\begin{document}$ \times $\end{document}109 triple- or higher-fold events were collected by the GALILEO data acquisition system. The γ-γ-γ coincidence events were sorted into a three-dimensional histogram (cube) and the analysis was carried out with the RADWARE and GASPWARE software packages.Through analysis of the coincidences between γ-rays, the most comprehensive level schemes of 131Ba to date was deduced from the present work. The extended level-scheme consists of 15 rotational bands, and newly observed transitions are marked in red. Three nearly degenerate pairs of doublet bands (Band 3–8) are identified in 131Ba. Two pairs of chiral doublets (Band 3–6) with configuration \begin{document}$ {\textit{\pi}}h_{11/2}(g_{7/2},d_{5/2}){\otimes}{\nu}h_{11/2} $\end{document} are interpreted as a set of pseudospin-chiral quartet bands. The quartet bands are fed by another pair of chiral doublet bands (Band 7–8) built on a \begin{document}$ {\textit{\pi}}h^2_{11/2}{\otimes}{\nu}h_{11/2} $\end{document} configuration via a series of enhanced E1 transitions. We extracted the energy displacement δE and the B(E1)/B(E2) branching ratios between the positive-parity band 3 and the negative-parity band 7 in 131Ba and in comparison with those in 124Ba, 224Th, 133Ce and 135Nd. The energy displacement δE and the B(E1)/B(E2) branching ratios in 131Ba are comparable with those in 124Ba but deviate appreciably from those in 224Th which has been reported to have stable octupole deformation. The results indicate the existence of octupole correlations in 131Ba without stable octupole deformation. A new rotational band (Band 10) discovered in the low-spin region exhibits a level structure similar to a wobbling band. Assuming it as a wobbling band, the wobbling frequency was extracted and compared with other reported wobbling bands in the neighboring nuclei. The wobbling frequency of this band decreases with increasing angular momentum, and even exhibits negative value at the highest spin. Considering that the wobbling phonon should contribute a positive amount to the excitation energy, this band is unlikely to be explained by this mechanism. The band may originate from other collective excitation mechanisms such as γ vibration. The newly identified rotational band (Band 9) composed of M1 transitions is tentatively assigned as a magnetic rotational band through a systematic analysis of the level structure. Finally, the configurations of other 4 bands, Band 12-15, are also suggested based on previous researches and the extracted quasiparticle alignments."> Exotic collective excitation patterns in triaxially deformed <sup>131</sup>Ba - 必威体育下载







    Wei Rui, Zhou Hou-Bing, Wang Si-Cheng, Ding Bing, Qiang Yun-Hua, Jia Chen-Xu, Chen Hong-Xing, Guo Song, C.M. Petrache, D. Mengoni, A. Astier, E. Dupont, Lü Bing-Feng, D. Bazzacco, A. Boso, A. Goasduff, F. Recchia, D. Testov, F. Galtarossa, G. Jaworski, D.R. Napoli, S. Riccetto, M. Siciliano, J.J. Valiente-Dobon, C. Andreoiu, F.H. Garcia, K. Ortner, K. Whitmore, A. Ataç-Nyberg, T. Bäck, B. Cederwall, E.A. Lawrie, I. Kuti, D. Sohler, T. Marchlewski, J. Srebrny, A. Tucholski
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    Publishing process
    • Received Date:01 February 2024
    • Accepted Date:15 March 2024
    • Available Online:09 April 2024
    • Published Online:05 June 2024
