1/ f噪声具有丰富的物理内涵, 既是科学研究的量化工具, 也是电子器件重要性能指标. 本文从通用数学形式和物理背景两个方面归纳总结1/ f噪声模型. 首先介绍了基于马尔可夫过程和基于扩散过程的1/ f噪声通用数学模型. 在此基础上, 溯源1/ f噪声物理模型的发展历程, 总结五类典型物理模型, 包括Mc Whorter模型、Hooge模型、Voss-Clarker模型、Dutta-Horn模型、干涉模型以及Hung统一模型. 二维材料石墨烯让1/ f噪声研究重归学术热点, 本文梳理了当前石墨烯1/ f噪声研究中形成的共识性研究成果, 提出石墨烯低频噪声研究的三层次分类分析模型, 分析了不同层面噪声机理研究代表性成果, 归纳总结了各层面可能的主导机制. 通过比较不同团队报道的石墨烯1/ f噪声栅极调控特征谱型及测试条件, 分析了复杂多变栅控谱型形成原因. 基于分析结论, 为避免非本征噪声干扰, 提出了石墨烯本征背景1/ f噪声规范性测量方案, 为厘清和揭示石墨烯1/ f噪声机制及特性探索可行技术途径.Noise is a signal. Low-frequency noise with a 1/ f-type spectral density (1/ fnoise) has been observed in a wide variety of systems. There are plenty of physical processes under the 1/ fnoise phenomenon. It is not only a useful tool for scientific research, but also a quantitative probe for the performance of electronic devices. In this paper, the 1/ fnoise models are summarized from the general mathematical forms to physical processes. Based on Markov process and diffusion process, two general mathematical models of 1/ fnoise are introduced respectively. On this basis, tracing the development history, several typical physical models are described, including Mc Whorter model, Hooge model, Voss-Clarker model, Dutta-horn model, interference model and unified Hung model. The advent of the two-dimensional material graphene offers unique opportunities for studying the mechanism of 1/ fnoise. In the fact of the cloudy and even contradictory conclusions from different reports, this paper combs the consensus accepted widely. An analysis model based on three-level classification for the graphene low-frequency noise study is built, which divides the noise into intrinsic background 1/ fnoise, 1/ f-like noise and Lorentz-like noise. Typical research on the related mechanism at each level is analyzed, and the dominant mechanisms are summarized. Further, we focus on the gate-modulated characteristic spectrum shape of 1/ fnoise from different reported experiments, which may be a key to the material internal scattering mechanism and charge distribution. The experimental measurements show that the characteristic shape is variable, and mainly exists in three forms: V-type, Λ-type and M-type. Through the comparative analysis of graphene cleanliness, bias current (voltage) and other experimental parameters, the possible causes of the complexity and variability of the characteristic shape are analyzed, showing that the main reason may be that the experimental parameters are not strictly controlled, and the selection of measuring point is unreasonable. In order to capture the accurate noise characteristics and reveal the noise mechanism clearly, a standard 1/ fnoise measurement paradigm is proposed in this work to guide the effective research on graphene 1/ fnoise and the distinction betweenintrinsic noise and extrinsic noise. The standard paradigm includes three processes. The first process is to prepare suspended graphene samples, the second one is to remove the surface contamination by using the methods such as current annealing, and the third one is to test the curve of the 1/ fnoise amplitude versus the bias voltage or current. Based on this curve, suitable test points can be selected for different measurement schemes. The proposed standard intrinsic background 1/ fnoise measurement paradigm may be expected to clarify and reveal the characteristics of graphene 1/ fnoise.
- 1/fnoise/
- noise mechanism/
- graphene/
- characteristic spectrum shape
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层次分类 散射截面(迁移率)涨落 载流子数
涨落短程无序散射 长程无序散射 随机隧穿 本征背景噪声 靠近DP ●
(结合电阻网络模型)远离DP ● 类1/f噪声 靠近DP ●
(结合电阻网络模型)远离DP ● ● ● 洛伦兹类噪声 ● ● ● 参考文献 特征谱型 ${{\Lambda }} $型 V型 M型 Kaverzin et al.[53] √,T= 60 K,Vb= ?, D √,T= 40 K,Vb= ?, D √,T=40 K,Vb=?, H2O 吸附, D Heller et al.[41] — √, RT,Vb< 5 mV, D √, RT,Vb< 5 mV, D Lin el al.[40] — √, RT,Vb=100 mV, Bi , D √, RT,Vb=100 mV, D Pal el al.[52] √,T= 78–290 K,Ib=50 μA, D √,T= 100 K,Ib=50 μA, Bi, D √,T= 262–275 K,
Ib=50 μA , Bi, D√,T= 150–300 K,Ib=50 μA , Sus, D √,T= 78–90 K,Ib=50 μA, Multi, D Zhang el al.[47] — √,T= 30–50 K,Vb= ?, D √,T= 145–300 K,Vb= ?, D √,T= 30–300 K,Vb= ?, Sus, C Xu el al.[60] — √,T= 70–300 K,Vb= ?, Bi, D √,T= 90-300 K,Vb= ?, D Takeshita el al.[61] √,T= 1.6 K,
Vb< 0.6 mV, D作者认为Heller, Zhang Y, Xu G S,
Rumyantsev, Kaverzin, Stolyarov
等实验偏置电压过大√,T= 1.6 K,Vb> 0.6 mV, D Arnold el al.[62] √, RT,Vb= 0.3 V, D √, RT,Vb=0.3 V, D √, RT,Vb= 0.3 V, D Mavredakis el al.[66] — — √, RT,Vb= 20–60 mV, D Kayyalha el al.[64] √, RT,Vb= 40 mV,
C, BN-encapsulated— √, RT,Vb= 40 mV, D Stolyarov el al.[65] √, RT,Vb= ?, C, BN-encapsulated — √, RT,Vb= ?, D, Pellegrini el al.[55] √ 理论仿真模型 √ Karnatak el al.[66] √,T= 80–300 K,
Ib= 100 nA, C,
BN-encapsulated— — Vb表示样品偏置电压,Vb= ?表示偏置电流未知;Ib表示样品偏置电流; RT表示室温; Bi表示双层石墨烯, Multi表示多层石墨烯, 其他未标注的均为单层石墨烯; Sus表示悬浮石墨烯, BN-encapsulated表示六方氮化硼(h-BN)包覆的石墨烯, 其他未标注的均为二氧化硅基底上的石墨烯; D表示非洁净石墨烯, C表示洁净石墨烯. -
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