




方振远, 张宝武, 崔建军, 张斌, 陈恺, 许子杰, 朱玲, 孙怡, 罗贤欢

Effect of beam splitter thickness on angle measurement accuracy of dual-arm Tolansky interferometric autocollimator

FANG Zhenyuan, ZHANG Baowu, CUI Jianjun, ZHANG Bin, CHEN Kai, XU Zijie, ZHU Ling, SUN Yi, LUO Xianhuan
科大讯飞全文翻译 (iFLYTEK Translation)
  • 为了解决Tolansky干涉微小角度测量过程依赖动镜测量臂臂长的问题, 提出了一种双臂Tolansky干涉自准直测角方案, 针对其中分光镜厚度对测角准确性的影响, 利用几何光学的单折射球面公式和过渡公式分析了分光镜厚度影响下的虚拟点光源位置, 建立了包含分光镜厚度和折射率的圆心偏转量与偏转角之间的关系, 通过虚拟仿真和实体实验相结合的方式详细考察了分光镜厚度对测角准确性的影响. 结果显示, 分光镜厚度不同会影响初始圆心的位置; 随着分光镜厚度的增大, 不同角度下, 仿真测量结果与含厚度因素关系式理论值的相对偏差在±0.5%以内; 在同一角度下, 所建立的含厚度因素关系式与不含厚度因素关系式的差值逐渐增大. 在1 mm分光镜的厚度下, 以已标定自准直仪所测导轨数据为准, 所建立的含厚度因素关系式与不含厚度因素关系式的相对误差仅为0.22%. 本文结果为这种新型自准直仪的深度研究和开发提供了重要的指导.
    In order to solve the problem that the measurement arm length needs to be obtained in real time when calculating the measurement angle in the process of Tolansky interference small angle measurement, a dual-arm Tolansky interference autocollimation angle measurement scheme is proposed, which not only maintains the function of Tolansky interference, but also integrates the principle of optical leverage. In the simulation study, it is found that the splitter with thickness in the scheme will lead to the lateral offset of the optical axis of the emitted light, which will change the position of the virtual point light source, and finally change the position of the center of the interference circle on the detector. In this work, in order to reduce the influence of the thickness of the beam splitter on the angle measurement accuracy of the angle measurement scheme, the optical path structure of the angle measurement scheme is redrawn, and the relationship between the center offset of the interference ring and the deflection angle, which contains the thickness factor and can accurately describe the optical path, is deduced. Therefore, the corresponding method is adopted as follows. Firstly, the measurement optical path of the splitter with a thickness factor is redrawn, the splitter is partially enlarged, and the original beam is replaced with the center line of the laser beam to draw the optical path. Then, the position of the virtual point light source under the influence of the thickness of the splitter is analyzed by using the single refraction spherical formula and the transition formula of geometric optics, and the relationship between the offset of the interference center and the deflection angle with the thickness of the splitter is established. Secondly, the coordinate information of the center of the interference ring under different thickness parameters of the splitter is obtained by using the virtual simulation experiment, which proves the correctness of the theoretical analysis. Then, simulation experiments such as simulation measurement of multiple sets of setting angles and angle measurement under different splitter thickness conditions are carried out, and the accuracy of the relationship including the splitter thickness factor deduced above is cross-validated. Finally, combined with the actual experiment, measurements are taken on the guide rail and calibrated autocollimator, and the influence of beam splitter thickness on angle measurement accuracy is investigated in detail. The research results are obtained below. Experiments show that the thickness of the splitter will affect the position of the initial center of the circle; with the increase of the thickness of the splitter, the error between the simulation measurement results and the relationship including the thickness factor is within ± 0.5 % at different angles, and the experimental data and theoretical results are in good agreement. At the same angle, as the thickness of the beam splitter increases, the difference between the established relationship and the approximate relationship gradually increases. With 1-mm-thick beam splitter, the relative error between the established relationship and the calculated value of the approximate relationship is only 0.22 % based on the data of the guide rail measured by the calibrated autocollimator. From these results, a conclusion can be drawn below. The utilizing a thinner spectroscope can effectively reduce the calculation and measurement errors, providing an important guidance for carrying out the in-depth research and development of this new autocollimator.
  • Object classParameter
    LaserMonochromatic light, wavelength 632 nm, beam diameter 5 mm
    Converging lensThe diameter of the converging lens is 12 mm, the thickness is 1 mm
    SpectroscopeThe size is 20 mm × 20 mm, the thickness can be adjusted, tilt 45
    degrees around the x axis
    Reference mirrorDiameter 10 mm, thickness not included, tilt negative 90°
    around the x axis
    Measuring mirrorThe diameter is 10 mm, the thickness is not counted, no tilt
    CCDthe size of the receiving surface is 12.8 mm × 12.8 mm, tilt 45
    degrees around the x axis
    Reference arm length $ {D}_{1} $The initial length is 70 mm, the length can be changed.
    Measuring arm length $ {D}_{2} $The initial length is 130 mm, and the maximum length can be extended.
    LInitial length 140 mm, transformable length
    Air refractive index$ {n}_{0}=1.00029 $
    Glass refractive index$ n=1.5168 $
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    $ {C}_{0}{C}_{0} $0固定0
    $ {C}_{0}{C}_{2} $5固定4.822735
    $ {C}_{0}{C}_{1} $5下移1.671882
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    Object classParameter
    SpectroscopeThe size is 20 mm × 20 mm, the thickness 5 mm .
    CCD camera spacing$ L=140 $mm.
    Reference arm length $ {D}_{1} $$ {D}_{1}=70 $mm.
    Measuring convergent lens$ f=70 $mm
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  • [1]























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  • 收稿日期:  2024-08-26
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