Vol. 17, No. 12 (1961)
1961, 17 (12): 559-568.
Abstract +
In this article, the Van der Waals forces for a system composed of asymmetric tep molecules, which have never been investigated before, are systematically treated by thequantum mechanical method. Having made use of the expansion formula of 1/γij in the twocenter series of surface harmonics and the important relations of the Wigner coefficient, we have obtained the closed formulas of the eletrostatic force, the inductive force, the dispersive force and the three ionic force up to any high moments.
1961, 17 (12): 587-591.
Abstract +
In this paper, it is pointed out that by measuring the longitudinal polarization of ∧ of the process ∑0→∧+γ, one can determine the possibility of the parity nonconservation in this strong decay process; and the longitudinal polarization coefficient depends only on one constant μ, But it is more difficult experimentally to find whether the time inverse invariance is true.
1961, 17 (12): 592-599.
Abstract +
The first writer suggests a distribution function for the roots of the complex polynomial corresponding to the nulls of the radiation pattern of a nonuniform array on the unit circle in a complex plane for the purpose of suppression of the side-lobes near the main beam of radiation.This distribution function includes the uniform distribution suggested by Schelkunoff as a special case. Computed results show that by means of this distribution function, a better control of the radiation pattern of a nonuniform linear array can be achieved, especially for the purpose of suppression of the first few side-lobes near the main beam which is important in certain applications at the expense of increasing relatively far off side-lobes. However, the most far off side-lobe can be suitablly reduced by the appropriate shifting of the last null.
1961, 17 (12): 600-607.
Abstract +
The E. S. R. spectra of π-(C5H5)2 TiCl2 AlR3 complexes and some related ones are studied. From the hyperfine patterns of these complexes in toluene solution and of the complexes dissolved in excess A1R3, we propose that the unpaired electron is localized in the neighborhood of the Al27 nucleus, and the unpaired electron cloud may extend to the a-hydrogen positions. Solvents mainly play the role of dispersing the complexes so as to reduce the spin spin interactions between them. Due to the hyperfine interactions of H1 and Al27 nuclei, the spectra show complex hyperfine patterns. However, the interaction ability of H1 nucleus is stronger than that of Al27 nucleus. Therefore when the solution is very concentrated, the spectra show only a single line due to the spin-spin interaction between the complexes. As the concentration decreases, the H1 nucleus first makes their contribution to the hyperfine interaction showing a quadruplet or six line spectra. On further diluting the solution, both H1 and Al27 nuclei contribute to the interaction, but their ability of coupling with the unpaired electron is non-equivalent. Only when the solution concentration becomes extremely dilute, the hyperfine interation of H1 and that of Al27 become equivalent and therefore the spectra with eight lines of relative imtensiay 1:3:4:4:4:4:3:1 could be exp-lained. The hydrogen bridge structure suggested by Зефирова and her collabceabors seems to be lacking of sufficient experimental ground.