




韦芊屹, 倪洁蕾, 李灵, 张聿全, 袁小聪, 闵长俊

Research progress of ultra-high spatiotemporally resolved microscopy

Wei Qian-Yi, Ni Jie-Lei, Li Ling, Zhang Yu-Quan, Yuan Xiao-Cong, Min Chang-Jun
  • 高分辨显微成像技术为人们推开了探索微观世界的大门, 而飞秒激光技术又为人们提供了一把探测超快物理/化学现象的尺子. 将这两者结合, 发展既有超高空间分辨、又有超快时间分辨的新型显微成像技术, 对于人们探索极小时空尺度下新的科学现象和规律有非常重要的意义. 本文综述了目前国际上主要超高时空分辨显微成像技术的基本原理和特点, 并介绍了其在光电材料与器件表征、飞秒激光微加工监测、表面等离激元动力学表征等方面的最新应用进展. 超高时空分辨显微成像技术的发展, 不仅推动了光学显微成像领域的进步, 也为精密加工、二维材料动力学、光电器件设计与表征等领域提供了关键技术手段, 具有广阔的应用前景.
    High-resolution microscopy has opened the door to the exploration of the micro-world, while femtosecond laser has provided a measurement method for detecting ultrafast physical/chemical phenomena. Combination of these two techniques can produce new microscopic techniques with both ultra-high spatial resolution and ultra-fast temporal resolution, and thus has great importance in exploring new scientific phenomena and mechanisms on an extremely small spatial scale and temporal scale. This paper reviews the basic principles and properties of main microscopic techniques with ultra-high temporal resolution and spatial resolution, and introduces the latest research progress of their applications in various fields such as characterizing optoelectronic materials and devices, monitoring femtosecond laser micromachining, and detecting surface plasmon excitation dynamics. In order to conduct these researches systematically, we group these techniques based on time dimension and space dimension, including the near-field multi-pulse imaging techniques, the far-field multi-pulse imaging techniques, and the far-field single-pulse imaging techniques. In Section 2, we introduce the principles and characteristics of the ultra-high spatiotemporally resolved microscopic techniques. The near-field multi-pulse spatiotemporally microscopic techniques based on nano-probe are described in Subsection 2.1, in which is shown the combination of common near-field imaging techniques such as atomic force microscopy (AFM), near-field scanning optical microscopy (NSOM), scanning tunneling microscope (STM), and the ultra-fast temporal detection of pump-probe technique. In Subsection 2.2, we introduce the far-field multi-pulse spatiotemporal microscopic techniques. In contrast to near-field cases, the far-field spatiotemporal microscopic techniques have lower spatial resolution but possess more advantages of being non-invasive and non-contact, wider field of view, and faster imaging speed. In Subsection 2.3 we introduce the far-field single-pulse spatiotemporal microscopic techniques, in which is used a single ultrafast light pulse to capture dynamic processes at different moments in time, thereby enabling real-time imaging of ultrafast phenomena. In Section 3 , the advances in the application of the ultra-high spatiotemporal resolved microscopic techniques are introduced in many frontier areas, including the monitoring of femtosecond laser micromachining in Subsection 3.1, the detection of optoelectronic materials/devices in Subsection 3.2, and the characterization of surface plasmon dynamics in Subsection 3.3. Finally, in Section 4, we summarize the features of all above-mentioned spatiotemporal microscopic techniques in a table, including the spatial resolution and temporal resolution, advantages and disadvantages of each technique, and we also provide an outlook on future development trend in this research field. Looking forward to the future, ultra-high spatiotemporally resolved microscopy will develop rapidly toward the goal of "smaller, faster, smarter and more extensive". Its development not only promotes the research of the microscopy technology, but also provides a powerful tool for various practical applications such as precision machining, two-dimensional material dynamics, optoelectronic device design and characterization.
        通信作者:袁小聪,xcyuan@szu.edu.cn; 闵长俊,cjmin@szu.edu.cn
      • 基金项目:广东省基础与应用基础研究重大项目(批准号: 2020B0301030009)、国家自然科学基金 (批准号: 62175157, 61935013, 61975128)和深圳市科技计划(批准号: RCJC20210609103232046, JCYJ20210324120403011) 资助的课题.
        Corresponding author:Yuan Xiao-Cong,xcyuan@szu.edu.cn; Min Chang-Jun,cjmin@szu.edu.cn
      • Funds:Project supported by the Guangdong Provincial Major Project of Basic and Applied Basic Research, China (Grant No. 2020B0301030009), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 62175157, 61935013, 61975128), and the Science and Technology Planning Project of Shenzhen, China (Grant Nos. RCJC20210609103232046, JCYJ20210324120403011)




















































































































    • 技术手段 空间分辨率 时间分辨率 优点 缺点
      超快NSOM[37] 20 nm 亚fs 可实现空间超分辨 系统复杂, 视场小, 成像速度慢
      超快四波混频AFM[26] 50 nm 10 fs 可实现空间超分辨, 可以得到样品表面形貌信息 系统复杂, 视场小, 成像速度慢, 需要激发非线性效应
      超快PiFM[42] 10 nm 200 fs 可实现空间超分辨, 可以得到样品表面形貌信息 系统复杂, 视场小, 成像速度慢
      0.1 nm
      可实现空间超分辨, 空间分辨率最高 系统复杂, 视场小, 成像速度慢, 只适用导电样品
      高NA系统[55] 接近衍射极限 fs 量级 速度快, 大视场 无法实现空间超分辨
      SPPM[59] 114 nm fs量级 可实现空间超分辨 视场小, 需要多步相移, 成像速度慢
      SPSLM[60] 478 nm(横向);
      22 nm (纵向)
      256 fs 单帧成像, 大视场, 有三维成像能力 无法实现空间超分辨
      PINEM[67] 小于0.7 nm 10 fs 可实现空间超分辨 电子显微镜系统复杂, 设备昂贵, 样品要求高
      超快PEEM[71] 10 nm 10 fs 可实现空间超分辨 电子显微镜系统复杂, 设备昂贵, 样品要求高, 空间分辨率受材料影响
      LRM[83] 接近衍射极限 10 fs 可获得SPP传播相速度和群速度信息 目前仅能对SPP成像
      CUP[86] 1 μm 100 fs 帧数高, 成像速度快 压缩感知算法较复杂, 条纹相机较为昂贵
      OPR[87] 11.1 μm 100 fs 重建算法简单、直接、稳定性好, 时间分辨率高 空间分辨率较低, 目前仅有微米量级
      CSMUP[88] 833 nm 4 ps 较高的空间分辨率, 图像尺寸更大 时间分辨率依赖于高光谱相机光谱带, 时间分辨率较低
      STAMP[89] 1 μm 227 fs 在显微和宏观成像领域都适用, 普适性强 帧数和时间分辨率存在依赖关系, 难以兼得
      FINCOPA[91] 3 μm 50 fs 时空分辨率、帧数、帧间隔相互独立 空间分辨率较低
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