


Vol. 6, No. 1 (1945)

On the Approximate Partition Function in the Statistical Theory of Adsorption
C. F. Ying
1945, 6 (1): 1-16. doi:10.7498/aps.6.1
Abstract +
Wang's theory for determining the approximate configurational partition function of the adsorbed layer is modified in two different ways. One is to assume that the configurational energy should be corrected; the other to advocate that the deficiency due to a wrong expression for the a priori probability of the central site is more significant. The configurational partition function is evaluated in both methods and the adsorption isotherm and the heat of adsorption computed for the case of quadratic lattice with dipole interaction. Values for the last two quantities when a uniform continuous distribution of the distant adsorbed particles is assumed are further given for comparison. The second method, which surpasses the first, is compared with Kirkwood's method in the case of hexagonal lattice with neighbour interaction. Numerical work is also carried out in this case.
Absorption Bands of Alkeli Atoms in the Presence of Foreign Gases: Remarks on Chen's Paper
Ta-You Wu
1945, 6 (1): 17-20. doi:10.7498/aps.6.17
Abstract +
The recent suggestion of Ch'en that the diffused bands appearing on the short wave-length side of the principal series lines of the alkali stoms in the presonce of foreign gases are due to the increase in the energy of the optical electron in the upper state through collisions with a foreign atom is examined. Serious objeetions encountered in this theory are pointed out in this note.
Separable Wave Function of the Ground State of Helium Constructed from Hylleraas' Wave Function
T. Z. Ku
1945, 6 (1): 21-26. doi:10.7498/aps.6.21
Abstract +
The single-electron wave function of the ground state of the helium atom is obtained from Hylleraas' well-known wave function by integrating the latter over the coordinates of one electron. The energy of the ground state calculated with this one-electron wave function is -5.717Rh, compared with the value -5.755 given by th self-consistant field solution.
Some Properties of a Van Der Waals Gas
J. S. Wang
1945, 6 (1): 27-35. doi:10.7498/aps.6.27
Abstract +
The thermodynamic functions of an ideal substance represented by van der Waals equation are obtained with the help of the condition that these functions reduce to those of a perfect gas in the limiting case of vanishing pressure. The volumes of the liquid state and gas state in coexistence as determined by Maxwell's rule of equal areas are expressed in a parametic form. The nature of the dependence of the costantsaandbon the chemical composition of the gas is briefly considered.
On the Heisenberg Picture in Quantum Electrodynamics
S. T. Ma
1945, 6 (1): 36-49. doi:10.7498/aps.6.36
Abstract +
The form of quantom theory of radiation introduced by Heisenberg ig discussed from the point of view of the transformation theory of quantum electrodynamics. A general investigation of the connection between Heisenberg's method and Dirac's method of variation of parameters is given.The extension of Heisenberg's method to eigenvalue problems, which was first carried out by Weisskopf for the soIf energy of the electron, is presented in such a way as to show more clearly its quantum nehanical interpretation. A general proof of the equivalence of Weigkopf's method and the method of the perturbation theory of stationary States in quantum mechanics is given.
Hylleraasian Wave Function of 2s21Sof Helium
T. T. Kou, Ta-You Wu
1945, 6 (1): 50-58. doi:10.7498/aps.6.50
Abstract +
A variationaI calcenlation of the energy of the 2s21Sstate of helium has been carried out with the use of a waVe function of the Hylleraasian type. The wave function is Ψ=e-0.2278 s{1-0.17079 s-0.063155u-03013869t2+ 0.01004u2+0.0064785s2} wheres,t,uare in units of 4 times tho first Bohr radius of hydrogen. The energy isE(2s21S)=-1.5412 Rh,compared with the value -1.4400 Rh obtained by the method of seIf-consistent field.
The Critical Temperature and Discontinuity of Specific Heat of a Superlattice
C. N. Yang
1945, 6 (1): 59-66. doi:10.7498/aps.6.59
Abstract +
General formulas for the critical temperature and the discontinuity of the specific heat of a superlattice are obtained by the generalized quasi-chemical method. The results may be applied to any approximation.
On the Application of the Hilger Prism Interferometer to the Resolution of Spectral Lines
L. C. Tsien
1945, 6 (1): 67-78. doi:10.7498/aps.6.67
Abstract +
An interference pattern of two systems of fringes has beei obtained by using two radiations in a Hilgor prism interferometer. A system of White: baads with eqial spacing which are always parallel to the refracting edge of the prism is the result of the intersection of the two systens of fringes.The white bands travel as one of the reflecting mirror in the interferometer makes a parallel displacement. Letdbe the displacement of mirror when tbe white bands travel one spacing, we have 1/λ2-1/λ1=1/2d. Two yellow doublets in sodium and mercury lamps were used. The values found for 1/λ2-1/λ1were 17.22 cm-1and 63.29 cm-1respectively. A comparison of this method with the visibility curve by Michelson interfero-meter has been digcussed.