过渡态是物理化学家理解和调控生物大分子相关功能微观机制的关键. 因其存在时间极短, 难以被实验手段捕捉, 全面刻画其结构必须通过物理定律驱动的模拟计算搜索予以实现. 然而, 与化学反应过程只涉及少量原子不同, 生物大分子的功能性构象变化所涉的原子和坐标数量巨大, 搜索其过渡态将不可避免地遭遇维数灾难, 即反应坐标问题, 因而催生了多种应对策略和算法. 同时, 随着近年来新型机器学习算法的大量涌现和日臻成熟, 融入机器学习范式的过渡态搜索算法也已出现. 本文首先回顾和梳理过渡态搜索代表性算法的设计思想, 包括依赖集合变量的温和爬升动力学(gentlest ascent dynamics, GAD)、有限温度弦方法(finite temperature string, FTS)、快速断层扫描法(fast tomographic)、基于旅行商的自动路径搜索算法TAPS, 以及过渡路径采样法(transition path sampling, TPS). 然后, 重点介绍TPS与强化学习融合而成的新型路径采样算法, 解析强化学习在其中的作用, 并厘清其适用场景. 最后, 我们提出一种将降维算法与GAD深度融合的新构想, 讨论研发可保留过渡态信息的新型降维算法的必要性及可行性.Transition state is a key concept for chemists to understand and fine-tune the conformational changes of large biomolecules. Due to its short residence time, it is difficult to capture a transition state via experimental techniques. Characterizing transition states for a conformational change therefore is only achievable via physics-driven molecular dynamics simulations. However, unlike chemical reactions which involve only a small number of atoms, conformational changes of biomolecules depend on numerous atoms and therefore the number of their coordinates in our 3D space. The searching for their transition states will inevitably encounter the curse of dimensionality, i.e. the reaction coordinate problem, which invokes the invention of various algorithms for solution. Recent years, new machine learning techniques and the incorporation of some of them into the transition state searching methods emerged. Here, we first review the design principle of representative transition state searching algorithms, including the collective-variable (CV)-dependent gentlest ascent dynamics, finite temperature string, fast tomographic, travelling-salesman based automated path searching, and the CV-independent transition path sampling. Then, we focus on the new version of TPS that incorporates reinforcement learning for efficient sampling, and we also clarify the suitable situation for its application. Finally, we propose a new paradigm for transition state searching, a new dimensionality reduction technique that preserves transition state information and combines gentlest ascent dynamics.
- transition state/
- gentlest ascent dynamics/
- path methods/
- reinforcement learning/
- generative models
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过渡态搜索算法分类 代表性算法 参考文献 备注 传统方法 依赖CV Gentlest ascent dynamics (GAD) [79—81] 非路径方法 Finite temperature string [82—87]
路径方法预设低维 Fast tomographic [88—90] 空间搜索 基于旅行商的路径搜索 TAPS [91—95] 融合AI 不依赖CV
高维空间搜索Transition path sampling [98—101] Reinforcement path sampling [113] 保留过渡态
的过渡态搜索(待研发)无 非路径方法 -
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