Acta Physica Sinica // 必威体育下载 daily 15 2024-08-20 10:33:40 2024-08-20 10:33:40 zh Copyright ©Acta Physica Sinica All Rights Reserved. 京ICP备05002789号-1 Address: PostCode:100190 Phone: 010-82649829,82649241,82649863 Email: Copyright ©Acta Physica Sinica All Rights Reserved 1000-3290 <![CDATA[PERTURBATION THEORY OF TRANSVERSE TRANSPORT PROCESS IN STRONG MAGNETIC FIELD]]> // Author(s): CHEN SHI-KANG <br/><p>Using the theory developed in [9], certain questions of transport process in strong magnetic field are discussed. In the first place, we show that for this type of transport process one must consider the boundary condition explicitly. For transverse conductivity, it is not necessary to solve the kinetic equation of the Boltzmann type when the boundary condition is treated correctly, and Titeica's picture is shown to be correct in general order of perturbation expansion. Secondly, the solution of the case of external electric field's ω≠0 and its transition to the classical case are discussed. We show that under the same condition ωHτ&lt;1, E0τ? 1, the quantum solution is different from that of the classical case. Finally, in an appendix, the question of eliminated divergence produced by the integral of state density is discussed. We indicate that in the realizable case a term of magnitude (εc/kT)° is as important as that of -ln (εc/kT). This correction makes the theoretical value of ρT/ρL consistent with the experimental data.</p> <br/>Acta Physica Sinica. 1964 20(7): 579-595. Published 2005-08-05 Author(s): CHEN SHI-KANG <br/><p>Using the theory developed in [9], certain questions of transport process in strong magnetic field are discussed. In the first place, we show that for this type of transport process one must consider the boundary condition explicitly. For transverse conductivity, it is not necessary to solve the kinetic equation of the Boltzmann type when the boundary condition is treated correctly, and Titeica's picture is shown to be correct in general order of perturbation expansion. Secondly, the solution of the case of external electric field's ω≠0 and its transition to the classical case are discussed. We show that under the same condition ωHτ&lt;1, E0τ? 1, the quantum solution is different from that of the classical case. Finally, in an appendix, the question of eliminated divergence produced by the integral of state density is discussed. We indicate that in the realizable case a term of magnitude (εc/kT)° is as important as that of -ln (εc/kT). This correction makes the theoretical value of ρT/ρL consistent with the experimental data.</p> <br/>Acta Physica Sinica. 1964 20(7): 579-595. Published 2005-08-05 PERTURBATION THEORY OF TRANSVERSE TRANSPORT PROCESS IN STRONG MAGNETIC FIELD CHEN SHI-KANG 2005-08-05 Personal use only, all commercial or other reuse prohibited Acta Physica Sinica. 1964 20(7): 579-595. article doi:10.7498/aps.20.579 10.7498/aps.20.579 Acta Physica Sinica 20 7 2005-08-05 // 579-595 <![CDATA[ASYMPTOTIC BEHAVIOUR OF π-π SCATTERING AMPLITUDE AND SINGULARITIES IN COMPLEX L-PLANE IN STRIP APPROXIMATION]]> // Author(s): TSAO CHANG-CHIE <br/><p>The contribution of inelastic intermediate states to the singularities in complex l-planc and to the asymptotic behaviour of crossed channel are investigated in the strip approximation. The procedure is to solve the simultaneous equations suggested by Chew, Frautschi and Mandelstam by means of iteration method. The general iteration expressions for the s channel high energy amplitude f(s,t) and the t channel partial wave amplitude fl(t) are derived. It is shown that the divergence difficulty mentioned by Chew, Frautschi and Mandelstam is not present in the iteration results of the above f(s,t). The main results of first iteration are as follows: i) The total cross section falls slowly for not very high energies, but at the end tends to a constant.ii) The diffraction angular distribution will have a long tail. As the energy increases, this long tail extends towards the small angle region.iii) In the t channel a cut will appear along the real axis in complex l-plane; the right ending point of the cut is at l=1 when t=0, and moves to the left as t decreases, with a speed nearly half that of the vacuum pole.Higher order iterations are also investigated; the results are qualitatively analogous to those of first order.</p> <br/>Acta Physica Sinica. 1964 20(7): 596-606. Published 2005-08-05 Author(s): TSAO CHANG-CHIE <br/><p>The contribution of inelastic intermediate states to the singularities in complex l-planc and to the asymptotic behaviour of crossed channel are investigated in the strip approximation. The procedure is to solve the simultaneous equations suggested by Chew, Frautschi and Mandelstam by means of iteration method. The general iteration expressions for the s channel high energy amplitude f(s,t) and the t channel partial wave amplitude fl(t) are derived. It is shown that the divergence difficulty mentioned by Chew, Frautschi and Mandelstam is not present in the iteration results of the above f(s,t). The main results of first iteration are as follows: i) The total cross section falls slowly for not very high energies, but at the end tends to a constant.ii) The diffraction angular distribution will have a long tail. As the energy increases, this long tail extends towards the small angle region.iii) In the t channel a cut will appear along the real axis in complex l-plane; the right ending point of the cut is at l=1 when t=0, and moves to the left as t decreases, with a speed nearly half that of the vacuum pole.Higher order iterations are also investigated; the results are qualitatively analogous to those of first order.</p> <br/>Acta Physica Sinica. 1964 20(7): 596-606. Published 2005-08-05 ASYMPTOTIC BEHAVIOUR OF π-π SCATTERING AMPLITUDE AND SINGULARITIES IN COMPLEX L-PLANE IN STRIP APPROXIMATION TSAO CHANG-CHIE 2005-08-05 Personal use only, all commercial or other reuse prohibited Acta Physica Sinica. 1964 20(7): 596-606. article doi:10.7498/aps.20.596 10.7498/aps.20.596 Acta Physica Sinica 20 7 2005-08-05 // 596-606 <![CDATA[铁磁金属的表面阻抗与自旋波共振]]> // Author(s): YU LUH <br/><p>本文计算了铁磁金属在平行磁场中的表面阻抗。计算中考虑了交换作用所引起的磁化率空间色散及趋肤效应的反常性。分别讨论了磁矩的两种边界条件m=0和(?m)/(?n)=0。同时研究了导电电子在表面散射性质的影响。利用Азбель-Канер在迴旋共振理论中的方法,计算了考虑电导率旋磁性条件下的表面阻抗。</p> <br/>Acta Physica Sinica. 1964 20(7): 607-623. Published 2005-08-05 Author(s): YU LUH <br/><p>本文计算了铁磁金属在平行磁场中的表面阻抗。计算中考虑了交换作用所引起的磁化率空间色散及趋肤效应的反常性。分别讨论了磁矩的两种边界条件m=0和(?m)/(?n)=0。同时研究了导电电子在表面散射性质的影响。利用Азбель-Канер在迴旋共振理论中的方法,计算了考虑电导率旋磁性条件下的表面阻抗。</p> <br/>Acta Physica Sinica. 1964 20(7): 607-623. Published 2005-08-05 铁磁金属的表面阻抗与自旋波共振 YU LUH 2005-08-05 Personal use only, all commercial or other reuse prohibited Acta Physica Sinica. 1964 20(7): 607-623. article doi:10.7498/aps.20.607 10.7498/aps.20.607 Acta Physica Sinica 20 7 2005-08-05 // 607-623 <![CDATA[APPLICATION OF THE GREEN'S FUNCTION METHOD TO THE THEORY OF ANTIFERROMAGNETISM FOR S≥1/2]]> // Author(s): CHENG CHIN-CHI, PU FU-CHO <br/><p>The Green's function method is applied to the study of isotropic antiferromagnetism for the case S≥1/2. Expressions are obtained for the energy of the ground state, the sublattice spontaneous magnetization, and the parallel susceptibility. These results are compared with those of the spin wave theory for low temperatures. For high temperatures they are found in agreement with the well known results of other theories. Thus, the present theory gives a unified result which is approximately valid in the whole temperature range.</p> <br/>Acta Physica Sinica. 1964 20(7): 624-635. Published 2005-08-05 Author(s): CHENG CHIN-CHI, PU FU-CHO <br/><p>The Green's function method is applied to the study of isotropic antiferromagnetism for the case S≥1/2. Expressions are obtained for the energy of the ground state, the sublattice spontaneous magnetization, and the parallel susceptibility. These results are compared with those of the spin wave theory for low temperatures. For high temperatures they are found in agreement with the well known results of other theories. Thus, the present theory gives a unified result which is approximately valid in the whole temperature range.</p> <br/>Acta Physica Sinica. 1964 20(7): 624-635. Published 2005-08-05 APPLICATION OF THE GREEN'S FUNCTION METHOD TO THE THEORY OF ANTIFERROMAGNETISM FOR S≥1/2 CHENG CHIN-CHI, PU FU-CHO 2005-08-05 Personal use only, all commercial or other reuse prohibited Acta Physica Sinica. 1964 20(7): 624-635. article doi:10.7498/aps.20.624 10.7498/aps.20.624 Acta Physica Sinica 20 7 2005-08-05 // 624-635 <![CDATA[иCCлEдOBAHиE лPOЦECCA лPOXOЖдEHиЯ ЧACTиЦ ЧEP3 HEлиHEйHYЮ PE3OHAHCHYЮ лиHЮ лиHиЮ (Q<sub<ρ</sub<=6/5) B ЦиКлOTPOHE C лPOCTPAHCTBEHHOй BAPиAЦиEй]]> // Author(s): <br/><p></p> <br/>Acta Physica Sinica. 1964 20(7): 636-642. Published 2005-08-05 Author(s): <br/><p></p> <br/>Acta Physica Sinica. 1964 20(7): 636-642. Published 2005-08-05 иCCлEдOBAHиE лPOЦECCA лPOXOЖдEHиЯ ЧACTиЦ ЧEP3 HEлиHEйHYЮ PE3OHAHCHYЮ лиHЮ лиHиЮ (Q&lt;sub&lt;ρ&lt;/sub&lt;=6/5) B ЦиКлOTPOHE C лPOCTPAHCTBEHHOй BAPиAЦиEй 2005-08-05 Personal use only, all commercial or other reuse prohibited Acta Physica Sinica. 1964 20(7): 636-642. article doi:10.7498/aps.20.636 10.7498/aps.20.636 Acta Physica Sinica 20 7 2005-08-05 // 636-642 <![CDATA[MEASUREMENT OF THE IMPURITY DISTRIBUTION OF DIFFUSED LAYERS IN SILICON BY THE FOUR-POINT PROBE AND THE ANODIC OXIDATION TECHNIQUE]]> // Author(s): LING SHU-LEN, HUANG CHAANG, SHU BIENG-HUA <br/><p>Discussed in this paper are (1) the technique of removing thin layers of silicon by the anodic oxidation method; (2) the measurement of the sheet conductance of diffused layers in silicon by the four-point probe method; and (3) the measurement of impurity distribution of diffused layers in silicon by the four-point probe and the anodic oxidation technique.Emphasis has been given to the practical aspects of the experimental techniques including the precautions to be taken to achieve uniform and thin (300-1500?) layer removals from the silicon surface by the anodic oxidation method; the methods to control and to check the thickness of the layer removal; the errors introduced in the sheet conductivity and in the impurity distribution measurements respectively; and the steps to be taken for error reduction.For illustration, a typical example is given for the measurement of the impurity distribution of phosphorus diffusion into silicon. The diffusion depth is 4.9 /μm. Spacings between measurement points range from 400? to 1600?. The error for sheet conductivity measurement is estimated to be less than 3%, that for impurity distribution is estimated to be less than 20%. Problems that remain to be solved are briefly mentioned.</p> <br/>Acta Physica Sinica. 1964 20(7): 643-653. Published 2005-08-05 Author(s): LING SHU-LEN, HUANG CHAANG, SHU BIENG-HUA <br/><p>Discussed in this paper are (1) the technique of removing thin layers of silicon by the anodic oxidation method; (2) the measurement of the sheet conductance of diffused layers in silicon by the four-point probe method; and (3) the measurement of impurity distribution of diffused layers in silicon by the four-point probe and the anodic oxidation technique.Emphasis has been given to the practical aspects of the experimental techniques including the precautions to be taken to achieve uniform and thin (300-1500?) layer removals from the silicon surface by the anodic oxidation method; the methods to control and to check the thickness of the layer removal; the errors introduced in the sheet conductivity and in the impurity distribution measurements respectively; and the steps to be taken for error reduction.For illustration, a typical example is given for the measurement of the impurity distribution of phosphorus diffusion into silicon. The diffusion depth is 4.9 /μm. Spacings between measurement points range from 400? to 1600?. The error for sheet conductivity measurement is estimated to be less than 3%, that for impurity distribution is estimated to be less than 20%. Problems that remain to be solved are briefly mentioned.</p> <br/>Acta Physica Sinica. 1964 20(7): 643-653. Published 2005-08-05 MEASUREMENT OF THE IMPURITY DISTRIBUTION OF DIFFUSED LAYERS IN SILICON BY THE FOUR-POINT PROBE AND THE ANODIC OXIDATION TECHNIQUE LING SHU-LEN, HUANG CHAANG, SHU BIENG-HUA 2005-08-05 Personal use only, all commercial or other reuse prohibited Acta Physica Sinica. 1964 20(7): 643-653. article doi:10.7498/aps.20.643 10.7498/aps.20.643 Acta Physica Sinica 20 7 2005-08-05 // 643-653 <![CDATA[MEASUREMENT OF THE THICKNESS OF THERMALLY GROWN SiO<sub<2</sub< THIN FILMS]]> // Author(s): SHIN SHIH-KONG, HUANG CHAANG, YU FUNG-SHU <br/><p>In the research work of silicon devices, it is often needed to measure and control accurately the thicknesses of SiO2 thin films. Although it is well known that SiO2 thin films exhibit vivid colours under sunlight due to interference effects, yet there is no simple relationship between the thickness of the thin film and the wave length of the light corresponding to the observed colour. Described in this paper is a method for the measurement of the thicknesses of thermally grown SiO2 thin films. From the measured data, we have calculated the index of reflection of the SiO2 thin film as well as the phase shift difference between the SiO2-Si interface and the Si-air interface.By measuring the thicknesses of a set of SiO2 thin films of different colours, a chart is obtained which lists the thicknesses and the corresponding colours of the thermally grown SiO2 thin films. The results are found to be in fairly good agreement with that calculated from Roller's table. Our results include the thickness range of 3300-4200? which was not covered in Rollet's table.</p> <br/>Acta Physica Sinica. 1964 20(7): 654-661. Published 2005-08-05 Author(s): SHIN SHIH-KONG, HUANG CHAANG, YU FUNG-SHU <br/><p>In the research work of silicon devices, it is often needed to measure and control accurately the thicknesses of SiO2 thin films. Although it is well known that SiO2 thin films exhibit vivid colours under sunlight due to interference effects, yet there is no simple relationship between the thickness of the thin film and the wave length of the light corresponding to the observed colour. Described in this paper is a method for the measurement of the thicknesses of thermally grown SiO2 thin films. From the measured data, we have calculated the index of reflection of the SiO2 thin film as well as the phase shift difference between the SiO2-Si interface and the Si-air interface.By measuring the thicknesses of a set of SiO2 thin films of different colours, a chart is obtained which lists the thicknesses and the corresponding colours of the thermally grown SiO2 thin films. The results are found to be in fairly good agreement with that calculated from Roller's table. Our results include the thickness range of 3300-4200? which was not covered in Rollet's table.</p> <br/>Acta Physica Sinica. 1964 20(7): 654-661. Published 2005-08-05 MEASUREMENT OF THE THICKNESS OF THERMALLY GROWN SiO&lt;sub&lt;2&lt;/sub&lt; THIN FILMS SHIN SHIH-KONG, HUANG CHAANG, YU FUNG-SHU 2005-08-05 Personal use only, all commercial or other reuse prohibited Acta Physica Sinica. 1964 20(7): 654-661. article doi:10.7498/aps.20.654 10.7498/aps.20.654 Acta Physica Sinica 20 7 2005-08-05 // 654-661 <![CDATA[DIFFUSION OF PHOSPHORUS INTO SILICON THROUGH SILICON DIOXIDE FILM GROWN BY THERMAL OXIDATION]]> // Author(s): CHEN CHEN-CHIA, YOUNG CHENG-CHING, HUANG HENG-CHI <br/><p>Detailed distributions of diffusion of phosphorus into silicon have been measured by the four-point probe method. During the measurement, each successive layer is removed by the anodic oxidation technique. These impurity distributions are found to deviate from the error function complement even with the surface concentration kept constant during diffusion. If it is assumed that this is due to a concentration denpendence of the diffusion coefficient, the experimental results would indicate that the diffusion coefficient rises very rapidly when the concentration exceeds 1019/cm3.Detailed distributions of diffusion of phosphorus into silicon through silicon dioxide films of different thicknesses grown by thermal oxidation have also been measured by the method described above. The experimental data indicate that the silicon dioxide films remain effective for masking at a diffusion temperature as high as Td = 1300℃. With diffusion time close to masking failure time, the surface concentration is found to be close to l017/cm3 and the diffusion depth is found to be very small (~1 μ). However, for sufficiently long diffusion times, the surface concentrations apparently reach an ultimate value not influenced by the thickness of the oxide film, it remains a constant as long as the vapour pressure of diffusont source is kept constant. Detailed distributions of diffusion of phosphorus through a silicon dioxide film are also found to be strongly dependent on the nature and the condition of the diffusing source. An increase of the thickness of the oxide film during diffusion has been observed; it might affect the impurity distribution especially in the region near the surface.</p> <br/>Acta Physica Sinica. 1964 20(7): 662-669. Published 2005-08-05 Author(s): CHEN CHEN-CHIA, YOUNG CHENG-CHING, HUANG HENG-CHI <br/><p>Detailed distributions of diffusion of phosphorus into silicon have been measured by the four-point probe method. During the measurement, each successive layer is removed by the anodic oxidation technique. These impurity distributions are found to deviate from the error function complement even with the surface concentration kept constant during diffusion. If it is assumed that this is due to a concentration denpendence of the diffusion coefficient, the experimental results would indicate that the diffusion coefficient rises very rapidly when the concentration exceeds 1019/cm3.Detailed distributions of diffusion of phosphorus into silicon through silicon dioxide films of different thicknesses grown by thermal oxidation have also been measured by the method described above. The experimental data indicate that the silicon dioxide films remain effective for masking at a diffusion temperature as high as Td = 1300℃. With diffusion time close to masking failure time, the surface concentration is found to be close to l017/cm3 and the diffusion depth is found to be very small (~1 μ). However, for sufficiently long diffusion times, the surface concentrations apparently reach an ultimate value not influenced by the thickness of the oxide film, it remains a constant as long as the vapour pressure of diffusont source is kept constant. Detailed distributions of diffusion of phosphorus through a silicon dioxide film are also found to be strongly dependent on the nature and the condition of the diffusing source. An increase of the thickness of the oxide film during diffusion has been observed; it might affect the impurity distribution especially in the region near the surface.</p> <br/>Acta Physica Sinica. 1964 20(7): 662-669. Published 2005-08-05 DIFFUSION OF PHOSPHORUS INTO SILICON THROUGH SILICON DIOXIDE FILM GROWN BY THERMAL OXIDATION CHEN CHEN-CHIA, YOUNG CHENG-CHING, HUANG HENG-CHI 2005-08-05 Personal use only, all commercial or other reuse prohibited Acta Physica Sinica. 1964 20(7): 662-669. article doi:10.7498/aps.20.662 10.7498/aps.20.662 Acta Physica Sinica 20 7 2005-08-05 // 662-669 <![CDATA[ЗпиTAКЦии HA ГPAHЯX КPиCTAллOB a-SiC]]> // Author(s): <br/><p></p> <br/>Acta Physica Sinica. 1964 20(7): 670-679. Published 2005-08-05 Author(s): <br/><p></p> <br/>Acta Physica Sinica. 1964 20(7): 670-679. Published 2005-08-05 ЗпиTAКЦии HA ГPAHЯX КPиCTAллOB a-SiC 2005-08-05 Personal use only, all commercial or other reuse prohibited Acta Physica Sinica. 1964 20(7): 670-679. article doi:10.7498/aps.20.670 10.7498/aps.20.670 Acta Physica Sinica 20 7 2005-08-05 // 670-679 <![CDATA[]]> // Author(s): <br/><p></p> <br/>Acta Physica Sinica. 1964 20(7): 680-681. Published 2005-08-05 Author(s): <br/><p></p> <br/>Acta Physica Sinica. 1964 20(7): 680-681. Published 2005-08-05 2005-08-05 Personal use only, all commercial or other reuse prohibited Acta Physica Sinica. 1964 20(7): 680-681. article doi:10.7498/aps.20.680 10.7498/aps.20.680 Acta Physica Sinica 20 7 2005-08-05 // 680-681 <![CDATA[]]> // Author(s): <br/><p></p> <br/>Acta Physica Sinica. 1964 20(7): 682-684. Published 2005-08-05 Author(s): <br/><p></p> <br/>Acta Physica Sinica. 1964 20(7): 682-684. Published 2005-08-05 2005-08-05 Personal use only, all commercial or other reuse prohibited Acta Physica Sinica. 1964 20(7): 682-684. article doi:10.7498/aps.20.682 10.7498/aps.20.682 Acta Physica Sinica 20 7 2005-08-05 // 682-684 <![CDATA[]]> // Author(s): <br/><p></p> <br/>Acta Physica Sinica. 1964 20(7): 685-690. Published 2005-08-05 Author(s): <br/><p></p> <br/>Acta Physica Sinica. 1964 20(7): 685-690. Published 2005-08-05 2005-08-05 Personal use only, all commercial or other reuse prohibited Acta Physica Sinica. 1964 20(7): 685-690. article doi:10.7498/aps.20.685 10.7498/aps.20.685 Acta Physica Sinica 20 7 2005-08-05 // 685-690 <![CDATA[]]> // Author(s): <br/><p></p> <br/>Acta Physica Sinica. 1964 20(7): 691-695. Published 2005-08-05 Author(s): <br/><p></p> <br/>Acta Physica Sinica. 1964 20(7): 691-695. Published 2005-08-05 2005-08-05 Personal use only, all commercial or other reuse prohibited Acta Physica Sinica. 1964 20(7): 691-695. article doi:10.7498/aps.20.691 10.7498/aps.20.691 Acta Physica Sinica 20 7 2005-08-05 // 691-695 <![CDATA[]]> // Author(s): <br/><p></p> <br/>Acta Physica Sinica. 1964 20(7): 696-698. Published 2005-08-05 Author(s): <br/><p></p> <br/>Acta Physica Sinica. 1964 20(7): 696-698. Published 2005-08-05 2005-08-05 Personal use only, all commercial or other reuse prohibited Acta Physica Sinica. 1964 20(7): 696-698. article doi:10.7498/aps.20.696 10.7498/aps.20.696 Acta Physica Sinica 20 7 2005-08-05 // 696-698