Acta Physica Sinica // 必威体育下载 daily 15 2024-08-20 10:33:37 2024-08-20 10:33:37 zh Copyright ©Acta Physica Sinica All Rights Reserved. 京ICP备05002789号-1 Address: PostCode:100190 Phone: 010-82649829,82649241,82649863 Email: Copyright ©Acta Physica Sinica All Rights Reserved 1000-3290 <![CDATA[UNIFORMIZATION IN RIEMANN SURFACES AND LIOUVILLE FIELD THEORY]]> // Author(s): SHEN JIAN-MIN, SHENG ZHENG-MAO, LI YOU-QUAN <br/><p>The monodromy of Liouville field in the punctured Riemann sphere is disc us-sed. The exchange algebras and exchange matrix of the field are obtained by means of uniformization in Liouville theory. A relation between the exchange matrix and SL(2n,R) is also presented.</p> <br/>Acta Physica Sinica. 1993 42(1): 1-8. Published 2005-07-10 Author(s): SHEN JIAN-MIN, SHENG ZHENG-MAO, LI YOU-QUAN <br/><p>The monodromy of Liouville field in the punctured Riemann sphere is disc us-sed. The exchange algebras and exchange matrix of the field are obtained by means of uniformization in Liouville theory. A relation between the exchange matrix and SL(2n,R) is also presented.</p> <br/>Acta Physica Sinica. 1993 42(1): 1-8. Published 2005-07-10 UNIFORMIZATION IN RIEMANN SURFACES AND LIOUVILLE FIELD THEORY SHEN JIAN-MIN, SHENG ZHENG-MAO, LI YOU-QUAN 2005-07-10 Personal use only, all commercial or other reuse prohibited Acta Physica Sinica. 1993 42(1): 1-8. article doi:10.7498/aps.42.1 10.7498/aps.42.1 Acta Physica Sinica 42 1 2005-07-10 // 1-8 <![CDATA[RELATIVISTIC MICROSCOPIC OPTICAL POTENTIALS FOR NUCLEON-NUCLEUS IN THE IMPROVED LOCAL DENSITY APPROXIMATION]]> // Author(s): ZHU PING, XU JIA-BAO, GAO QIN <br/><p>Based on Walecka model, the refativistic microscopic optical potentials (RMOP) for nu-cleon-nucleus are investigated in the improved local density approximation (ILDA). The RMOP in ILDA, which include the effect of interaction range, are obtained by folding RMOP in LDA with Gaussian form factors. The parameters in Gaussian form factors are adjusted to fit the empirical values of the volume integral and root mean squar radius of the optical potential for p-Ca. By analysing the elastic scattering of proton from nuclei, we get a better agreement of ILDA with experiment data than that of LDA.</p> <br/>Acta Physica Sinica. 1993 42(1): 9-16. Published 2005-07-10 Author(s): ZHU PING, XU JIA-BAO, GAO QIN <br/><p>Based on Walecka model, the refativistic microscopic optical potentials (RMOP) for nu-cleon-nucleus are investigated in the improved local density approximation (ILDA). The RMOP in ILDA, which include the effect of interaction range, are obtained by folding RMOP in LDA with Gaussian form factors. The parameters in Gaussian form factors are adjusted to fit the empirical values of the volume integral and root mean squar radius of the optical potential for p-Ca. By analysing the elastic scattering of proton from nuclei, we get a better agreement of ILDA with experiment data than that of LDA.</p> <br/>Acta Physica Sinica. 1993 42(1): 9-16. Published 2005-07-10 RELATIVISTIC MICROSCOPIC OPTICAL POTENTIALS FOR NUCLEON-NUCLEUS IN THE IMPROVED LOCAL DENSITY APPROXIMATION ZHU PING, XU JIA-BAO, GAO QIN 2005-07-10 Personal use only, all commercial or other reuse prohibited Acta Physica Sinica. 1993 42(1): 9-16. article doi:10.7498/aps.42.9 10.7498/aps.42.9 Acta Physica Sinica 42 1 2005-07-10 // 9-16 <![CDATA[A STUDY OF THE SYSTEMATICS FOR (n,T) AND (n, 3He) REACTION CROSS SECTIONS AT 14 MeV]]> // Author(s): YAO LI-SHAN, JIN YU-LING, CAI DUN-JIU <br/><p>The systematics charaters of the (n,T) and (n,3He)reaction cross sections have been studied. On the basis of odd-even effect, the systematics formulae of the reaction cross sections are obtained as σu,q=(A1/3+1)2aexp[β(N-Z+δ)/A]. A set of fitting empirical para meters by using the least square method are extracted. For the (n,T) reactions, α and β values are 327.602, 9.592 and -24.495,-14.038, respectively; for (n,3He) reactions, α and β values are 0.918 and -11.340, respectiv ely The (n, T) and (n, 3He) reaction cross sections of some nuclei are calculated by using the theoretical model, and a good agreement with existing data are obtained. In addition, the Ω-value effect and possible reaction mechanism are also discussed.</p> <br/>Acta Physica Sinica. 1993 42(1): 17-24. Published 2005-07-10 Author(s): YAO LI-SHAN, JIN YU-LING, CAI DUN-JIU <br/><p>The systematics charaters of the (n,T) and (n,3He)reaction cross sections have been studied. On the basis of odd-even effect, the systematics formulae of the reaction cross sections are obtained as σu,q=(A1/3+1)2aexp[β(N-Z+δ)/A]. A set of fitting empirical para meters by using the least square method are extracted. For the (n,T) reactions, α and β values are 327.602, 9.592 and -24.495,-14.038, respectively; for (n,3He) reactions, α and β values are 0.918 and -11.340, respectiv ely The (n, T) and (n, 3He) reaction cross sections of some nuclei are calculated by using the theoretical model, and a good agreement with existing data are obtained. In addition, the Ω-value effect and possible reaction mechanism are also discussed.</p> <br/>Acta Physica Sinica. 1993 42(1): 17-24. Published 2005-07-10 A STUDY OF THE SYSTEMATICS FOR (n,T) AND (n, 3He) REACTION CROSS SECTIONS AT 14 MeV YAO LI-SHAN, JIN YU-LING, CAI DUN-JIU 2005-07-10 Personal use only, all commercial or other reuse prohibited Acta Physica Sinica. 1993 42(1): 17-24. article doi:10.7498/aps.42.17 10.7498/aps.42.17 Acta Physica Sinica 42 1 2005-07-10 // 17-24 <![CDATA[ELECTRONIC STRUCTURE OF MOLECULAR RYDBERG STATES OF SOME SMALL MOLECULES AND MOLECULAR ION]]> // Author(s): SUN BIAO, LI JIA-MING <br/><p>Based on an independent-particle-approximation (i.e. the multiplescattering self-consistent-field theory), we studied the electronic structures of Rydberg states of the small diatomic molecules H2, He2 and the He2+ molecular ion. The principal quantum number of the first state of the Rydberg series is determined from a convention of the limit of the molecular electronic configuration. The dynamics of the excited molecules and molecular ion has been elucidated. Our theoretical results are in fair agreement with the existing experimental measurements, thus they can serve as a reliable basis for future refined treatment such as the configuration interaction calculation.</p> <br/>Acta Physica Sinica. 1993 42(1): 25-31. Published 1993-01-20 Author(s): SUN BIAO, LI JIA-MING <br/><p>Based on an independent-particle-approximation (i.e. the multiplescattering self-consistent-field theory), we studied the electronic structures of Rydberg states of the small diatomic molecules H2, He2 and the He2+ molecular ion. The principal quantum number of the first state of the Rydberg series is determined from a convention of the limit of the molecular electronic configuration. The dynamics of the excited molecules and molecular ion has been elucidated. Our theoretical results are in fair agreement with the existing experimental measurements, thus they can serve as a reliable basis for future refined treatment such as the configuration interaction calculation.</p> <br/>Acta Physica Sinica. 1993 42(1): 25-31. Published 1993-01-20 ELECTRONIC STRUCTURE OF MOLECULAR RYDBERG STATES OF SOME SMALL MOLECULES AND MOLECULAR ION SUN BIAO, LI JIA-MING 1993-01-20 Personal use only, all commercial or other reuse prohibited Acta Physica Sinica. 1993 42(1): 25-31. article doi:10.7498/aps.42.25 10.7498/aps.42.25 Acta Physica Sinica 42 1 1993-01-20 // 25-31 <![CDATA[ASSOCIATIVE IONIZATION OCCURRING IN COLLISIONS BETWEEN TWO Na(3P) ATOMS]]> // Author(s): SHEN YI-FAN, LI WAN-XIN <br/><p>We have measured the cross section [σAl=4.2×10-17cm2±36%] for associative ioniza-tion occurring in collisions between two Na(3P) atoms, by measuring the current reselting from excitation of Na vapor with CW-laser radiation. The major experimental difficulty in measurements of this type is in the determination of the number density and spatial distribution of excited atoms. Here we have measured the excited-atom density by three independent methods, and we have studied the spatial distribution of excited atoms in detail. We have compared the cross section obtained by us at =523k with other experimental results.</p> <br/>Acta Physica Sinica. 1993 42(1): 32-39. Published 2005-07-10 Author(s): SHEN YI-FAN, LI WAN-XIN <br/><p>We have measured the cross section [σAl=4.2×10-17cm2±36%] for associative ioniza-tion occurring in collisions between two Na(3P) atoms, by measuring the current reselting from excitation of Na vapor with CW-laser radiation. The major experimental difficulty in measurements of this type is in the determination of the number density and spatial distribution of excited atoms. Here we have measured the excited-atom density by three independent methods, and we have studied the spatial distribution of excited atoms in detail. We have compared the cross section obtained by us at =523k with other experimental results.</p> <br/>Acta Physica Sinica. 1993 42(1): 32-39. Published 2005-07-10 ASSOCIATIVE IONIZATION OCCURRING IN COLLISIONS BETWEEN TWO Na(3P) ATOMS SHEN YI-FAN, LI WAN-XIN 2005-07-10 Personal use only, all commercial or other reuse prohibited Acta Physica Sinica. 1993 42(1): 32-39. article doi:10.7498/aps.42.32 10.7498/aps.42.32 Acta Physica Sinica 42 1 2005-07-10 // 32-39 <![CDATA[ELECTRON IMPACT IONIZATION CROSS SECTIONS OF BORON-LIKE IONS]]> // Author(s): FANG DU-FEI, WANG YAN-SEN, HU WEI, GAO HAI-BIN, LU FU-QUAN <br/><p>By using a distorted-wave Born exchange approximation, the direct ionizarion cross section of boron-like ions by electron impact have been calculated. The interferences between direct and exchange amplitudes make important contribution in the process of ionization. The calculated results indicate that the "Natural Phase" approximation is better than the "Maximum Interference" approximation, while the latter agrees better with experiments for some other species of ions. Compared with Coulomb-Born approximation of Moores et al., our calculation gives better agreement with the experiment data available.</p> <br/>Acta Physica Sinica. 1993 42(1): 40-45. Published 2005-07-10 Author(s): FANG DU-FEI, WANG YAN-SEN, HU WEI, GAO HAI-BIN, LU FU-QUAN <br/><p>By using a distorted-wave Born exchange approximation, the direct ionizarion cross section of boron-like ions by electron impact have been calculated. The interferences between direct and exchange amplitudes make important contribution in the process of ionization. The calculated results indicate that the "Natural Phase" approximation is better than the "Maximum Interference" approximation, while the latter agrees better with experiments for some other species of ions. Compared with Coulomb-Born approximation of Moores et al., our calculation gives better agreement with the experiment data available.</p> <br/>Acta Physica Sinica. 1993 42(1): 40-45. Published 2005-07-10 ELECTRON IMPACT IONIZATION CROSS SECTIONS OF BORON-LIKE IONS FANG DU-FEI, WANG YAN-SEN, HU WEI, GAO HAI-BIN, LU FU-QUAN 2005-07-10 Personal use only, all commercial or other reuse prohibited Acta Physica Sinica. 1993 42(1): 40-45. article doi:10.7498/aps.42.40 10.7498/aps.42.40 Acta Physica Sinica 42 1 2005-07-10 // 40-45 <![CDATA[INVESTIGATION OF a-C:H FILMS DEPOSITED ON SILICON SOLAR CELL AS ANTIREFLECTIVE COATING]]> // Author(s): XIA YI-BEN, AN QI-LIN, JU JIAN-HUA, SHI WEI-MIN, WANG HONG <br/><p>α-C:H films produced on various substrate materials by using radio frequency plasma vapor deposition method have been analysed by Raman spectroscopy, indicating both diamond-like and diamond phases appear in these films. After analysing the transmittance and the refractive index of the films in the visible range, we suggest that the deposited film on silicon solar cell can be used as antireflective coating. The spectrum response value of the solar cell can be improved obviously over a wide range of wavelength from 0.55 to 1.0 μm and the short-circuit cxurent(lsc) of the solar cell is increased by 38% over the uncoated ones.</p> <br/>Acta Physica Sinica. 1993 42(1): 46-50. Published 2005-07-10 Author(s): XIA YI-BEN, AN QI-LIN, JU JIAN-HUA, SHI WEI-MIN, WANG HONG <br/><p>α-C:H films produced on various substrate materials by using radio frequency plasma vapor deposition method have been analysed by Raman spectroscopy, indicating both diamond-like and diamond phases appear in these films. After analysing the transmittance and the refractive index of the films in the visible range, we suggest that the deposited film on silicon solar cell can be used as antireflective coating. The spectrum response value of the solar cell can be improved obviously over a wide range of wavelength from 0.55 to 1.0 μm and the short-circuit cxurent(lsc) of the solar cell is increased by 38% over the uncoated ones.</p> <br/>Acta Physica Sinica. 1993 42(1): 46-50. Published 2005-07-10 INVESTIGATION OF a-C:H FILMS DEPOSITED ON SILICON SOLAR CELL AS ANTIREFLECTIVE COATING XIA YI-BEN, AN QI-LIN, JU JIAN-HUA, SHI WEI-MIN, WANG HONG 2005-07-10 Personal use only, all commercial or other reuse prohibited Acta Physica Sinica. 1993 42(1): 46-50. article doi:10.7498/aps.42.46 10.7498/aps.42.46 Acta Physica Sinica 42 1 2005-07-10 // 46-50 <![CDATA[LENGTH-BIT-RATE PRODUCT LIMIT DUE TO GAIN NOISE IN OPTICAL SOLITON COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS]]> // Author(s): YANG XIANG-LIN, CHEN JIAN <br/><p>The system's product of length with bit rate is limited by the Gordon-Haus effect of pulse arrival time in the all-optical soliton communication systems with energy compensated periodically. We analyze effect of perturbation on the group velocity shift in a lossy fiber, and jitter of the soliton arrival time caused by gain noise in a lumped or distributed energy compensated system. The maximum length-bit-rate product is thus estimated. The result shows that in a practical system the maximum length-bit-rate product in a distributed energy compensated system is generally over twice as much as that in a lumped one.</p> <br/>Acta Physica Sinica. 1993 42(1): 51-57. Published 2005-07-10 Author(s): YANG XIANG-LIN, CHEN JIAN <br/><p>The system's product of length with bit rate is limited by the Gordon-Haus effect of pulse arrival time in the all-optical soliton communication systems with energy compensated periodically. We analyze effect of perturbation on the group velocity shift in a lossy fiber, and jitter of the soliton arrival time caused by gain noise in a lumped or distributed energy compensated system. The maximum length-bit-rate product is thus estimated. The result shows that in a practical system the maximum length-bit-rate product in a distributed energy compensated system is generally over twice as much as that in a lumped one.</p> <br/>Acta Physica Sinica. 1993 42(1): 51-57. Published 2005-07-10 LENGTH-BIT-RATE PRODUCT LIMIT DUE TO GAIN NOISE IN OPTICAL SOLITON COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS YANG XIANG-LIN, CHEN JIAN 2005-07-10 Personal use only, all commercial or other reuse prohibited Acta Physica Sinica. 1993 42(1): 51-57. article doi:10.7498/aps.42.51 10.7498/aps.42.51 Acta Physica Sinica 42 1 2005-07-10 // 51-57 <![CDATA[PROFILES OF H BALMER LINES EMITTING FROM A LASER-INDUCED SILANE PLASMA]]> // Author(s): LI XIAO-WEI, FU GUANG-SHENG, HAN LI, ZHANG LIAN-SHUI, Lü FU-RUN, WANG JIN-GUO <br/><p>Profiles of Hα,Hβ and Hγ lines, cmited from a TEA CO2 laser induced silane plasma, are measured with an optical multichannel analizer (OMA Ⅲ) The experimental results show that FWHM (full width of half maximum) of the three lines increases with the main quantum number of the corresponding upper level of the transiti ons, i.e. △λ1/2(Hα)1/2(Hβ)1/2(Hγ), this suggests that the dominant broadening mechanism of the lines is Stark broadening. Fitting the measured Hα profile to theretical data of Stark broadening, two parameters of the plasma are obtained: average electron density N = 1017cm-3 and electron temperature T = 40 000 K. From time tesolved measurements of Hβ profile, a curve of electron density versus time is derived.</p> <br/>Acta Physica Sinica. 1993 42(1): 58-65. Published 2005-07-10 Author(s): LI XIAO-WEI, FU GUANG-SHENG, HAN LI, ZHANG LIAN-SHUI, Lü FU-RUN, WANG JIN-GUO <br/><p>Profiles of Hα,Hβ and Hγ lines, cmited from a TEA CO2 laser induced silane plasma, are measured with an optical multichannel analizer (OMA Ⅲ) The experimental results show that FWHM (full width of half maximum) of the three lines increases with the main quantum number of the corresponding upper level of the transiti ons, i.e. △λ1/2(Hα)1/2(Hβ)1/2(Hγ), this suggests that the dominant broadening mechanism of the lines is Stark broadening. Fitting the measured Hα profile to theretical data of Stark broadening, two parameters of the plasma are obtained: average electron density N = 1017cm-3 and electron temperature T = 40 000 K. From time tesolved measurements of Hβ profile, a curve of electron density versus time is derived.</p> <br/>Acta Physica Sinica. 1993 42(1): 58-65. Published 2005-07-10 PROFILES OF H BALMER LINES EMITTING FROM A LASER-INDUCED SILANE PLASMA LI XIAO-WEI, FU GUANG-SHENG, HAN LI, ZHANG LIAN-SHUI, Lü FU-RUN, WANG JIN-GUO 2005-07-10 Personal use only, all commercial or other reuse prohibited Acta Physica Sinica. 1993 42(1): 58-65. article doi:10.7498/aps.42.58 10.7498/aps.42.58 Acta Physica Sinica 42 1 2005-07-10 // 58-65 <![CDATA[STUDIES ON HIGH TEMPERATURE TRAP OF AlGaAs/GaAs GRIN SCH SQW LASER FABRICATED BY MBE]]> // Author(s): LU LI-WU, ZHOU JIE, XU JUN-YING, ZHONG ZHAN-TIAN <br/><p>The high temperature traps of AlGaAs/GaAs GRIN-SCH SQW lasers fabricated by MBE has been studied using DLTS technique.The majority and minority carrier DLTS spectra show that high temperature trap, having larger capture cross section and concentration, exist in n-AlGaAs layer of lasers. This trap may correlate strongly with oxygen content of AlGaAs layer grown by MBE. It may be responsible for the degradation of laser performance. High temperature hole trap may spatially localize between the interface of xAl= 0.2→0.43 and xAl= 0.43 n-AlGaAs layers. And high temperature electron trap may spatially localize in the interface regions of discontinous variation Al mole fraction of AlGaAs layer with xAl= 0.43.</p> <br/>Acta Physica Sinica. 1993 42(1): 66-71. Published 2005-07-10 Author(s): LU LI-WU, ZHOU JIE, XU JUN-YING, ZHONG ZHAN-TIAN <br/><p>The high temperature traps of AlGaAs/GaAs GRIN-SCH SQW lasers fabricated by MBE has been studied using DLTS technique.The majority and minority carrier DLTS spectra show that high temperature trap, having larger capture cross section and concentration, exist in n-AlGaAs layer of lasers. This trap may correlate strongly with oxygen content of AlGaAs layer grown by MBE. It may be responsible for the degradation of laser performance. High temperature hole trap may spatially localize between the interface of xAl= 0.2→0.43 and xAl= 0.43 n-AlGaAs layers. And high temperature electron trap may spatially localize in the interface regions of discontinous variation Al mole fraction of AlGaAs layer with xAl= 0.43.</p> <br/>Acta Physica Sinica. 1993 42(1): 66-71. Published 2005-07-10 STUDIES ON HIGH TEMPERATURE TRAP OF AlGaAs/GaAs GRIN SCH SQW LASER FABRICATED BY MBE LU LI-WU, ZHOU JIE, XU JUN-YING, ZHONG ZHAN-TIAN 2005-07-10 Personal use only, all commercial or other reuse prohibited Acta Physica Sinica. 1993 42(1): 66-71. article doi:10.7498/aps.42.66 10.7498/aps.42.66 Acta Physica Sinica 42 1 2005-07-10 // 66-71 <![CDATA[A STUDY OF DEFEETS AND PHASE TRANSITION IN LaAlO3 SINGLE CRYSTAL]]> // Author(s): XU XIU-YING, ZHANG XING-KUI, FAN DE-PEI, JIANG DONG-MEI <br/><p>In situ observation o phase transition in LaAlO3 crystal with the convergent polarized interference pattern at 20° to 800℃ was done. The experiment revealed the phase transition from rhombohedral to cubic at 560℃. The morphology of twin and its concentration, the cry-stallograpliic orientation of domain and the change of topography image of domain and inclusion near Tc have also been studied.</p> <br/>Acta Physica Sinica. 1993 42(1): 72-77. Published 2005-07-10 Author(s): XU XIU-YING, ZHANG XING-KUI, FAN DE-PEI, JIANG DONG-MEI <br/><p>In situ observation o phase transition in LaAlO3 crystal with the convergent polarized interference pattern at 20° to 800℃ was done. The experiment revealed the phase transition from rhombohedral to cubic at 560℃. The morphology of twin and its concentration, the cry-stallograpliic orientation of domain and the change of topography image of domain and inclusion near Tc have also been studied.</p> <br/>Acta Physica Sinica. 1993 42(1): 72-77. Published 2005-07-10 A STUDY OF DEFEETS AND PHASE TRANSITION IN LaAlO3 SINGLE CRYSTAL XU XIU-YING, ZHANG XING-KUI, FAN DE-PEI, JIANG DONG-MEI 2005-07-10 Personal use only, all commercial or other reuse prohibited Acta Physica Sinica. 1993 42(1): 72-77. article doi:10.7498/aps.42.72 10.7498/aps.42.72 Acta Physica Sinica 42 1 2005-07-10 // 72-77 <![CDATA[FORMATION PROCESS OF PHASES IN BINARY PLANAR DIFFUSION COUPLE]]> // Author(s): ZHAO YUE-CHAO, XIAN DING-CHANG, WU ZI-QIN <br/><p>In this paper a description for the phase formation in a binary planar diffusion couple is presented in the form of a system of differential equations. Not only diffusivity of constituents but also interfacial reaction at phase boundary are introduced in this system of equations. The formation process of phases including the sequence, the growth or shrinkage of the phases can be described clearly with this system of equations. The analysis on the basis of these equations indicates that the formation process of phases depends on interfacial reaction as well as of diffusion. Finally, two typical experimental results are expounded.</p> <br/>Acta Physica Sinica. 1993 42(1): 78-86. Published 2005-07-10 Author(s): ZHAO YUE-CHAO, XIAN DING-CHANG, WU ZI-QIN <br/><p>In this paper a description for the phase formation in a binary planar diffusion couple is presented in the form of a system of differential equations. Not only diffusivity of constituents but also interfacial reaction at phase boundary are introduced in this system of equations. The formation process of phases including the sequence, the growth or shrinkage of the phases can be described clearly with this system of equations. The analysis on the basis of these equations indicates that the formation process of phases depends on interfacial reaction as well as of diffusion. Finally, two typical experimental results are expounded.</p> <br/>Acta Physica Sinica. 1993 42(1): 78-86. Published 2005-07-10 FORMATION PROCESS OF PHASES IN BINARY PLANAR DIFFUSION COUPLE ZHAO YUE-CHAO, XIAN DING-CHANG, WU ZI-QIN 2005-07-10 Personal use only, all commercial or other reuse prohibited Acta Physica Sinica. 1993 42(1): 78-86. article doi:10.7498/aps.42.78 10.7498/aps.42.78 Acta Physica Sinica 42 1 2005-07-10 // 78-86 <![CDATA[A STUDY ON THE RECONSTRUCTION OF DIAMOND(100) SURFACE WITH LOCAL DENSITY FUNCIONAL THEORY]]> // Author(s): YE LING <br/><p>The reconstruction of diamond C(100) surface is studied with local density functional theory and extended numerical basis set. A cluster C49H36 is adopted to simulate the surface, where H atoms are saturation atoms. According to the calculation of forces exerted on the surface C atoms, an optimized C(100) surface atomic structure is achieved with the surface dimerized bond length, C-C, equals 1.415?. The nature of the bonding and the corresponding electronic structures, especially the distribution of surface states, are investigated and discussed.</p> <br/>Acta Physica Sinica. 1993 42(1): 87-91. Published 2005-07-10 Author(s): YE LING <br/><p>The reconstruction of diamond C(100) surface is studied with local density functional theory and extended numerical basis set. A cluster C49H36 is adopted to simulate the surface, where H atoms are saturation atoms. According to the calculation of forces exerted on the surface C atoms, an optimized C(100) surface atomic structure is achieved with the surface dimerized bond length, C-C, equals 1.415?. The nature of the bonding and the corresponding electronic structures, especially the distribution of surface states, are investigated and discussed.</p> <br/>Acta Physica Sinica. 1993 42(1): 87-91. Published 2005-07-10 A STUDY ON THE RECONSTRUCTION OF DIAMOND(100) SURFACE WITH LOCAL DENSITY FUNCIONAL THEORY YE LING 2005-07-10 Personal use only, all commercial or other reuse prohibited Acta Physica Sinica. 1993 42(1): 87-91. article doi:10.7498/aps.42.87 10.7498/aps.42.87 Acta Physica Sinica 42 1 2005-07-10 // 87-91 <![CDATA[ENERGY LEVEL NUMBER AND DISSOCIATION ENERGY OF DIATOMIC MOLECULES DESCRIBED BY THE q-DEFORMED OSCILLATOR MODEL]]> // Author(s): YANG GUANG-CAN <br/><p>The formula of dissociation energy and total energy level number of diatomic molecules is obtained by using the q-deformed oscillator model- It is shown that the dissociaron energy of the model is greater than the experimental value up to about 10 percent. The method is much in advance of the usual Birge-Sponer method and can be used as a new approximate method to evaluate the dissociation energy of diatomic molecules.</p> <br/>Acta Physica Sinica. 1993 42(1): 92-94. Published 2005-07-10 Author(s): YANG GUANG-CAN <br/><p>The formula of dissociation energy and total energy level number of diatomic molecules is obtained by using the q-deformed oscillator model- It is shown that the dissociaron energy of the model is greater than the experimental value up to about 10 percent. The method is much in advance of the usual Birge-Sponer method and can be used as a new approximate method to evaluate the dissociation energy of diatomic molecules.</p> <br/>Acta Physica Sinica. 1993 42(1): 92-94. Published 2005-07-10 ENERGY LEVEL NUMBER AND DISSOCIATION ENERGY OF DIATOMIC MOLECULES DESCRIBED BY THE q-DEFORMED OSCILLATOR MODEL YANG GUANG-CAN 2005-07-10 Personal use only, all commercial or other reuse prohibited Acta Physica Sinica. 1993 42(1): 92-94. article doi:10.7498/aps.42.92 10.7498/aps.42.92 Acta Physica Sinica 42 1 2005-07-10 // 92-94 <![CDATA[MOBILITY EDGE IN THE AUBRY MODEL OF ONE-DIMENSIONAL INCOMMENSURATE SYSTEMS]]> // Author(s): WANG CHUAN-KUI, SUN JIN-ZUO, WANG JI-SUO, WANG WEN-ZHENG <br/><p>In this paper, we show that: when the wave vector Q is not infinitesimal but sufficiently small, there exist mobility edges in the region of V c=±|2-V|, The result is different from that of duality theory.</p> <br/>Acta Physica Sinica. 1993 42(1): 95-100. Published 2005-07-10 Author(s): WANG CHUAN-KUI, SUN JIN-ZUO, WANG JI-SUO, WANG WEN-ZHENG <br/><p>In this paper, we show that: when the wave vector Q is not infinitesimal but sufficiently small, there exist mobility edges in the region of V c=±|2-V|, The result is different from that of duality theory.</p> <br/>Acta Physica Sinica. 1993 42(1): 95-100. Published 2005-07-10 MOBILITY EDGE IN THE AUBRY MODEL OF ONE-DIMENSIONAL INCOMMENSURATE SYSTEMS WANG CHUAN-KUI, SUN JIN-ZUO, WANG JI-SUO, WANG WEN-ZHENG 2005-07-10 Personal use only, all commercial or other reuse prohibited Acta Physica Sinica. 1993 42(1): 95-100. article doi:10.7498/aps.42.95 10.7498/aps.42.95 Acta Physica Sinica 42 1 2005-07-10 // 95-100 <![CDATA[SPECTRA AND CRYSTAL PARAMETERS OF HOST LUMINESCENT CRYSTAL Na5Eu(MoO4)4 UNDER HIGH PRESSURE]]> // Author(s): GUO CHANG-XIN, LI BI-LIN <br/><p>Na5Eu(MoO4)4 is a stoichiometrlc host luminescent material. The light emessioB comes from high concentration host ions Eu3+. In the present work, the effects of hydropressure on fluorescence of Eu3+ in Na5Eu(MoO4)4 are invistigated under 0-5.0 GPa using a diamon anvil high pressure microspectroscopic system. According to crystal field theory, the energy level fexpressinns of Eu3+ (in approximatry D2d symmetry site) are calculated and fit with the experimental data of energy levels, under high pressure, then the ratios of crystal parameter variation △Bkq (kq= 20,40 44, 60 and 64) with pressure variation △P are determind. A comparison of above results with that of YVO4:Eu3+, in which Eu3+ is an active impurity, is also made.</p> <br/>Acta Physica Sinica. 1993 42(1): 101-105. Published 2005-07-10 Author(s): GUO CHANG-XIN, LI BI-LIN <br/><p>Na5Eu(MoO4)4 is a stoichiometrlc host luminescent material. The light emessioB comes from high concentration host ions Eu3+. In the present work, the effects of hydropressure on fluorescence of Eu3+ in Na5Eu(MoO4)4 are invistigated under 0-5.0 GPa using a diamon anvil high pressure microspectroscopic system. According to crystal field theory, the energy level fexpressinns of Eu3+ (in approximatry D2d symmetry site) are calculated and fit with the experimental data of energy levels, under high pressure, then the ratios of crystal parameter variation △Bkq (kq= 20,40 44, 60 and 64) with pressure variation △P are determind. A comparison of above results with that of YVO4:Eu3+, in which Eu3+ is an active impurity, is also made.</p> <br/>Acta Physica Sinica. 1993 42(1): 101-105. Published 2005-07-10 SPECTRA AND CRYSTAL PARAMETERS OF HOST LUMINESCENT CRYSTAL Na5Eu(MoO4)4 UNDER HIGH PRESSURE GUO CHANG-XIN, LI BI-LIN 2005-07-10 Personal use only, all commercial or other reuse prohibited Acta Physica Sinica. 1993 42(1): 101-105. article doi:10.7498/aps.42.101 10.7498/aps.42.101 Acta Physica Sinica 42 1 2005-07-10 // 101-105 <![CDATA[EFFECT OF INTERSUBBAND IMPURITY SCATTERING IN TWO DIMENSIONAL DISORDERED ELECTRON SYSTEMS]]> // Author(s): YANG YONG-HONG, XING DING-YU, GONG CHANG-DE <br/><p>By using the Green's function method, we have studied effect of intersubband impurity scattering on the quantum correlation of conductivity and Hall coefficient. It is shown that crossover behaviors appears in both coductivity and Hall coefficient when the situation changes from one-subband occupation to two-subband occupation.</p> <br/>Acta Physica Sinica. 1993 42(1): 106-113. Published 2005-07-10 Author(s): YANG YONG-HONG, XING DING-YU, GONG CHANG-DE <br/><p>By using the Green's function method, we have studied effect of intersubband impurity scattering on the quantum correlation of conductivity and Hall coefficient. It is shown that crossover behaviors appears in both coductivity and Hall coefficient when the situation changes from one-subband occupation to two-subband occupation.</p> <br/>Acta Physica Sinica. 1993 42(1): 106-113. Published 2005-07-10 EFFECT OF INTERSUBBAND IMPURITY SCATTERING IN TWO DIMENSIONAL DISORDERED ELECTRON SYSTEMS YANG YONG-HONG, XING DING-YU, GONG CHANG-DE 2005-07-10 Personal use only, all commercial or other reuse prohibited Acta Physica Sinica. 1993 42(1): 106-113. article doi:10.7498/aps.42.106 10.7498/aps.42.106 Acta Physica Sinica 42 1 2005-07-10 // 106-113 <![CDATA[MAGNETIC TRANSITION IN La2CuO4 INDUCED BY MAGNETIC FIELD PARALLEL TO CuO2 PLANE]]> // Author(s): YU ZHI-MING, WU HANG-SHENG <br/><p>In this letter, we develop a theory in the mean-field approximation for the spin-flop transition in La2CuO4 when the magnetic field is parallel to the CuO2 plane. The temperature dependence of the critical field predicted by our theory agree qualitatively with the experiment. However, there is no multicritical point according to our theory. The origin of this disagreement is discussed briefly.</p> <br/>Acta Physica Sinica. 1993 42(1): 114-117. Published 2005-07-10 Author(s): YU ZHI-MING, WU HANG-SHENG <br/><p>In this letter, we develop a theory in the mean-field approximation for the spin-flop transition in La2CuO4 when the magnetic field is parallel to the CuO2 plane. The temperature dependence of the critical field predicted by our theory agree qualitatively with the experiment. However, there is no multicritical point according to our theory. The origin of this disagreement is discussed briefly.</p> <br/>Acta Physica Sinica. 1993 42(1): 114-117. Published 2005-07-10 MAGNETIC TRANSITION IN La2CuO4 INDUCED BY MAGNETIC FIELD PARALLEL TO CuO2 PLANE YU ZHI-MING, WU HANG-SHENG 2005-07-10 Personal use only, all commercial or other reuse prohibited Acta Physica Sinica. 1993 42(1): 114-117. article doi:10.7498/aps.42.114 10.7498/aps.42.114 Acta Physica Sinica 42 1 2005-07-10 // 114-117 <![CDATA[MASTER EQUATION OF A SPIN IN PERIODIC FIELD AND THE STEADY STATE]]> // Author(s): ZHANG YU-MEI <br/><p>Robertson's theory is applied to derive the master equations of a spin under the action of a static longitudinal field and a rotating transverse field. The damping and the steady state of the spin are obtained as functions of field strength, frequency and the coupling with the bath The structure of the steady state and its origin are discussed.</p> <br/>Acta Physica Sinica. 1993 42(1): 118-127. Published 2005-07-10 Author(s): ZHANG YU-MEI <br/><p>Robertson's theory is applied to derive the master equations of a spin under the action of a static longitudinal field and a rotating transverse field. The damping and the steady state of the spin are obtained as functions of field strength, frequency and the coupling with the bath The structure of the steady state and its origin are discussed.</p> <br/>Acta Physica Sinica. 1993 42(1): 118-127. Published 2005-07-10 MASTER EQUATION OF A SPIN IN PERIODIC FIELD AND THE STEADY STATE ZHANG YU-MEI 2005-07-10 Personal use only, all commercial or other reuse prohibited Acta Physica Sinica. 1993 42(1): 118-127. article doi:10.7498/aps.42.118 10.7498/aps.42.118 Acta Physica Sinica 42 1 2005-07-10 // 118-127 <![CDATA[MONTE CARLO STUDY ON THE PHASE DIAGRAM OF THE FERROMAGNETIC BOND-DILUTE BLUME-CAPEL MODEL]]> // Author(s): ZHANG GUO-MIN, YANG CHUAN-ZHANG <br/><p>We have used the Monte Carlo method to study the phase diagram of the ferromagnetic bond-dilute Blume-Capel model, combined with the finite-size scalar theory, and obtained the transition temperatures in zero crystal field, Comparison is made between the results of this simulation and other methods. The influence of the bond-dilute concentration on the tricriti-cal points is determined using the Monte Carlo method.</p> <br/>Acta Physica Sinica. 1993 42(1): 128-133. Published 2005-07-10 Author(s): ZHANG GUO-MIN, YANG CHUAN-ZHANG <br/><p>We have used the Monte Carlo method to study the phase diagram of the ferromagnetic bond-dilute Blume-Capel model, combined with the finite-size scalar theory, and obtained the transition temperatures in zero crystal field, Comparison is made between the results of this simulation and other methods. The influence of the bond-dilute concentration on the tricriti-cal points is determined using the Monte Carlo method.</p> <br/>Acta Physica Sinica. 1993 42(1): 128-133. Published 2005-07-10 MONTE CARLO STUDY ON THE PHASE DIAGRAM OF THE FERROMAGNETIC BOND-DILUTE BLUME-CAPEL MODEL ZHANG GUO-MIN, YANG CHUAN-ZHANG 2005-07-10 Personal use only, all commercial or other reuse prohibited Acta Physica Sinica. 1993 42(1): 128-133. article doi:10.7498/aps.42.128 10.7498/aps.42.128 Acta Physica Sinica 42 1 2005-07-10 // 128-133 <![CDATA[SPONTANEOUS MAGNETIZATION OF SMALL PARTICLE SPIN SYSTEM]]> // Author(s): SUN JI-RONG, SHEN ZHONG-YI, LIU YONG, PU FU-KE <br/><p>Based upon the spin wave theory, the spontaneous magnetization of small particle system at low temperatures is studied by means of solving the Heisenberg model directly. Investigations show that the spin waves are frozen out at ultra-low temperature, and the Bloch T3/2 law is no longer correct in any region of temperature. At the same time, the distribution of the probability for spins to be activated versus positions is obtained, which indicates that there exists no spin layers with obviously high probability to flip.</p> <br/>Acta Physica Sinica. 1993 42(1): 134-141. Published 2005-07-10 Author(s): SUN JI-RONG, SHEN ZHONG-YI, LIU YONG, PU FU-KE <br/><p>Based upon the spin wave theory, the spontaneous magnetization of small particle system at low temperatures is studied by means of solving the Heisenberg model directly. Investigations show that the spin waves are frozen out at ultra-low temperature, and the Bloch T3/2 law is no longer correct in any region of temperature. At the same time, the distribution of the probability for spins to be activated versus positions is obtained, which indicates that there exists no spin layers with obviously high probability to flip.</p> <br/>Acta Physica Sinica. 1993 42(1): 134-141. Published 2005-07-10 SPONTANEOUS MAGNETIZATION OF SMALL PARTICLE SPIN SYSTEM SUN JI-RONG, SHEN ZHONG-YI, LIU YONG, PU FU-KE 2005-07-10 Personal use only, all commercial or other reuse prohibited Acta Physica Sinica. 1993 42(1): 134-141. article doi:10.7498/aps.42.134 10.7498/aps.42.134 Acta Physica Sinica 42 1 2005-07-10 // 134-141 <![CDATA[PHOTOCONDUCTIVITY FOR POLYDIACETYLENE SINGLE CRYSTAL]]> // Author(s): PENG JING-CUI <br/><p>The photoconductivity along the polymer hain direction for poly [bis(p-toluene sulpho-nate) ester of 2,4-hexadiyne-l,6-diol] (PDA-TS) single crystal is investigated. After analyzing the limitation of Onsager's model for bimolecular geminate pair thermalizing, a new model of photogenerated charge carries is presented and it is used to explain the dependence of stationary photocurrent Iph on the energies of incident photon.</p> <br/>Acta Physica Sinica. 1993 42(1): 142-148. Published 2005-07-10 Author(s): PENG JING-CUI <br/><p>The photoconductivity along the polymer hain direction for poly [bis(p-toluene sulpho-nate) ester of 2,4-hexadiyne-l,6-diol] (PDA-TS) single crystal is investigated. After analyzing the limitation of Onsager's model for bimolecular geminate pair thermalizing, a new model of photogenerated charge carries is presented and it is used to explain the dependence of stationary photocurrent Iph on the energies of incident photon.</p> <br/>Acta Physica Sinica. 1993 42(1): 142-148. Published 2005-07-10 PHOTOCONDUCTIVITY FOR POLYDIACETYLENE SINGLE CRYSTAL PENG JING-CUI 2005-07-10 Personal use only, all commercial or other reuse prohibited Acta Physica Sinica. 1993 42(1): 142-148. article doi:10.7498/aps.42.142 10.7498/aps.42.142 Acta Physica Sinica 42 1 2005-07-10 // 142-148 <![CDATA[MECHANISM OF PHOTO-CARRIER GENERATION IN POLYMER WITH CONJUGATED TRIPLE BOND]]> // Author(s): PENG JING-CUI <br/><p>In this paper, the mechanism of photo-carrier generation in polymer with conjugatedtriple bond-poly(bis(p-toluene sulphonate)ester of 2,4-hexadiyne-l,6-diole)(PDA-TS) isstudied. We infer that photo-carriers are generated by dissociation electron-hole pairs which were produced by photo-excitation initially, and by thermalization of polaron-excitons which were formed through relaxation, respectively, The formation and characters of triple exciton in PDA-TS are analyzed in detail.</p> <br/>Acta Physica Sinica. 1993 42(1): 149-153. Published 2005-07-10 Author(s): PENG JING-CUI <br/><p>In this paper, the mechanism of photo-carrier generation in polymer with conjugatedtriple bond-poly(bis(p-toluene sulphonate)ester of 2,4-hexadiyne-l,6-diole)(PDA-TS) isstudied. We infer that photo-carriers are generated by dissociation electron-hole pairs which were produced by photo-excitation initially, and by thermalization of polaron-excitons which were formed through relaxation, respectively, The formation and characters of triple exciton in PDA-TS are analyzed in detail.</p> <br/>Acta Physica Sinica. 1993 42(1): 149-153. Published 2005-07-10 MECHANISM OF PHOTO-CARRIER GENERATION IN POLYMER WITH CONJUGATED TRIPLE BOND PENG JING-CUI 2005-07-10 Personal use only, all commercial or other reuse prohibited Acta Physica Sinica. 1993 42(1): 149-153. article doi:10.7498/aps.42.149 10.7498/aps.42.149 Acta Physica Sinica 42 1 2005-07-10 // 149-153 <![CDATA[VIBRATIONAL SPECRTA OF SINGLE CRYSTAL Li2B4O7]]> // Author(s): ZENG LING-ZHI, JIANG YI-JIAN, FU YI, ZHOU YA-DONG <br/><p>Polarized Raman spectra of single crystal Li2B4O7 have been measured in the wavenum-ber shift range of 50-3000cm-1 at room temperature. The infrared absorption spectrum of Li2B4O7 has also been measured in the range of 200-4000cm-1 for powder samples dispersed in the pressed KBr disks. Based upon the experimental results of LO-TO splitting, the effective charge and mode strength of polar modes are calculated. A comparison of the structure and B-O stretching vibration frequency of various borate species suggests comparatively high nonlinear optical efficiency of Li2B4O7 crystals.</p> <br/>Acta Physica Sinica. 1993 42(1): 154-160. Published 2005-07-10 Author(s): ZENG LING-ZHI, JIANG YI-JIAN, FU YI, ZHOU YA-DONG <br/><p>Polarized Raman spectra of single crystal Li2B4O7 have been measured in the wavenum-ber shift range of 50-3000cm-1 at room temperature. The infrared absorption spectrum of Li2B4O7 has also been measured in the range of 200-4000cm-1 for powder samples dispersed in the pressed KBr disks. Based upon the experimental results of LO-TO splitting, the effective charge and mode strength of polar modes are calculated. A comparison of the structure and B-O stretching vibration frequency of various borate species suggests comparatively high nonlinear optical efficiency of Li2B4O7 crystals.</p> <br/>Acta Physica Sinica. 1993 42(1): 154-160. Published 2005-07-10 VIBRATIONAL SPECRTA OF SINGLE CRYSTAL Li2B4O7 ZENG LING-ZHI, JIANG YI-JIAN, FU YI, ZHOU YA-DONG 2005-07-10 Personal use only, all commercial or other reuse prohibited Acta Physica Sinica. 1993 42(1): 154-160. article doi:10.7498/aps.42.154 10.7498/aps.42.154 Acta Physica Sinica 42 1 2005-07-10 // 154-160 <![CDATA[THE PROPERTIES OF RADIATION NEAR THE BLACK HOLE'S HORIZON AND THE SEDOND LAW OF THERMODYNAMICS]]> // Author(s): LI LI-XIN, LIU LIAO <br/><p>By considering a gedankenexperiment of adiabatically lowering a box containing matter with rest energy E and entropy S to a black hole, Bekenstein claimed that the necessary condition for the validity of the generalized second law of thermodynamics is S/E ≤ 2πR, where R is the effective radius of the box, Unruh and Wald claimed that this condition is not necessary but the acceleration radiation can guarantee the generalized second law. In this paper, we point out that Unruh and Wald's conclusion does not hold because the Hawking radiation near the horizon is not thermal. Bekenstein's conclusion also does not hold because the thin box approximation is not correct near the horizon. Neither Hawking radiation nor S/E ≤ 2πR. can guarantee the second law. We have sufficient reasons to conjecture that the gravitation can influence the state equation of matter. For radiation, the usual state equation ρ = αT4 and s =4/3αT3 do not hold in the strong gravitation field, e.g., near theblackhole's horizon. We have derived the state equation for radiation near ths horizon and find that it is very different from that in flat spacetime. The second law may be valid if some restrictions on one parameter of the state equation are imbo-sed. As a corollary, an upper bound on S/E which resembles the Bekenatein's result is found.</p> <br/>Acta Physica Sinica. 1993 42(1): 161-168. Published 2005-07-10 Author(s): LI LI-XIN, LIU LIAO <br/><p>By considering a gedankenexperiment of adiabatically lowering a box containing matter with rest energy E and entropy S to a black hole, Bekenstein claimed that the necessary condition for the validity of the generalized second law of thermodynamics is S/E ≤ 2πR, where R is the effective radius of the box, Unruh and Wald claimed that this condition is not necessary but the acceleration radiation can guarantee the generalized second law. In this paper, we point out that Unruh and Wald's conclusion does not hold because the Hawking radiation near the horizon is not thermal. Bekenstein's conclusion also does not hold because the thin box approximation is not correct near the horizon. Neither Hawking radiation nor S/E ≤ 2πR. can guarantee the second law. We have sufficient reasons to conjecture that the gravitation can influence the state equation of matter. For radiation, the usual state equation ρ = αT4 and s =4/3αT3 do not hold in the strong gravitation field, e.g., near theblackhole's horizon. We have derived the state equation for radiation near ths horizon and find that it is very different from that in flat spacetime. The second law may be valid if some restrictions on one parameter of the state equation are imbo-sed. As a corollary, an upper bound on S/E which resembles the Bekenatein's result is found.</p> <br/>Acta Physica Sinica. 1993 42(1): 161-168. Published 2005-07-10 THE PROPERTIES OF RADIATION NEAR THE BLACK HOLE'S HORIZON AND THE SEDOND LAW OF THERMODYNAMICS LI LI-XIN, LIU LIAO 2005-07-10 Personal use only, all commercial or other reuse prohibited Acta Physica Sinica. 1993 42(1): 161-168. article doi:10.7498/aps.42.161 10.7498/aps.42.161 Acta Physica Sinica 42 1 2005-07-10 // 161-168