Physica Sinica. 1999 48(9): 1751-1759. Published 1999-09-20 Author(s): GAO SHU-XIA, DU JIANG, TANG CHENG-CHUN, MENG LI-QIN, WU GUANG-HENG, ZHAN WEN-SHAN, LI YANG-XIAN, QU JING-PING, XU GUI-ZHI <br/><p>The magnetic properties and narrow domain are investigated.The substitution of silicon for iron leads to the reduction of the lattice parameters,and the significant increase of the Curie temperature from 413K to 526K.The mean field analysis show that the </p> <br/>Acta Physica Sinica. 1999 48(9): 1751-1759. Published 1999-09-20 INVESTIGATION ON MAGNETIC PROPERTIES AND NARROW DOMAIN WALL OF Tb2Fe17-xSix SINGLE CRYSTALS GAO SHU-XIA, DU JIANG, TANG CHENG-CHUN, MENG LI-QIN, WU GUANG-HENG, ZHAN WEN-SHAN, LI YANG-XIAN, QU JING-PING, XU GUI-ZHI 1999-09-20 Personal use only, all commercial or other reuse prohibited Acta Physica Sinica. 1999 48(9): 1751-1759. article doi:10.7498/aps.48.1751 10.7498/aps.48.1751 Acta Physica Sinica 48 9 1999-09-20 // 1751-1759 <![CDATA[POLARIZATION DISTRIBUTION AND PROCESS OF DEPOLARIZATION IN VDF/TrFE FERROELECTRIC COPOLYMERS AND ITS COMPOSITES BY MEANS OF LASER INTENSITY MODULATION METHOD]]> // Author(s): ZHANG XING-YUAN, CHAN WONG LAI-WAH, CHOY CHUNG-LOONG <br/><p>Measuring system and method as well as data processing of the laser intensity modulation method(LIMM) have been set up.The polarization distribution and the process of depolarization for VDF/TrFE ferroelectric copolymers are investigated by LIMM.The pyroe</p> <br/>Acta Physica Sinica. 1999 48(9): 1760-1766. Published 1999-09-20 Author(s): ZHANG XING-YUAN, CHAN WONG LAI-WAH, CHOY CHUNG-LOONG <br/><p>Measuring system and method as well as data processing of the laser intensity modulation method(LIMM) have been set up.The polarization distribution and the process of depolarization for VDF/TrFE ferroelectric copolymers are investigated by LIMM.The pyroe</p> <br/>Acta Physica Sinica. 1999 48(9): 1760-1766. Published 1999-09-20 POLARIZATION DISTRIBUTION AND PROCESS OF DEPOLARIZATION IN VDF/TrFE FERROELECTRIC COPOLYMERS AND ITS COMPOSITES BY MEANS OF LASER INTENSITY MODULATION METHOD ZHANG XING-YUAN, CHAN WONG LAI-WAH, CHOY CHUNG-LOONG 1999-09-20 Personal use only, all commercial or other reuse prohibited Acta Physica Sinica. 1999 48(9): 1760-1766. article doi:10.7498/aps.48.1760 10.7498/aps.48.1760 Acta Physica Sinica 48 9 1999-09-20 // 1760-1766 <![CDATA[DYNAMICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF ELECTROLUMINES-CENCE IN ZINC SULFIDE THIN FILM DEVICES DOPED WITH ERBIUM]]> // Author(s): LIU ZHAO-HONG, JIANG BING-XI, CHEN MOU-ZHI, LIU RUI-TANG <br/><p>The dynamical characteristics of electroluminescence in zinc sulfide thin film devices doped with erbium prepared by thermal evaporation with two boats are reported.The transient process of the thin film luminescence is described by a compound function in</p> <br/>Acta Physica Sinica. 1999 48(9): 1767-1772. Published 1999-09-20 Author(s): LIU ZHAO-HONG, JIANG BING-XI, CHEN MOU-ZHI, LIU RUI-TANG <br/><p>The dynamical characteristics of electroluminescence in zinc sulfide thin film devices doped with erbium prepared by thermal evaporation with two boats are reported.The transient process of the thin film luminescence is described by a compound function in</p> <br/>Acta Physica Sinica. 1999 48(9): 1767-1772. Published 1999-09-20 DYNAMICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF ELECTROLUMINES-CENCE IN ZINC SULFIDE THIN FILM DEVICES DOPED WITH ERBIUM LIU ZHAO-HONG, JIANG BING-XI, CHEN MOU-ZHI, LIU RUI-TANG 1999-09-20 Personal use only, all commercial or other reuse prohibited Acta Physica Sinica. 1999 48(9): 1767-1772. article doi:10.7498/aps.48.1767 10.7498/aps.48.1767 Acta Physica Sinica 48 9 1999-09-20 // 1767-1772 <![CDATA[PREPARATION OF Tb3+-ION-DOPED Si-BASED LIGHT-EMITTING MATERIALS WITH SOL-GEL METHOD]]> // Author(s): XIE DA-TAO, WU JIN-GUANG, MA GANG, YAN WEN-FEI, ZHOU WEI-JIN, XU GUANG-XIAN, XU DUAN-FU, TAO JING, QIN GUO-GANG <br/><p>By sol-gel process and appropriate heat treatment,Tb3+-doped light-emitting films were prepared on the silicon bases.The structural changes of the xerogels and the fluorescence properties of the Tb3+ ions doped were studied by photol</p> <br/>Acta Physica Sinica. 1999 48(9): 1773-1780. Published 1999-09-20 Author(s): XIE DA-TAO, WU JIN-GUANG, MA GANG, YAN WEN-FEI, ZHOU WEI-JIN, XU GUANG-XIAN, XU DUAN-FU, TAO JING, QIN GUO-GANG <br/><p>By sol-gel process and appropriate heat treatment,Tb3+-doped light-emitting films were prepared on the silicon bases.The structural changes of the xerogels and the fluorescence properties of the Tb3+ ions doped were studied by photol</p> <br/>Acta Physica Sinica. 1999 48(9): 1773-1780. Published 1999-09-20 PREPARATION OF Tb3+-ION-DOPED Si-BASED LIGHT-EMITTING MATERIALS WITH SOL-GEL METHOD XIE DA-TAO, WU JIN-GUANG, MA GANG, YAN WEN-FEI, ZHOU WEI-JIN, XU GUANG-XIAN, XU DUAN-FU, TAO JING, QIN GUO-GANG 1999-09-20 Personal use only, all commercial or other reuse prohibited Acta Physica Sinica. 1999 48(9): 1773-1780. article doi:10.7498/aps.48.1773 10.7498/aps.48.1773 Acta Physica Sinica 48 9 1999-09-20 // 1773-1780