


Vol. 5, No. 1 (1944)

Velority and Temperstere Distributlons in Turbulent Wakes Bebind an Infinite Cylinder and a Body of Revolution
N. Hu
1944, 5 (1): 1-29. doi:10.7498/aps.5.1
Abstract +
Chou's theory of turbulence is applied to inyeatigate tho velocity and temperaturo distributions in tarbulent wakes,behind an infinite cylinder and a body of revolution. The results of the theory for the mean squares of velocity fluctuations across the wake, and for the distributions of mean velocity and temperature behind the wakes are found to agree well with the experiments of Fage, of Fage and Falkner, and of Hall and Hislop.
Velocity and Tempeteture Distributions in Turbulent Wates Behind a Row of Equally Spaced Parallel Rods and Behind a Square Grid
N. Hu
1944, 5 (1): 30-48. doi:10.7498/aps.5.30
Abstract +
Chou's theory of turbulence is applied successfully to the wakes behind a system of equal distant parallel rods and a square grid. It is found that both the velocity and temperature distributions in the first kind of wake are the same cosino functions of the coordinates across the weke and those for the second kind of wake are just the superpositions of the wakes beind two perpendicular systems of parallol rods. In both cases Taylor's law of linear decay of turbulent fluctuation and quadratic increase of scale of micro-turbulenco are obtained.
Vibrational-Rotational Spectrum and Potential Function of a Linenr Asymmetrical Triatomlc Molecule
A. T. Kiang
1944, 5 (1): 49-63. doi:10.7498/aps.5.49
Abstract +
The problem of the vibration-rotational spectrum of the linear asymmetrical triatomic moleenle has been worked out, by the perturbation method of wave mechanics,and the expresaions for the energy of vibration and the convergence factors of the rotational lines of the bands are obtained in terms of the anharmonie potontial constanta.The results are applied to the HON molecule with satisfactory result.
On the Application of Kirkwood's Theory of Order-Disorder Transformation to Adsorption
J.S Wang, jenn Yueh Mei
1944, 5 (1): 64-88. doi:10.7498/aps.5.64
Abstract +
The phenomenon of euperlattice formation on an adeorbed layer is investigated by using both Kirkwood's theory and Bøthe's therry of ørder-disorder transformation. Jt is shown that when the interaction energy betweeu the adsorbed atoms is positive and when the temperature is below a certain eritical temperature the,slope of the adsorption igothermals and the heat of orption have a diseontinuity a a certain transition θ, where θ is the iraction of the surface covered by adsorbed atoms. This transition θ is situated symmetrically about the value θ=1/2, suoh that if θt is the transition θ, ther 1-θt is also one. When θ <θt and θ> 1-θt no superlattice is formed.