\begin{document}$\text{H}_2^+$\end{document}和\begin{document}$\text{HD}^+$\end{document}体系中, 其中包括\begin{document}$m\alpha^7\ln(\alpha)$\end{document}阶量子电动力学(QED)修正. 对于\begin{document}$\text{H}_2^+$\end{document}, 超精细结构理论计算经过数十年的发展, 可以与20世纪的相应实验测量符合. 对于\begin{document}$\text{HD}^+$\end{document}, 最近发现超精细劈裂实验测量和理论计算存在一定的偏差, 且无法用\begin{document}$m\alpha^7$\end{document}阶非对数项的理论误差来解释. 理解这种偏差一方面需要更多的实验来相互检验, 另一方面对理论也需要进行独立验证并发展\begin{document}$m\alpha^7$\end{document}阶非对数项理论以进一步减小理论误差."> - 必威体育下载






cstr: 32037.14.aps.73.20241101

Review of the hyperfine structure theory of hydrogen molecular ions

Zhong Zhen-Xiang
cstr: 32037.14.aps.73.20241101
  • 通过氢分子离子振转光谱的高精度实验测量和理论计算, 可以精确确定基本物理常数, 如质子-电子质量比、氘核-电子质量比、里德伯常数、以及质子和氘核的电荷半径. 氢分子离子光谱包含丰富的超精细结构, 为了从光谱中提取物理信息, 我们不仅需要研究振转光谱跃迁理论, 还需要研究超精细结构理论. 本文回顾了氢分子离子精密光谱的实验和理论研究历程, 着重介绍了氢分子离子超精细结构的研究历史和现状. 在20世纪的下半叶就有了关于氢分子离子超精细劈裂的领头项Breit-Pauli哈密顿量的理论. 随着21世纪初非相对论量子电动力学 (NRQED) 的发展, 氢分子离子超精细结构的高阶修正理论也得到了系统的发展, 并于最近应用到$\text{H}_2^+$和$\text{HD}^+$体系中, 其中包括$m\alpha^7\ln(\alpha)$阶量子电动力学(QED)修正. 对于$\text{H}_2^+$, 超精细结构理论计算经过数十年的发展, 可以与20世纪的相应实验测量符合. 对于$\text{HD}^+$, 最近发现超精细劈裂实验测量和理论计算存在一定的偏差, 且无法用$m\alpha^7$阶非对数项的理论误差来解释. 理解这种偏差一方面需要更多的实验来相互检验, 另一方面对理论也需要进行独立验证并发展$m\alpha^7$阶非对数项理论以进一步减小理论误差.
    The study of high-precision spectroscopy for hydrogen molecular ions enables the determination of fundamental constants, such as the proton-to-electron mass ratio, the deuteron-to-electron mass ratio, the Rydberg constant, and the charge radii of proton and deuteron. This can be accomplished through a combination of high precision experimental measurements and theoretical calculations. The spectroscopy of hydrogen molecular ions reveals abundant hyperfine splittings, necessitating not only an understanding of rovibrational transition frequencies but also a thorough grasp of hyperfine structure theory to extract meaningful physical information from the spectra. This article reviews the history of experiments and theories related to the spectroscopy of hydrogen molecular ions, with a particular focus on the theory of hyperfine structure. As far back as the second half of the last century, the hyperfine structure of hydrogen molecular ions was described by a comprehensive theory based on its leading-order term, known as the Breit-Pauli Hamiltonian. Thanks to the advancements in non-relativistic quantum electrodynamics (NRQED) at the beginning of this century, a systematic development of next-to-leading-order theory for hyperfine structure has been achieved and applied to $\text{H}_2^+$ and $\text{HD}^+$ in recent years, including the establishment of the $m\alpha^7\ln(\alpha)$ order correction. For the hyperfine structure of $\text{H}_2^+$, theoretical calculations show good agreement with experimental measurements after decades of work. However, for HD +, discrepancies have been observed between measurements and theoretical predictions that cannot be accounted for by the theoretical uncertainty in the non-logarithmic term of the $m\alpha^7$ order correction. To address this issue, additional experimental measurements are needed for mutual validation, as well as independent tests of the theory, particularly regarding the non-logarithmic term of the $m\alpha^7$ order correction.
      • 基金项目:国家自然科学基金重大项目 (批准号: 12393821) 和国家重点研发计划 (批准号: 2021YFA1402103) 资助的课题.
        Corresponding author:Zhong Zhen-Xiang,zxzhong@hainanu.edu.cn
      • Funds:Project supported by the Key Program of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 12393821) and the National Key Research and Development Program of China (Grant No. 2021YFA1402103).
































































































    • 年份 作者(研究机构) 跃迁$ (v, L)\rightarrow (v', L') $ 所测频率/MHz 理论频率/MHz 质量比
      2007 Koelemeij
      et al. (HHU)[16]
      $ (0, 2)\rightarrow (4, 3) $ 214978560.6(0.5) 214978560.88(7)[62]
      2016 Biesheuvel
      et al. (VU)[18]
      $ (0, 2)\rightarrow (8, 3) $ 383407177.38(41) 383407177.150(15)[20] 1836.1526695(53)
      2018 Alighanbari
      et al. (HHU)[63]
      $ (0, 0)_{J=2}\rightarrow (0, 1)_{J'=3} $ 1314935.8280(4)(3)a 1314935.8273(10)b 1836.1526739(24)
      2020 Alighanbari
      et al. (HHU)[23]
      $ (0, 0)\rightarrow (0, 1) $ 1314925.752910(17) 1314925.752896(18)(61)b,c 1836.152673449(24)
      2020 Patra
      et al. (VU)[24]
      $ (4, 2)\rightarrow (9, 3) $ 415264925.5005(12) 415264925.4962(74)b 1836.152673406(38)
      2021 Kortunov
      et al. (HHU)[64]
      $ (0, 0)\rightarrow (1, 1) $ 58605052.16424(16)(85)e 58605052.1639(5)(13)b,c 1836.152673384(11)
      2023 Alighanbari
      et al. (HHU)[17]
      $ (0, 0)\rightarrow (5, 1) $ 259762971.0512(6)
      259762971.05091[41] 1836.152673463
      $ \text{H}_2^+ $
      2024 Schenkel
      et al. (HHU)[65]
      $ (1, 0)\rightarrow (3, 2) $ 124487032.7(1.5) 124487032.45(6)[40] 1836.152665(53)
      2014 CODATA group[66] CODATA 2014 1836.15267389(17)
      2018 CODATA group[22] CODATA 2018 1836.15267343(11)
      2022 CODATA groupg CODATA 2022 1836.152673426(32)
      注:a第一个误差为统计误差, 第二个为系统误差;b来自Korobov, 是该实验文章的共同作者;c第一个误差来自理论, 第二个来自CODATAk 2018基本物理常数;d第一个误差来自实验, 第二个来自理论, 第三个来自CODATAk 2018基本物理常数;e第一个误差来自实验, 第二个来自超精细结构理论;f第一个误差来自实验, 第二个来自QED理论, 第三个来自超精细结构理论, 第四个来自CODATA 2018基本物理常数;g来自NIST的基本物理常数表 https://physics.nist.gov/cuu/Constants/index.html .
      下载: 导出CSV

      年份 振转跃迁 $ \mathcal{R} $ 相对误差 引文
      2020 $ (0, 0)\rightarrow (0, 1) $ 1223.899228658(23) $ 1.9\times10^{-11} $ HHU[23]
      2020 $ (0, 3)\rightarrow (9, 3) $ 1223.899228735(28) $ 2.3\times10^{-11} $ VU[67]
      2021 $ (0, 0)\rightarrow (0, 1) $ 1223.899228711(22) $ 1.8\times10^{-11} $ HHU[64]
      2023 $ (0, 0)\rightarrow (5, 1) $ 1223.899228720(25) $ 2.0\times10^{-11} $ HHU[17]
      1223.899228642(37) $ 3.0\times10^{-11} $ 潘宁阱[25,26,68]
      1223.899228723(56) $ 4.8\times10^{-11} $ CODATA 2018[22]
      下载: 导出CSV

      L v bF ce cI d1 d2
      1 0 922 930.1(9)a 42 417.32(15)b –41.673d 8566.174(17)b –19.837d
      922 940(20)[53] 42 348(29)[53] –3(15)[53] 8550.6(1.7)[53]
      1 4 836 728.7(8)a 32 655.32(11)b –35.826c 6537.386(13)b –16.414c
      836 729.2(8)[52] 32 636[52] –34(1.5)e 6535.6[52]
      1 5 819 226.7(8)a 30 437.80(11)b –34.148c 6080.400(12)b –15.531c
      819 227.3(8)[52] 30 421[52] –33(1.5)e 6078.7[52]
      1 6 803 174.5(7)a 28 280.95(10)b –32.385c 5637.627(11)b –14.633c
      803 175.1(8)[52] 28 266[52] –31(1.5)e 5636.0[52]
      1 7 788 507.5(7)a
      788 507.9(8)[52] 26 156[52] –29(1.5)e 5204.9[52]
      1 8 775 171.2(7)a
      775 172.0(8)[52] 24 080[52] –27(1.5)e 4782.2[52]
      注:a包含高阶修正的贡献, 来自文献[49];b包含高阶修正的贡献, 来自文献[59];c仅计算领头项$ m\alpha^4 $阶的Breit-Pauli哈密顿量的贡献, 误差为相应值乘以$ \alpha^2\approx5.3\times10^{-5} $, 来自文献[51];d仅计算领头项$ m\alpha^4 $阶的Breit-Pauli哈密顿量的贡献, 误差为相应值乘以$ \alpha^2\approx5.3\times10^{-5} $, 来自文献[30];e由Babb于1995年重新拟合实验数据获得, 来自文献[46].
      下载: 导出CSV

      L se I F J n
      0 1/2 0 1/2 1/2 1
      1 1/2 1 1/2 1/2, 3/2 5
      3/2 1/2, 3/2, 5/2
      1/2 0 1/2 $ L-1/2, L+1/2 $ 2
      1/2 1 1/2 $ L-1/2, L+1/2 $ 6
      3/2 $ L-3/2, L-1/2, L+1/2, L+3/2 $
      下载: 导出CSV

      v $ \left(\dfrac{3}{2}, \dfrac{3}{2}\right)—\left(\dfrac{3}{2}, \dfrac{5}{2}\right) $ $ \left(\dfrac{3}{2}, \dfrac{3}{2}\right)—\left(\dfrac{3}{2}, \dfrac{1}{2}\right) $ $ \left(\dfrac{1}{2}, \dfrac{3}{2}\right)—\left(\dfrac{1}{2}, \dfrac{1}{2}\right) $ $ \left(\dfrac{3}{2}, \dfrac{5}{2}\right)—\left(\dfrac{1}{2}, \dfrac{3}{2}\right) $ $ \left(\dfrac{3}{2}, \dfrac{3}{2}\right)—\left(\dfrac{1}{2}, \dfrac{3}{2}\right) $
      4 5.7202 74.0249 15.371316(56)a 1270.5504 1276.2706
      5.721 74.027 15.371407(2)b 1270.550 1276.271
      5 5.2576 68.9314 14.381453(52)a 1243.2508 1248.5084
      5.258 68.933 14.381513(2)b 1243.251 1248.509
      6 4.8168 63.9879 13.413397(48)a 1218.1538 1222.9706
      4.817 63.989 13.413460(2)b 1218.154 1222.971
      7 4.3948 59.1626 12.4607 1195.1558 1199.5506
      4.395 59.164 12.461 1195.156 1199.551
      8 3.9892 54.4238 11.5172 1174.1683 1178.1576
      3.989 54.425 11.517 1174.169 1178.159
      下载: 导出CSV

      (v,L) (0, 0) (0, 1) (1, 1) (6, 1) (0, 3) (9, 3)
      E1[50] 31985.41(12) 30280.74(11) 22643.89(8) 31628.10(11) 18270.85(6)
      E2[47] –31.345(8) –30.463(8) –25.356(7) –30.832(8) –21.304(6)
      E3[47] –4.809(1) –4.664(1) –3.850(1)a –4.733(1) –3.225(1)
      E4[49] 925394.2(9) 924567.7(9) 903366.5(8) 816716.1(8) 920480.0(9) 775706.1(7)
      E5[49] 142287.56(8) 142160.67(8) 138910.27(8) 125655.51(7) 141533.07(8) 119431.93(7)
      E6[50] 8611.299(18) 8136.859(17) 6027.925(13) 948.5421(20) 538.9991(12)
      E7[50] 1321.7960(28) 1248.9624(27) 925.2072(20) 145.5969(3) 82.7250(2)
      E8[47] –3.057(1) –2.945(1) –2.369(1)a –0.335 –0.219
      E9[50] 5.660(1) 5.653(1) 5.204(1)a 0.612 0.501
      注:a未见于文献中, 由本文作者计算.
      下载: 导出CSV

      L F S J
      L 0 1 $ L-1, L, L+1 $
      1 0 L
      1 $ L-1, L, L+1 $
      2 $ L-2, L-1, L, L+1, L+2 $
      下载: 导出CSV

      i $ FSJ\rightarrow F'S'J' $ j $ FSJ\rightarrow F'S'J' $ $ f_{ij}^\text{exp} $ $ f_{ij}^\text{theor} $[50] $ \varDelta_{ij} $ $ \varDelta_{ij}/\sigma_c $
      $ (v=0, L=0)\longrightarrow(v'=0, L'=1) $ $ f_{ij}^\text{exp} $来自引文[23]
      12 122→121 14 100→101 2434.211(75) 2434.465(23) –0.254 –3.2
      12 122→121 16 011→012 31074.752(43) 31074.102(56) –0.350 –4.9
      12 122→121 19 122→123 43283.419(54) 43284.10(12) –0.677 –5.0
      12 122→121 20 122→122 44944.338(72) 44945.289(64) –0.951 –9.8
      12 122→121 21 111→112 44996.486(61) 44997.14(11) –0.652 –5.3
      14 100→101 16 011→012 6939.541(66) 6939.636(42) –0.095 –1.2
      14 100→101 19 122→123 1949.208(47) 1948.63(11) –0.423 –3.2
      14 100→101 20 122→122 20810.127(88) 20810.823(63) –0.696 –6.5
      14 100→101 21 111→112 20862.275(79) 20862.673(91) –0.398 –3.3
      16 011→012 19 122→123 12209.667(41) 12209.994(72) –0.327 –4.0
      16 011→012 20 122→122 13870.586(62) 13871.187(42) –0.601 –7.9
      16 011→012 21 111→112 13922.734(49) 13923.037(51) –0.303 –4.3
      19 122→123 20 122→122 1660.919(70) 1661.19(10) –0.274 –2.2
      19 122→123 21 111→112 1713.067(59) 1713.042(25) 0.025 0.4
      20 122→122 21 111→112 52.148(6) 51.850(75) 0.298 2.8
      $ (v=0, L=0)\longrightarrow(v'=1, L'=1) $ $ f_{ij}^\text{exp} $来自引文[64]
      12 122→121 16 122→123 41294.06(32) 41293.66(12) 0.40 1.2
      $ (v=0, L30)\longrightarrow(v'=9, L'=3) $ $ f_{ij}^\text{exp} $来自引文[24]
      $ F=0 $ 014→014 $ F=1 $ 125→125 178254.4(9) 178245.89(28) 8.5 9.0
      下载: 导出CSV
    • [1]
































































































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