通过构造外势与泵浦的空间分布, 设计了一维非相干泵浦激子极化凝聚体系统满足的
$ {\cal{PT}} $ 对称模型. 在弱非线性效应情况下, 确定了体系的$ {\cal{PT}} $ 对称相变点, 展现了线性谱的特征. 在正常非线性效应情况下, 找到了零背景的亮孤子、零背景的多极暗孤子、非零背景的多极对称暗孤子、对称破缺暗孤子、非零背景的凹陷、凸起暗孤子, 并讨论了外势虚部与非均匀泵浦对孤子轮廓与孤子稳定性的影响. 通过分析孤子的轮廓与稳定性, 厘清了$ {\cal{PT}} $ 对称外势与非均匀泵浦之间的竞争关系, 给出激发各种亮、暗孤子的方案, 并界定了这些孤子的存在与稳定区域. 最后, 通过调制$ {\cal{PT}} $ 对称外势虚部实现了对$ {\cal{PT}} $ 对称破缺暗孤子的调控, 揭示了极化子凝聚体系统在全光开关等光信息处理方面的潜在应用.-
- $ {\cal{PT}}$ 对称/
- 相变点/
- 非相干泵浦/
- 激子极化子凝聚体/
- 孤子
By constructing the spatial distribution of external potential and incoherent pumping, a$ {\cal{PT}} $ symmetrical model satisfied by the one-dimensional incoherent pumped exciton-polariton condensate system is designed. In the weakly nonlinear case, the$ {\cal{PT}} $ symmetrical phase transition point is found, and the linear spectrum is shown. In the normal nonlinear case, found are the bright soliton with the zero background, the multi-poles dark solitons with zero background, the symmetry breaking dark solitons and symmetrical dark soliton with the homogeneous background, and the dip- and hump-type dark solitons with the homogeneous background, and discussed are the effects of inhomogeneous pumping and the imaginary part of external potential on the profiles and the stability of solitons. Through these results, the competition between$ {\cal{PT}} $ symmetrical potential and the inhomogeneous pumping is understood, the scheme that how the bright and dark solitons are excited is presented, and the existence and stability regions of these solitons are determined. Finally, the symmetry breaking dark solitons are controlled by modulating the imaginary part of the$ {\cal{PT}} $ symmetrical potential, which reveals the potential applications of the polariton condensate system in optical information processing, such as the all-optical switches.-
- parity-time symmetry/
- phase transition point/
- incoherent pumping/
- exciton-polariton condensate/
- soliton
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