Vol. 8, No. 2 (1951)
1951, 8 (2): 111-122.
Abstract +
The Mφller scattering of electrons by protons has been considered. The matrix element of transition in the e4 has been evaluated and shown to be identical with the usual one, in obtaining which, the potential field produced by proton is assumed to be a C-number potential.
1951, 8 (2): 123-130.
Abstract +
Longitudinal waves arc eliminated from the operators Dμν Dρ in quantum electrodynamics, which govcrn the change of the wave functional as we change from one Lorentz observer to another, and the resulting operators are found to satisfy the same set of commutation relations as before. This reveals that a theory with explicit Coulombian interactions may be relativistic, contrary to the usual belief.
1951, 8 (2): 131-142.
Abstract +
An attempt was made to interpret the structure of cold-worked metals in terms of the associated anelastic behavior. The specimen used in the study was 99.991 percent aluminum which was heavily cold-worked but partly recovered. Analysis showed that under the conditions of the experiments, namely, prior stabilization and low stress levels, measurement of creep under constant stress agree with the internal friction measurements previously reported. The creep curves obtained showed several striking features. The most striking feature of the data is the complete recoverability of the creep. We could thus conclude that no irreversible processes were occurring, such as the generation of dislocations. The second important feature is the large magnitude of the recoverable creep, being almost ten times the corresponding elastic deformation.The consideration of a heterogeneous network of slip bands in cold-worked metals led to a creep formula which closely represents the creep curves obtained. As the interpretation in terms of a dislocation model would require some ad hoc assumptions, we are led to conclude that the picture of a distribution of slip bands having a wide distribution in size is a closer approximation to the state of a heavily cold-worked metal specimen (partly recovered) than is the commonly presented picture of isolated dislocations.
1951, 8 (2): 143-149.
Abstract +
An expression is given, for the part of dissipation function that is clue to volume viscosity as introduced in our viscocbistic theory. It is shown to be in accordance with the results of our theory of sound absorption. Certain features of this function arc briefly discussed.
1951, 8 (2): 150-169.
Abstract +
A variational method for the determination of the phase,originally devcloped by Hulthén is appledhere to a two nuclecon system,the nuclcar potential being taken as a superposition of Yukawa potentialsof different ranges.Hulthén's method is also gencralized to include a Coulomb potential when necessary,Formulac are obtained in the form of power series which are useful for encrgies less that 40 Mev.
1951, 8 (2): 170-182.
Abstract +
A brief derivation of the formulae for the cross-sections and angular distribution for the photo-disintegration of the deuteron is given here by treating protons and neutrons as identical paricles.Wave functions obtained by Hulthén's variational method are used to calculate the matrix elemcntsfor various transitions.