The full vector property of the optical parameter of cylindrical vector vortex beam (CVVB) in free space was characterized using the spin-momentum relation, including the momentum (P), spin angular momentum (SAM), transverse-type spin angular momentum (t-SAM), longitudinal-type spin angular momentum (l-SAM) and light field . P has x, y and z components . SAM has x and y components, but no z component. t-SAM and l-SAM all have components which are parallel and perpendicular to the optical axis when the topological charge m is not 0. t-SAM has a longitudinal component which is related to the helical trajectory of photons and l-SAM has a transverse component in free space. Except for the APVB, which has no longitudinal field when the topological charge m is 0, both RPVB and APVB have longitudinal fields in free space. The vectorial characteristic of the angular momentum of CVVB in free space can provide a theoretical basis for analyzing the transmission of structured beams in different media.