Vol. 17, No. 11 (1961)
1961, 17 (11): 512-519.
Abstract +
The effects of the weak interaction on the electromagnetic properties of leptons are discussed. The theory of the vector meson developed by Stueckelberg and Matthews and Schwinger's gauge-invariant method are applied to the interactions' between leptons, the electromagnetic field and the intermediate boson. The matrix elements accurate to first order in e and G are given. The corrections to the anomalous magnetic moments of the charged leptons obtained in the present work are free from divergence. The ambiguity appearing in zeldovich's work is not present.
1961, 17 (11): 520-554.
Abstract +
In this paper, it is attempted to give a comprehensive survey of recent experimental works on the π-N, p-N and p-p interactions with kinetic energies of incident π-mesons, protons and antiprotons, ranging from a few hundred Mev to 10 Bev. Experimental results concerning cross-sections of total scattering, elastic scattering and inelastic scattering of these interactions are summarized and analysed. Curves representing the trend of change of these cross-sections with energies are presented and compared with theoretical predictions. Some interesting points of these curves are indicated. In the case of π-N interactions, the appea-rence of some resonance peaks are demonstrated and their interpretations by some theoreticians are described. For elastic scatterings, the angular distributions of differential cross-sections are compared with optical model. For inelastic collisions, the multiplicities, angular and momentum distributions and transversal momenta of secondary particles and the variations of these quantities with energies are described and discussed. Special attention being paid on the persistence of the backword scattering of protons in the case of π-p interactions and the symmtrical but nonisotropic scattering of protons in the case of p-p interactions. These phenomena are attributed to the so called "peripherical " collision of the interacting nucleons. This and other facts in elastic scattering may indicate that nucleon really has a "nucleus" but of very small dimension (?0.4×10-13 cm in raduis).