Acta Physica Sinica // 必威体育下载 daily 15 2024-08-20 10:33:37 2024-08-20 10:33:37 zh Copyright ©Acta Physica Sinica All Rights Reserved. 京ICP备05002789号-1 Address: PostCode:100190 Phone: 010-82649829,82649241,82649863 Email: Copyright ©Acta Physica Sinica All Rights Reserved 1000-3290 <![CDATA[CALCULATION OF ATOMIC AVERAGE DEGREE OF IONIZATION]]> // Author(s): MENG XU-JUN, SUN YONG-SHENG, LI SHI-CHANG <br/><p>In this paper a detailed method is given to calculate atomic average of ionization in relativistic Hartree-Fock-Slater self-consistent field scheme. As an example,culculations are presented for the Au and Cu atoms at several temperatures (from 20eV to 20keV) and matter densities (from 0.1 D0 to 100D0). The variation of thedegree of ionization following the change of temperature and matter density are discussed.</p> <br/>Acta Physica Sinica. 1994 43(3): 345-350. Published 1994-03-20 Author(s): MENG XU-JUN, SUN YONG-SHENG, LI SHI-CHANG <br/><p>In this paper a detailed method is given to calculate atomic average of ionization in relativistic Hartree-Fock-Slater self-consistent field scheme. As an example,culculations are presented for the Au and Cu atoms at several temperatures (from 20eV to 20keV) and matter densities (from 0.1 D0 to 100D0). The variation of thedegree of ionization following the change of temperature and matter density are discussed.</p> <br/>Acta Physica Sinica. 1994 43(3): 345-350. Published 1994-03-20 CALCULATION OF ATOMIC AVERAGE DEGREE OF IONIZATION MENG XU-JUN, SUN YONG-SHENG, LI SHI-CHANG 1994-03-20 Personal use only, all commercial or other reuse prohibited Acta Physica Sinica. 1994 43(3): 345-350. article doi:10.7498/aps.43.345 10.7498/aps.43.345 Acta Physica Sinica 43 3 1994-03-20 // 345-350 <![CDATA[A STUDY OF ArCN EXCIPLEX (I)——ROHF CALCULATSONS OF ELECTRONIC STATES]]> // Author(s): XIE FANG-QING, HUANG MING-BAO, XIA YU-XING <br/><p>The potential energy curves for six electronic states, X2∑+,A2∏i,B2∑+,C2∏i,D2∑+ and E2∏r of the linear ArCN molecule have been calculated at the ROHF level with the 6-31G* and 6-31G?* basis sets, respectively. The calculation (ROHF) results for the electronic states of ArCN indicate that it is an exciplex. The UHF calculations for the X2∑+ and A2∏i states demonstrate that big spin contaminations in the UHF wavefunctions do not influence the shapes of these two potential energy curves.</p> <br/>Acta Physica Sinica. 1994 43(3): 351-355. Published 1994-03-20 Author(s): XIE FANG-QING, HUANG MING-BAO, XIA YU-XING <br/><p>The potential energy curves for six electronic states, X2∑+,A2∏i,B2∑+,C2∏i,D2∑+ and E2∏r of the linear ArCN molecule have been calculated at the ROHF level with the 6-31G* and 6-31G?* basis sets, respectively. The calculation (ROHF) results for the electronic states of ArCN indicate that it is an exciplex. The UHF calculations for the X2∑+ and A2∏i states demonstrate that big spin contaminations in the UHF wavefunctions do not influence the shapes of these two potential energy curves.</p> <br/>Acta Physica Sinica. 1994 43(3): 351-355. Published 1994-03-20 A STUDY OF ArCN EXCIPLEX (I)——ROHF CALCULATSONS OF ELECTRONIC STATES XIE FANG-QING, HUANG MING-BAO, XIA YU-XING 1994-03-20 Personal use only, all commercial or other reuse prohibited Acta Physica Sinica. 1994 43(3): 351-355. article doi:10.7498/aps.43.351 10.7498/aps.43.351 Acta Physica Sinica 43 3 1994-03-20 // 351-355 <![CDATA[SELECTIVE PHOTOIONIZATION OF ISOTOPIC ATOMS WITH PULSED LASERS]]> // Author(s): DAI CHANG-JIAN, XU CHANG-JIANG <br/><p>The dynamics of isotopically selective interactions between the radiation of three pulsed lasers and atoms with a four-levels scheme has been studied. Starting from the time-dependent Schr?dinger equation with the rotating-wave approximation, we applied Sylvester theorem to the dynamic equations associated with near-and off-resonant excitations, respectively. We obtained the explicit expressions for the four-levels occupation probabilities. The analytic treatment explored the properties of coherent oscillations occurred in the atomic excitatioi. processes with intense mono-chromatic lasers. The conditions under which the population inversion takes place are derived from near-resonant excitations. The criteria to select the basis parameters of pulsed lasers involved in the process are also provided.</p> <br/>Acta Physica Sinica. 1994 43(3): 356-368. Published 1994-03-20 Author(s): DAI CHANG-JIAN, XU CHANG-JIANG <br/><p>The dynamics of isotopically selective interactions between the radiation of three pulsed lasers and atoms with a four-levels scheme has been studied. Starting from the time-dependent Schr?dinger equation with the rotating-wave approximation, we applied Sylvester theorem to the dynamic equations associated with near-and off-resonant excitations, respectively. We obtained the explicit expressions for the four-levels occupation probabilities. The analytic treatment explored the properties of coherent oscillations occurred in the atomic excitatioi. processes with intense mono-chromatic lasers. The conditions under which the population inversion takes place are derived from near-resonant excitations. The criteria to select the basis parameters of pulsed lasers involved in the process are also provided.</p> <br/>Acta Physica Sinica. 1994 43(3): 356-368. Published 1994-03-20 SELECTIVE PHOTOIONIZATION OF ISOTOPIC ATOMS WITH PULSED LASERS DAI CHANG-JIAN, XU CHANG-JIANG 1994-03-20 Personal use only, all commercial or other reuse prohibited Acta Physica Sinica. 1994 43(3): 356-368. article doi:10.7498/aps.43.356 10.7498/aps.43.356 Acta Physica Sinica 43 3 1994-03-20 // 356-368 <![CDATA[INTERACTIONS OF AUTOIONIZING SERIES]]> // Author(s): DAI CHANG-JIAN <br/><p>The interseries interaction of the Mg 3pnd J=3 autoionizing Rydberg series has been studied using multichannel quantum-defect theory. Its impact on the excitation profiles and the autoionization rates has been investigated. The behaviors of the Mg atom and the continuity of the electron's wavefunction near the ionization threshold are examined. The agreement between the calculated antoionizing spectra and the experimental ones is found to be satisfactory.</p> <br/>Acta Physica Sinica. 1994 43(3): 369-379. Published 1994-03-20 Author(s): DAI CHANG-JIAN <br/><p>The interseries interaction of the Mg 3pnd J=3 autoionizing Rydberg series has been studied using multichannel quantum-defect theory. Its impact on the excitation profiles and the autoionization rates has been investigated. The behaviors of the Mg atom and the continuity of the electron's wavefunction near the ionization threshold are examined. The agreement between the calculated antoionizing spectra and the experimental ones is found to be satisfactory.</p> <br/>Acta Physica Sinica. 1994 43(3): 369-379. Published 1994-03-20 INTERACTIONS OF AUTOIONIZING SERIES DAI CHANG-JIAN 1994-03-20 Personal use only, all commercial or other reuse prohibited Acta Physica Sinica. 1994 43(3): 369-379. article doi:10.7498/aps.43.369 10.7498/aps.43.369 Acta Physica Sinica 43 3 1994-03-20 // 369-379 <![CDATA[MEASUREMENTS OF ELECTRON-HELIUM ABSOLUTE TOTAL CROSS SECTIONS FROM I TO 50eV USING A TIME-OF-FLIGHT SPECTROMETER]]> // Author(s): LI TAI-HUA, FENG AN-PING, YANG YONG <br/><p>A time-of-flight (TOF) spectrometer has been developed to measure the absolute total cross sections for electrons scattering with helium and other gases over energy range from 1 to 50 eV. The TOF spectrometer and experimental procedures are described in detail, and the experimental results for electron-helium scattering are presented, together with associated errors. The results are found to be in good agre-ement with other recent experimental and theoretical results.</p> <br/>Acta Physica Sinica. 1994 43(3): 380-388. Published 1994-03-20 Author(s): LI TAI-HUA, FENG AN-PING, YANG YONG <br/><p>A time-of-flight (TOF) spectrometer has been developed to measure the absolute total cross sections for electrons scattering with helium and other gases over energy range from 1 to 50 eV. The TOF spectrometer and experimental procedures are described in detail, and the experimental results for electron-helium scattering are presented, together with associated errors. The results are found to be in good agre-ement with other recent experimental and theoretical results.</p> <br/>Acta Physica Sinica. 1994 43(3): 380-388. Published 1994-03-20 MEASUREMENTS OF ELECTRON-HELIUM ABSOLUTE TOTAL CROSS SECTIONS FROM I TO 50eV USING A TIME-OF-FLIGHT SPECTROMETER LI TAI-HUA, FENG AN-PING, YANG YONG 1994-03-20 Personal use only, all commercial or other reuse prohibited Acta Physica Sinica. 1994 43(3): 380-388. article doi:10.7498/aps.43.380 10.7498/aps.43.380 Acta Physica Sinica 43 3 1994-03-20 // 380-388 <![CDATA[ELECTROMAGNETICALLY-INDUCED TRANSPARENCY: STRONG SIGNAL AND ANTI-SYMMETRICAL DETUNING CASE]]> // Author(s): LUO ZHEN-FEI, XU ZHI-ZHAN, CHEN RONG-QING <br/><p>The equations of atomic density matrix are solved without any approximation when the strong:ignal field and external coherence-driving field are detuned to respective dipole-allowed transition of the Λ atom in such a way that Δ1=-Δ2. Under the equal Rabi frequency (G) condition, it is found that approximate, coherent population trapping appears for small detuning, which leads to the transparency of the medium to the strong signal having an order of O(G-3). If the detuning is G/2, the atom nearly equally populates three levels and the transparency is of only order O(G-1).</p> <br/>Acta Physica Sinica. 1994 43(3): 389-394. Published 1994-03-20 Author(s): LUO ZHEN-FEI, XU ZHI-ZHAN, CHEN RONG-QING <br/><p>The equations of atomic density matrix are solved without any approximation when the strong:ignal field and external coherence-driving field are detuned to respective dipole-allowed transition of the Λ atom in such a way that Δ1=-Δ2. Under the equal Rabi frequency (G) condition, it is found that approximate, coherent population trapping appears for small detuning, which leads to the transparency of the medium to the strong signal having an order of O(G-3). If the detuning is G/2, the atom nearly equally populates three levels and the transparency is of only order O(G-1).</p> <br/>Acta Physica Sinica. 1994 43(3): 389-394. Published 1994-03-20 ELECTROMAGNETICALLY-INDUCED TRANSPARENCY: STRONG SIGNAL AND ANTI-SYMMETRICAL DETUNING CASE LUO ZHEN-FEI, XU ZHI-ZHAN, CHEN RONG-QING 1994-03-20 Personal use only, all commercial or other reuse prohibited Acta Physica Sinica. 1994 43(3): 389-394. article doi:10.7498/aps.43.389 10.7498/aps.43.389 Acta Physica Sinica 43 3 1994-03-20 // 389-394 <![CDATA[SPECTROSCOPIC DIAGNOSTIC RESULTS OF THE IMPROVED PLASMA CONFINEMENT BY LOW HYBRID CURRENT DRIVE]]> // Author(s): HUANG RONG, DENG CHUAN-BAO, XIE JI-KANG, ZHONG FANG-CHUAN, WANG SHU-YA, ZHANG SHOU-YIN, ZHAO JUN-YU <br/><p>The plasma energy and particle confinement could be improved by LHCD in HT-6B tokamak. A multichannel La monitoring system was used for the measure-ment of particle oonfinement in the experiment. The particle confinement time has been increased two to six times by LHCD. There is no apparent relation between the τp increment degree and the input LHW power (10-60 kW). But there is a good correlation between the appearance of improvement and the appearance o: the energetic electrons caused by LHCD. With the measurement of emissivity ratio of OII 441.8 nm and OII 446.6 nm within the plasma edge(r=8.5-11.0 cm for α=12 cm). We discovered that, when improvememt happened, the gradient of electron temperature in plasma edge increased, the same tendency of the change“in the case of H-mode. </p> <br/>Acta Physica Sinica. 1994 43(3): 395-403. Published 1994-03-20 Author(s): HUANG RONG, DENG CHUAN-BAO, XIE JI-KANG, ZHONG FANG-CHUAN, WANG SHU-YA, ZHANG SHOU-YIN, ZHAO JUN-YU <br/><p>The plasma energy and particle confinement could be improved by LHCD in HT-6B tokamak. A multichannel La monitoring system was used for the measure-ment of particle oonfinement in the experiment. The particle confinement time has been increased two to six times by LHCD. There is no apparent relation between the τp increment degree and the input LHW power (10-60 kW). But there is a good correlation between the appearance of improvement and the appearance o: the energetic electrons caused by LHCD. With the measurement of emissivity ratio of OII 441.8 nm and OII 446.6 nm within the plasma edge(r=8.5-11.0 cm for α=12 cm). We discovered that, when improvememt happened, the gradient of electron temperature in plasma edge increased, the same tendency of the change“in the case of H-mode. </p> <br/>Acta Physica Sinica. 1994 43(3): 395-403. Published 1994-03-20 SPECTROSCOPIC DIAGNOSTIC RESULTS OF THE IMPROVED PLASMA CONFINEMENT BY LOW HYBRID CURRENT DRIVE HUANG RONG, DENG CHUAN-BAO, XIE JI-KANG, ZHONG FANG-CHUAN, WANG SHU-YA, ZHANG SHOU-YIN, ZHAO JUN-YU 1994-03-20 Personal use only, all commercial or other reuse prohibited Acta Physica Sinica. 1994 43(3): 395-403. article doi:10.7498/aps.43.395 10.7498/aps.43.395 Acta Physica Sinica 43 3 1994-03-20 // 395-403 <![CDATA[EXPERIMENT STUDY OF THE THERMAL BARRIER FORMED BY SLOSHING ELECTRONS IN A MAGNETIC MIRROR]]> // Author(s): ZHANG JIAN-DE, FANG YU-DE, SHI YI-CAI, NING ZHAO-YUAN, REN ZHAO-XING, QIU LI-JIAN <br/><p>The feasibility of using ECRH to produce sloshing electrons and to form tandem mirror thermal barrier is experimentally studied, and the measurement of plasma potential is presented. Results show that production of sloshing electrons to form thermal barrier by ECRH, is successful.</p> <br/>Acta Physica Sinica. 1994 43(3): 404-410. Published 1994-03-20 Author(s): ZHANG JIAN-DE, FANG YU-DE, SHI YI-CAI, NING ZHAO-YUAN, REN ZHAO-XING, QIU LI-JIAN <br/><p>The feasibility of using ECRH to produce sloshing electrons and to form tandem mirror thermal barrier is experimentally studied, and the measurement of plasma potential is presented. Results show that production of sloshing electrons to form thermal barrier by ECRH, is successful.</p> <br/>Acta Physica Sinica. 1994 43(3): 404-410. Published 1994-03-20 EXPERIMENT STUDY OF THE THERMAL BARRIER FORMED BY SLOSHING ELECTRONS IN A MAGNETIC MIRROR ZHANG JIAN-DE, FANG YU-DE, SHI YI-CAI, NING ZHAO-YUAN, REN ZHAO-XING, QIU LI-JIAN 1994-03-20 Personal use only, all commercial or other reuse prohibited Acta Physica Sinica. 1994 43(3): 404-410. article doi:10.7498/aps.43.404 10.7498/aps.43.404 Acta Physica Sinica 43 3 1994-03-20 // 404-410 <![CDATA[BACKGROUND CORRECTION OF THE SAXS INTENSITIES SCATTERED BY THE AGED METALLIC GLASS]]> // Author(s): MENG ZHAO-FU <br/><p>A new method of background correction of SAXS intensities scattered by the aged metallic glass is proposed. The intensities scattered by the as-quenched sample were taken as the background scattering. This mothod was applied to the background correction of the SAXS intensities scattered by Cu73Sn6Ni6P15 metallic glass aged at 473 K for 4hs. Porod constant K′p=4.6×10-2(nm-3),Qs=1.63(nm-2), specific inner surface Sp=84m2/cm3, and Porod's radius of the crystalline particle Rp=4.4nm were obtained by using this method of backgroud correction.</p> <br/>Acta Physica Sinica. 1994 43(3): 411-415. Published 1994-03-20 Author(s): MENG ZHAO-FU <br/><p>A new method of background correction of SAXS intensities scattered by the aged metallic glass is proposed. The intensities scattered by the as-quenched sample were taken as the background scattering. This mothod was applied to the background correction of the SAXS intensities scattered by Cu73Sn6Ni6P15 metallic glass aged at 473 K for 4hs. Porod constant K′p=4.6×10-2(nm-3),Qs=1.63(nm-2), specific inner surface Sp=84m2/cm3, and Porod's radius of the crystalline particle Rp=4.4nm were obtained by using this method of backgroud correction.</p> <br/>Acta Physica Sinica. 1994 43(3): 411-415. Published 1994-03-20 BACKGROUND CORRECTION OF THE SAXS INTENSITIES SCATTERED BY THE AGED METALLIC GLASS MENG ZHAO-FU 1994-03-20 Personal use only, all commercial or other reuse prohibited Acta Physica Sinica. 1994 43(3): 411-415. article doi:10.7498/aps.43.411 10.7498/aps.43.411 Acta Physica Sinica 43 3 1994-03-20 // 411-415 <![CDATA[ELECTRONIC PROPERTIES OF Ni-Cr QUASILATTICE WITHOUT CENTRAL ROTATIONAL SYMMETRY]]> // Author(s): YANG XIANG-BO, LIU YOU-YAN <br/><p>In the framework of the single-electron tight-binding Hamiltonian, we numerically calculate the electronic spectrum, integrated density of states, and investigate the localization of the electronic states by the use of the generalized first moment, generalized second moment, and the inverse paticipation ratio. It is found that there is no normal degenerate states, and only accidentally degenerate states. Furthermore, all of the states are intermediate ones, there is not any extended state or localized state.</p> <br/>Acta Physica Sinica. 1994 43(3): 416-423. Published 1994-03-20 Author(s): YANG XIANG-BO, LIU YOU-YAN <br/><p>In the framework of the single-electron tight-binding Hamiltonian, we numerically calculate the electronic spectrum, integrated density of states, and investigate the localization of the electronic states by the use of the generalized first moment, generalized second moment, and the inverse paticipation ratio. It is found that there is no normal degenerate states, and only accidentally degenerate states. Furthermore, all of the states are intermediate ones, there is not any extended state or localized state.</p> <br/>Acta Physica Sinica. 1994 43(3): 416-423. Published 1994-03-20 ELECTRONIC PROPERTIES OF Ni-Cr QUASILATTICE WITHOUT CENTRAL ROTATIONAL SYMMETRY YANG XIANG-BO, LIU YOU-YAN 1994-03-20 Personal use only, all commercial or other reuse prohibited Acta Physica Sinica. 1994 43(3): 416-423. article doi:10.7498/aps.43.416 10.7498/aps.43.416 Acta Physica Sinica 43 3 1994-03-20 // 416-423 <![CDATA[THEORETICAL STUDIES ABOUT ELECTRONIC STRUCTURES OF Si3N4 AND Si QUANTUM DOTS]]> // Author(s): ZUO DU-LUO, LI DAO-HUO <br/><p>The studies about the electronic structures of Si3N4 and Si crystalline quantum dots by the tight-binding approximation and the recursion method are presented, in which spherical clusters with high symmetry and optimized surface are used as models of the quantum dots. The variations of the positions of the top of valence band and the bottom of conduction band following the size change of guantum dot are given. The local and average densities of state (DOS) of the central atom in 328-atom Si3N4 quantum dot and 323-atom Si quantum dot have been calculated, and the relations between DOS and spectral structures have been discussed. From the discussions, it is concluded that local DOS of central atom can give good descriptions of optical spectra of quantum dots. which has been proved by experimental results.</p> <br/>Acta Physica Sinica. 1994 43(3): 424-432. Published 1994-03-20 Author(s): ZUO DU-LUO, LI DAO-HUO <br/><p>The studies about the electronic structures of Si3N4 and Si crystalline quantum dots by the tight-binding approximation and the recursion method are presented, in which spherical clusters with high symmetry and optimized surface are used as models of the quantum dots. The variations of the positions of the top of valence band and the bottom of conduction band following the size change of guantum dot are given. The local and average densities of state (DOS) of the central atom in 328-atom Si3N4 quantum dot and 323-atom Si quantum dot have been calculated, and the relations between DOS and spectral structures have been discussed. From the discussions, it is concluded that local DOS of central atom can give good descriptions of optical spectra of quantum dots. which has been proved by experimental results.</p> <br/>Acta Physica Sinica. 1994 43(3): 424-432. Published 1994-03-20 THEORETICAL STUDIES ABOUT ELECTRONIC STRUCTURES OF Si3N4 AND Si QUANTUM DOTS ZUO DU-LUO, LI DAO-HUO 1994-03-20 Personal use only, all commercial or other reuse prohibited Acta Physica Sinica. 1994 43(3): 424-432. article doi:10.7498/aps.43.424 10.7498/aps.43.424 Acta Physica Sinica 43 3 1994-03-20 // 424-432 <![CDATA[A NEW METHOD OF VARIATIONAL CALCULATION FOR POLARON]]> // Author(s): WANG KE-LIN, CHEN QING-HU, WAN SHAO-LONG <br/><p>A new variational method for solving polaron problem is suggested, and the nonlinear differential-integral equation satisfied by variational solution of plolaron has been derived, the numerical result of which is as anticipated by earlier. works.</p> <br/>Acta Physica Sinica. 1994 43(3): 433-437. Published 1994-03-20 Author(s): WANG KE-LIN, CHEN QING-HU, WAN SHAO-LONG <br/><p>A new variational method for solving polaron problem is suggested, and the nonlinear differential-integral equation satisfied by variational solution of plolaron has been derived, the numerical result of which is as anticipated by earlier. works.</p> <br/>Acta Physica Sinica. 1994 43(3): 433-437. Published 1994-03-20 A NEW METHOD OF VARIATIONAL CALCULATION FOR POLARON WANG KE-LIN, CHEN QING-HU, WAN SHAO-LONG 1994-03-20 Personal use only, all commercial or other reuse prohibited Acta Physica Sinica. 1994 43(3): 433-437. article doi:10.7498/aps.43.433 10.7498/aps.43.433 Acta Physica Sinica 43 3 1994-03-20 // 433-437 <![CDATA[PERSISTENT CURRENTS IN MESOSCOPIC HOLLOW CYLINDERS——EXSOT SOLUTIONS OF TIGHT BANDING MODELS]]> // Author(s): DENG WEN-JI, LIU YOU-YAN, GONG CHANG-DE <br/><p>The formula of one-electron theory for the circulating currents in normal metal hollow cylinders, threaded by magnetic flux of Aharonov-Bohm type, is proven. The form of it is independent of either the shape of cylinder or the properties of carriers (charge and mass). The exact solutions of energyeigen values and wave-functions have been obtained for the perfect lattice case. We have also studied the periodicity of currents varying with the magnetic flux and the increasing tendency of current amplitudes with the height and thickness of cylinder wall. A number of new results have obtained in this work.</p> <br/>Acta Physica Sinica. 1994 43(3): 438-449. Published 1994-03-20 Author(s): DENG WEN-JI, LIU YOU-YAN, GONG CHANG-DE <br/><p>The formula of one-electron theory for the circulating currents in normal metal hollow cylinders, threaded by magnetic flux of Aharonov-Bohm type, is proven. The form of it is independent of either the shape of cylinder or the properties of carriers (charge and mass). The exact solutions of energyeigen values and wave-functions have been obtained for the perfect lattice case. We have also studied the periodicity of currents varying with the magnetic flux and the increasing tendency of current amplitudes with the height and thickness of cylinder wall. A number of new results have obtained in this work.</p> <br/>Acta Physica Sinica. 1994 43(3): 438-449. Published 1994-03-20 PERSISTENT CURRENTS IN MESOSCOPIC HOLLOW CYLINDERS——EXSOT SOLUTIONS OF TIGHT BANDING MODELS DENG WEN-JI, LIU YOU-YAN, GONG CHANG-DE 1994-03-20 Personal use only, all commercial or other reuse prohibited Acta Physica Sinica. 1994 43(3): 438-449. article doi:10.7498/aps.43.438 10.7498/aps.43.438 Acta Physica Sinica 43 3 1994-03-20 // 438-449 <![CDATA[STRUCTURE AND INTRINSIC MAGNETIC PROPERTIES OF NdFe10M2(M=Mo, Cr) CARBIDES AND NITRIDES]]> // Author(s): QI SHOU-REN, QIN JIA-YIN, WANG GUANG-JUN, RAO XIAO-LEI, LIU GUI-CHUAN, HU BO-PING <br/><p>The intermetallic compound NdFe10M2Zx(M一Mo, Cr, Z一C, N) were prepared by gas-solid reaction of fine powder of parent alloys in purified C2H2 or N2 gas. Then the structure and intrinsic magnetic properties were studied. The contribution of different interstitial atoms is different for magnetic properties of NdFe10M2 materials. NdFe10M2Zx exhibits uniaxial anisotropy. The M?ssbauer effect is also studied.</p> <br/>Acta Physica Sinica. 1994 43(3): 450-457. Published 1994-03-20 Author(s): QI SHOU-REN, QIN JIA-YIN, WANG GUANG-JUN, RAO XIAO-LEI, LIU GUI-CHUAN, HU BO-PING <br/><p>The intermetallic compound NdFe10M2Zx(M一Mo, Cr, Z一C, N) were prepared by gas-solid reaction of fine powder of parent alloys in purified C2H2 or N2 gas. Then the structure and intrinsic magnetic properties were studied. The contribution of different interstitial atoms is different for magnetic properties of NdFe10M2 materials. NdFe10M2Zx exhibits uniaxial anisotropy. The M?ssbauer effect is also studied.</p> <br/>Acta Physica Sinica. 1994 43(3): 450-457. Published 1994-03-20 STRUCTURE AND INTRINSIC MAGNETIC PROPERTIES OF NdFe10M2(M=Mo, Cr) CARBIDES AND NITRIDES QI SHOU-REN, QIN JIA-YIN, WANG GUANG-JUN, RAO XIAO-LEI, LIU GUI-CHUAN, HU BO-PING 1994-03-20 Personal use only, all commercial or other reuse prohibited Acta Physica Sinica. 1994 43(3): 450-457. article doi:10.7498/aps.43.450 10.7498/aps.43.450 Acta Physica Sinica 43 3 1994-03-20 // 450-457 <![CDATA[MAGNETIC PROPERTIES AND M?SSBAUER STUDY OF THE Sm2Fe17-xMoxC COMPOUNDS]]> // Author(s): XING FENG, HE WEN-WANG, SUN JI-JUN, YANG CHUN-LI, LI FA-SHEN <br/><p>Intrinsic properties and M?ssbauer effects of the compounds in Sm2Fe17-xMoxC system were investigated. The substitution of Mo for Fe led to an increase of Tc, HAand iHc with a maximum at about x = 0.6. M?ssbauer analysis showed that the Mo atoms preferentially occupied the 18h sites in the Th2Zn17 structure.</p> <br/>Acta Physica Sinica. 1994 43(3): 458-464. Published 1994-03-20 Author(s): XING FENG, HE WEN-WANG, SUN JI-JUN, YANG CHUN-LI, LI FA-SHEN <br/><p>Intrinsic properties and M?ssbauer effects of the compounds in Sm2Fe17-xMoxC system were investigated. The substitution of Mo for Fe led to an increase of Tc, HAand iHc with a maximum at about x = 0.6. M?ssbauer analysis showed that the Mo atoms preferentially occupied the 18h sites in the Th2Zn17 structure.</p> <br/>Acta Physica Sinica. 1994 43(3): 458-464. Published 1994-03-20 MAGNETIC PROPERTIES AND M?SSBAUER STUDY OF THE Sm2Fe17-xMoxC COMPOUNDS XING FENG, HE WEN-WANG, SUN JI-JUN, YANG CHUN-LI, LI FA-SHEN 1994-03-20 Personal use only, all commercial or other reuse prohibited Acta Physica Sinica. 1994 43(3): 458-464. article doi:10.7498/aps.43.458 10.7498/aps.43.458 Acta Physica Sinica 43 3 1994-03-20 // 458-464 <![CDATA[HYPERFINE INTERACTION STUDY ON Bi-BASED SUPERCONDUCTOR]]> // Author(s): LI YANG, CAO GUO-HUI, MA RU-ZHANG <br/><p>The dynamic studys of the lattice vibrational behaviors and hyperfine interactions on the Bi-based high-Tc superconductors are conducted by means of M?ssbauer measurement. The recoilless fractors show that there is a significant lattice softening on Cu-O layers, above superconducting temperature, around 120 and 200K respe-ctively. Such anomalous behavior is thought to be a precursor effect of supercondu-ctivity. The recoilless fractors and the isomer shifts show that the Debye tempera-ture ΘD=310-350K. Based on the measurement of isomer shift, quatrupole spli-tting and spectroscopy width. it can be seen that both softening of lattice vibrational modes and delocalization effect on d-electron orbits exsist.</p> <br/>Acta Physica Sinica. 1994 43(3): 465-475. Published 1994-03-20 Author(s): LI YANG, CAO GUO-HUI, MA RU-ZHANG <br/><p>The dynamic studys of the lattice vibrational behaviors and hyperfine interactions on the Bi-based high-Tc superconductors are conducted by means of M?ssbauer measurement. The recoilless fractors show that there is a significant lattice softening on Cu-O layers, above superconducting temperature, around 120 and 200K respe-ctively. Such anomalous behavior is thought to be a precursor effect of supercondu-ctivity. The recoilless fractors and the isomer shifts show that the Debye tempera-ture ΘD=310-350K. Based on the measurement of isomer shift, quatrupole spli-tting and spectroscopy width. it can be seen that both softening of lattice vibrational modes and delocalization effect on d-electron orbits exsist.</p> <br/>Acta Physica Sinica. 1994 43(3): 465-475. Published 1994-03-20 HYPERFINE INTERACTION STUDY ON Bi-BASED SUPERCONDUCTOR LI YANG, CAO GUO-HUI, MA RU-ZHANG 1994-03-20 Personal use only, all commercial or other reuse prohibited Acta Physica Sinica. 1994 43(3): 465-475. article doi:10.7498/aps.43.465 10.7498/aps.43.465 Acta Physica Sinica 43 3 1994-03-20 // 465-475 <![CDATA[THEORETICAL ANALYSIS OF Z scan IN THICK OPTICAL NONLINEAR MEDIA]]> // Author(s): ZANG WEI-PING, TIAN JIAN-GUO, ZHANG GUANG-YIN <br/><p>Using Gaussian decomposition method, we theoretically analysed Z-scan in thick optical nonlinear media. Useful results are obtained for experimenters searching high performance optical nonlinear materials and designing optical limiter.</p> <br/>Acta Physica Sinica. 1994 43(3): 476-482. Published 1994-03-20 Author(s): ZANG WEI-PING, TIAN JIAN-GUO, ZHANG GUANG-YIN <br/><p>Using Gaussian decomposition method, we theoretically analysed Z-scan in thick optical nonlinear media. Useful results are obtained for experimenters searching high performance optical nonlinear materials and designing optical limiter.</p> <br/>Acta Physica Sinica. 1994 43(3): 476-482. Published 1994-03-20 THEORETICAL ANALYSIS OF Z scan IN THICK OPTICAL NONLINEAR MEDIA ZANG WEI-PING, TIAN JIAN-GUO, ZHANG GUANG-YIN 1994-03-20 Personal use only, all commercial or other reuse prohibited Acta Physica Sinica. 1994 43(3): 476-482. article doi:10.7498/aps.43.476 10.7498/aps.43.476 Acta Physica Sinica 43 3 1994-03-20 // 476-482 <![CDATA[RELATION BETWEEN THE INTRINSIC AND ENHANCED KERR ROTATION OF BILAYER FILMS]]> // Author(s): FANG RUI-YI, PENG CHU-BING, LONG PING, DAI DAO-SHENG <br/><p>Based on the universal additivity law of the interference light an analytic representation for the relation between the enhanced Kerr rotation θk and the intrinsic Kerr rotation θ0k of the magneto-optical materials is obtained theoreticallv for a bila yer films-the difference between the measured herr rotation θk and intrinsic Kerr rotation θ0k is pointed out for the case where an incident fight goes through the glass substrate onto the magneto-optical film, a simple method for measuring the intrinsic of Kerr rotation θ0k is given. 4) the physical reason about the enhancement Kerr ro tation θk by the dielectric medium is discussed, and the reprcsrntation of the enhanced Kerr rotation θk for a bilayer system with plasma absorption edge is deduced theoretically.</p> <br/>Acta Physica Sinica. 1994 43(3): 483-493. Published 1994-03-20 Author(s): FANG RUI-YI, PENG CHU-BING, LONG PING, DAI DAO-SHENG <br/><p>Based on the universal additivity law of the interference light an analytic representation for the relation between the enhanced Kerr rotation θk and the intrinsic Kerr rotation θ0k of the magneto-optical materials is obtained theoreticallv for a bila yer films-the difference between the measured herr rotation θk and intrinsic Kerr rotation θ0k is pointed out for the case where an incident fight goes through the glass substrate onto the magneto-optical film, a simple method for measuring the intrinsic of Kerr rotation θ0k is given. 4) the physical reason about the enhancement Kerr ro tation θk by the dielectric medium is discussed, and the reprcsrntation of the enhanced Kerr rotation θk for a bilayer system with plasma absorption edge is deduced theoretically.</p> <br/>Acta Physica Sinica. 1994 43(3): 483-493. Published 1994-03-20 RELATION BETWEEN THE INTRINSIC AND ENHANCED KERR ROTATION OF BILAYER FILMS FANG RUI-YI, PENG CHU-BING, LONG PING, DAI DAO-SHENG 1994-03-20 Personal use only, all commercial or other reuse prohibited Acta Physica Sinica. 1994 43(3): 483-493. article doi:10.7498/aps.43.483 10.7498/aps.43.483 Acta Physica Sinica 43 3 1994-03-20 // 483-493 <![CDATA[EFFECT OF PHONON CONFINEMENT AND STRAIN ON RAMAN SPECTRA FROM LIGHT-EMITTING POROUS SILICON]]> // Author(s): YANG MIN, HUANG DA-MING, HAO PING-HAI, ZHANG FU-LONG, HOU XIAO-YUAN, WANG XUN <br/><p>The typical Raman spectrum from light-emitting porous silicon shows a sharp peak near 520cm-1. The peak wavenumber decreases with the increase of porosity. The lineshape analysis shows that both phonon confinment and strain effects in nanocrystal silicon must be taken into account for the measured Raman spectra. The strain in porous silicon film is estimated and the result is consistent with that given by X-ray diffraction studies. No light scattering from amorphous phase is observed.</p> <br/>Acta Physica Sinica. 1994 43(3): 494-498. Published 1994-03-20 Author(s): YANG MIN, HUANG DA-MING, HAO PING-HAI, ZHANG FU-LONG, HOU XIAO-YUAN, WANG XUN <br/><p>The typical Raman spectrum from light-emitting porous silicon shows a sharp peak near 520cm-1. The peak wavenumber decreases with the increase of porosity. The lineshape analysis shows that both phonon confinment and strain effects in nanocrystal silicon must be taken into account for the measured Raman spectra. The strain in porous silicon film is estimated and the result is consistent with that given by X-ray diffraction studies. No light scattering from amorphous phase is observed.</p> <br/>Acta Physica Sinica. 1994 43(3): 494-498. Published 1994-03-20 EFFECT OF PHONON CONFINEMENT AND STRAIN ON RAMAN SPECTRA FROM LIGHT-EMITTING POROUS SILICON YANG MIN, HUANG DA-MING, HAO PING-HAI, ZHANG FU-LONG, HOU XIAO-YUAN, WANG XUN 1994-03-20 Personal use only, all commercial or other reuse prohibited Acta Physica Sinica. 1994 43(3): 494-498. article doi:10.7498/aps.43.494 10.7498/aps.43.494 Acta Physica Sinica 43 3 1994-03-20 // 494-498 <![CDATA[IMPROVEMENT OF THE STABILITY OF POROUS SILICON BY CHEMICAL METHOD]]> // Author(s): ZHANG FU-LONG, HOU XIAO-YUAN, YANG MIN, HUANG DA-MING, WANG XUN <br/><p>Porous silicon of low porosity was oxidized in boiling HNO3 solution. Photo-luminescence, microluminescence and SEM studies show that the stability and the uniformity of the sample were greatly improved by such a treatment. This is a new method much easier to control than rapid thermal oxidation.</p> <br/>Acta Physica Sinica. 1994 43(3): 499-504. Published 1994-03-20 Author(s): ZHANG FU-LONG, HOU XIAO-YUAN, YANG MIN, HUANG DA-MING, WANG XUN <br/><p>Porous silicon of low porosity was oxidized in boiling HNO3 solution. Photo-luminescence, microluminescence and SEM studies show that the stability and the uniformity of the sample were greatly improved by such a treatment. This is a new method much easier to control than rapid thermal oxidation.</p> <br/>Acta Physica Sinica. 1994 43(3): 499-504. Published 1994-03-20 IMPROVEMENT OF THE STABILITY OF POROUS SILICON BY CHEMICAL METHOD ZHANG FU-LONG, HOU XIAO-YUAN, YANG MIN, HUANG DA-MING, WANG XUN 1994-03-20 Personal use only, all commercial or other reuse prohibited Acta Physica Sinica. 1994 43(3): 499-504. article doi:10.7498/aps.43.499 10.7498/aps.43.499 Acta Physica Sinica 43 3 1994-03-20 // 499-504 <![CDATA[SINGLE PARAMETER DESCRIPTION OF THE TRANSPORT OF LIGHT IONS WITH LOW ENERGY]]> // Author(s): LUO ZHENG-MING, HOU QING <br/><p>An important feature for light ions with low energy is that their transport behaviour might be determined by a simple parameter, We have found that the ion scaled transport cross section a, is such a parameter. The one to one corresponde-ace between a, and ion transport behaviour reflects the inherent similarity among some ion target-energy combination. In the present paper, the definition of the scaled transport cross section is given, and the theoreilcal basis of the scaled parameter determining ion transport behaviour is formulated. Furthermore, the interesting fea-ture has been checked and verified by our numerous transport calculations. Two empirical formulae for particle reflection coefficient and average projected range are given, in which the scaled transport cross section is taken as argument.</p> <br/>Acta Physica Sinica. 1994 43(3): 505-515. Published 1994-03-20 Author(s): LUO ZHENG-MING, HOU QING <br/><p>An important feature for light ions with low energy is that their transport behaviour might be determined by a simple parameter, We have found that the ion scaled transport cross section a, is such a parameter. The one to one corresponde-ace between a, and ion transport behaviour reflects the inherent similarity among some ion target-energy combination. In the present paper, the definition of the scaled transport cross section is given, and the theoreilcal basis of the scaled parameter determining ion transport behaviour is formulated. Furthermore, the interesting fea-ture has been checked and verified by our numerous transport calculations. Two empirical formulae for particle reflection coefficient and average projected range are given, in which the scaled transport cross section is taken as argument.</p> <br/>Acta Physica Sinica. 1994 43(3): 505-515. Published 1994-03-20 SINGLE PARAMETER DESCRIPTION OF THE TRANSPORT OF LIGHT IONS WITH LOW ENERGY LUO ZHENG-MING, HOU QING 1994-03-20 Personal use only, all commercial or other reuse prohibited Acta Physica Sinica. 1994 43(3): 505-515. article doi:10.7498/aps.43.505 10.7498/aps.43.505 Acta Physica Sinica 43 3 1994-03-20 // 505-515 <![CDATA[EFFECTS OF INTERCHAIN COUPLING ON THE ENERGY SPECTRA AND THE LOCALIZED MODES OF SOLITON 1N POLYACETYLENE]]> // Author(s): AN ZHONG, LI ZHAN-JIE, LIU ZU-LI, YAO KAI-LUN <br/><p>The effects of interchain coupling on the energy spectra and the localized modes around soliton have been studied based on a generalized SSH model including the interehain electronic transfer term. Duo to the interchain coupling, the soliton level shifts from the center of forbidden gap, and the symmetry of energy spectra is destroyed. The localized modes obtained from SSH model are splitted and their frequencies are changed. Besides, the change of freqencies is also related to the different relative ordering of the two neighboring chains, and different solitons in the two chains.</p> <br/>Acta Physica Sinica. 1994 43(3): 516-520. Published 1994-03-20 Author(s): AN ZHONG, LI ZHAN-JIE, LIU ZU-LI, YAO KAI-LUN <br/><p>The effects of interchain coupling on the energy spectra and the localized modes around soliton have been studied based on a generalized SSH model including the interehain electronic transfer term. Duo to the interchain coupling, the soliton level shifts from the center of forbidden gap, and the symmetry of energy spectra is destroyed. The localized modes obtained from SSH model are splitted and their frequencies are changed. Besides, the change of freqencies is also related to the different relative ordering of the two neighboring chains, and different solitons in the two chains.</p> <br/>Acta Physica Sinica. 1994 43(3): 516-520. Published 1994-03-20 EFFECTS OF INTERCHAIN COUPLING ON THE ENERGY SPECTRA AND THE LOCALIZED MODES OF SOLITON 1N POLYACETYLENE AN ZHONG, LI ZHAN-JIE, LIU ZU-LI, YAO KAI-LUN 1994-03-20 Personal use only, all commercial or other reuse prohibited Acta Physica Sinica. 1994 43(3): 516-520. article doi:10.7498/aps.43.516 10.7498/aps.43.516 Acta Physica Sinica 43 3 1994-03-20 // 516-520