Vol. 7, No. 1 (1947)
1947, 7 (1): 1-8.
Abstract +
The average nuclear level spacings of In, Ir and Au are estimated from the beta-ray activities induced by the primary photo-neutrons emitted from a Ra+Be source. A Geiger-Muller counter made of aluminum is used for measuring the induced activities. The saturated induced activities for the three elements are found to be 0.665±0.23 0.982±.03l, 0.453±0.21 (no./sec.) respectively. The estimation for the average nuclear level spacings is made in accordance with Breit-Wigner's one level formula, the resnlts being 5.6, 15 and 6 volts for In, Ir, Au respectively. The spacing of Ir is probably somewhat over estimated since the values of the energy and absorption coefficient of the resonance neutron group, used in the estimation, are not very accurate.
1947, 7 (1): 9-20.
Abstract +
In this paper, as suggested by the classical canonical equations, a new set of the corresponding relativistic equations is set up. Therefrom a relativistic form of Heisenberg's equation is deduced. The rclalivistic Hamiltonian system of a particle according to the formulation here established has been fully discussed and by following it, however, Diracs equation appears naturally as a necessary form of relativistic wave equation tor electron in quantum mechanics. The process of taking square root in Dirac's theory is seen to have its classical analogy. Finally, some applications of the relativistic Heisenberg's equation to Dirac's theory have been discussed and it has thereby been pointed out that this equation brings some quantities to being more symmetrical in the relativity sense and also some more general than those the non-relativistic equation can introduce.
1947, 7 (1): 21-28.
Abstract +
1947, 7 (1): 29-47.
Abstract +
The absorption coefficients of β-rays from UX2 and RaE were completely studied. Two outstanding features have been found by the authors: (1) The complete logarithmic absorption curve of β-rays is not a really straight line but a broken one consisting of several segments of straight lines which intersected at a certain point. The slopes of the segments are greater as the absorbing screens are thicker. (2) The values of the absorp-tion coefficients are not constant but can be varied according to the surrounding conditions of measurement. Among the conditions, the substance beneath the preparation Or the reflector, the substance encircles the preparation or the screen support, and the distance between the active preparation and the ionisation chamber window are the three main determinating tactors which influence the variation of the coefficient.