


Vol. 5, No. 2 (1944)

On the Factorization Method for Quantum Mechanical Eigenvalue Problems
1944, 5 (2): 89-104. doi:10.7498/aps.5.89
Abstract +
The Schrodinger-Infold factorization method for salrinz eigenralue problem in quantum mechanics is very simple for the determination of the sigenvalues and oigenfunctione, without usinx power series or polguomial developments. Howerer, no general theory underlying thie method has been depuloned. It is the parpose of tho preseat paper to formulate explicit conditiona (A, R, G) ander which the method applies, and to lay down formulas which will enable one to write ont at once the solution of ans eigenvalue problem eatisfying these conditions. As illastrationa tho spherical harmonics, the Kepler problem in ordinary space and in spherical epaco, and the harmonie oscillator, are re-troated here on the basis of the theory now developed.
The Turbulent Jet
Su-Shu Huang
1944, 5 (2): 105-123. doi:10.7498/aps.5.105
Abstract +
The theory of tho sp:ead of turbulent jete, based upon Chou's improved general theory of turbulenio, is civen in the presen: paper. Starting trom the differential equatious for mean motion and the equations of donble correlations for both velodity and tomperature fluctuations,the anthor hes caleulatod the moan yeloeity and the moan temperature distributions in tha two-dimensional, in the axially symmetrical and in the half jot. in all three cases the samo procedure of approximation haa been Yellowed. The results aro compared with experimental data, and the agreement Uetween theory anil experiment is quite good.
The Turbulent Flow through a Circular Pipe
1944, 5 (2): 124-137. doi:10.7498/aps.5.124
Abstract +
Chon's goneral ticors of turblonea is aipiots tne iniont llrouzh a cireular pipe. The methol of solution employed by Chrin in Ais investigation of the nurhnlent fiow tlrongh a chanae is usei here and lesds 10 rosulis which agrce well vit eapommeab
Variation of Interaction Energy with Change of Lattice Constants and Change of Degree of Order
1944, 5 (2): 138-149. doi:10.7498/aps.5.138
Abstract +
The change of lattice constanta due to order-disordering proceas in a superlattice is investigated by using the condition of minimum free energyin Bethe's theory. It is fonnd that tho interaction energy depends on the degree of order when the extornal presure is kept constant. The specific heat at constant pressure given by the theory is compared with experimeut. Another source of the variation of interactíon energy ia the change of atomic arrangements. This is also investigated from the viewpoint of Wang'8 formulation of the iree onergy in Bethe's approximation. The energy states of the configurationa 282p,2p2,182m2p,1s2p2,282p2,2p8 nhe atons fron H to F have been calculated. by the yariational method with gimple wave functions. Wherever' possible, thé enorgies are the corrected according to the method suggested by Stevenson. These caloulated or tha denon oe eee ne of stable negative ions of H and He in excitod staten is discussod. The electron affinity of Li atom is reestimated.
Variatiolal Energies of Anomaloua States of 2-and 3-Elec-tron Configurations of Light Atom8
Ta-You Wu, S.T.Shen
1944, 5 (2): 150-161. doi:10.7498/aps.5.150
Abstract +
Recently Edlen and:Tyren have reported the observation of groups of weak lines tojthe long wave length side of the lines 1s2 1S-1s2p 1P in the CV-like spectra, and the 18a S-2p'P in the CVI-like spectra of the light elements. These satellite lineg they ascribed to transitions in the respective preceding spectrum with an additional external électron whose effect of screening on the energy of transition giving rise to the main line is small. Thus the transition 18IS-182p S-282p 1P, 1s2s S-2s2p 3P, 282p 3P-2p 3P,132p1P-203 ID,1S,etc. The purpose of thig paper is to calculate the energies of the initial states involved in the emission of these satellite lines and to attempt an identification of the lines observed by Edlén and Tyrén.
Probabilites of Ionization and Excitation of Closed Sbell Electron of Li by Electon Impact
Ta-You Wu, F. C. Yu
1944, 5 (2): 162-179. doi:10.7498/aps.5.162
Abstract +
With the aid of analytic wave functions determined by tho variationai method, the quantum mechanical cross-sections for the excitation of the valence electron, an electron in an inner closed ehell, and of the simultaneoüs excitation and ionization have been calculated analytically for the lithium atom. 1t is found that the probability of excitation electron in a closed shell is in general very small compared with those for the excitation of the valence eleetron, but is of the same order of magnitude as those for the Bimultaneous excitation and ionization. The experiments of Lee on electron collision and the observation of Edlen: and Tyren on the satellite lines in atomic spectra arc briøfly discussed on the baeis of these calculationg.
Raman Spectrum of Ni(NO3)2·6NH3Crystal: Effect of Crystal Field on the Nitrate ion
Ta-You Wu
1944, 5 (2): 180-186. doi:10.7498/aps.5.180
Abstract +
The Ramau spectrum ot Ni(NO8)3 6NH crystal is taken witln the view of studying thé effect of the erystal fiëld on the inner' vibrations of the NO3 group of-which a peculiar behavior is suggèstéd bý X-rey analysis. . Ono line is found at985 cm-1.This result and the spłitting of the V,~1050 cm-1 lino into a doublet in Gu(NO3)2 3H20 and Cu(NO;): 6H20 crystals.observed,by Ananthakri-' Rhnan aro discussed from the viewpoint of the §wo-minimum problem similar to the NHs molecule.