红外探测器具有把物体辐射的光子信息转换为电信号的能力, 拓宽了人们观察自然环境与人类活动的边界. 当前, 长波及甚长波红外探测器已在大气监测、夜间侦查、深空探测等领域有诸多应用. 随着各国对高端红外探测器要求的快速提升, 传统红外探测器难以兼顾高响应率、高响应速度以及多维探测等性能指标的瓶颈日益凸显. 基于微纳光学理论设计的人工微纳结构, 可实现其与红外光子的高效耦合, 综合调控红外光场的振幅、偏振、相位及波长等自由度. 为拓展红外探测器额外的调控自由度, 进而在实现高量子效率的同时, 兼顾较高的响应速率与优异的偏振或波长选择性, 集成红外探测器与人工微纳结构的研究思路近年来被广泛应用. 本文讨论了人工微纳结构在长波及甚长波红外探测领域的应用进展, 详述了表面等离激元、局域等离激元、谐振腔结构、陷光结构、超透镜、赝表面等离激元、间隙等离激元和声子极化激元等机制的应用现状及各机制固有的优劣势, 进而指出了人工微纳结构在长波及甚长波红外探测应用的发展前景与方向.The infrared detectors own the ability to convert information carried by photons radiated by objects into electrical signals, which broadens the horizons of human beings observing the natural environment and human activities. At present, long and very long-wavelength infrared detections have many applications in atmospheric monitoring, biological spectroscopy, night vision, etc. As the demand for high-performance infrared detectors grows rapidly, it is difficult for traditional infrared detectors to arrive at performance indicators such as high response rate, high response speed, and multi-dimensional detection. The artificial structure designed based on micro- and nano-optics can be coupled with infrared photons efficiently, and control the degrees of freedom of infrared light fields such as amplitude, polarization, phase, and wavelength comprehensively. The systems integrated by infrared detectors and artificial micro- and nano-photonic structures provide additional controllable degrees of freedom for infrared detectors. And they are expected to achieve high quantum efficiency and other merits such as high response rate, excellent polarization, and wavelength selectivity. In this review paper, the research progress of the application of artificial micro- and nano-structure in the long and very long-wavelength infrared bands is presented; the advantages, disadvantages, and the application status of different mechanisms are described in detail, which include surface plasmon polaritons, localized surface plasmon, resonant cavity structure, photon-trapping structure, metalens, spoof surface plasmon, gap plasmon, and phonon polariton. In addition, the development prospect and direction of artificial micro- and nano-structure in long-wave and very long-wave infrared devices are further pointed out.
- infrared detector/
- artificial micro- and nano-structure/
- long- and very-long-wavelength/
- plasmons
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增强机制 红外材料 结构类型 器件增强倍率 材料吸收率 规模 其他特性 文献 表面
等离激元— 牛眼结构 436
(10.2 μm吸收率)— 单元 信噪比提高5.2 [30] 石墨烯 牛眼结构与纳米狭缝 558
(10.84 μm吸收率)0.3595%
(10.84 μm)单元 探测率增强31.8 [31] 二类超晶格 光栅结构 13.5
(10.4 μm光响应)50%
(10.4 μm)单元 高温工作
195 K[33] 量子点 金属小孔阵列 — — 阵列 NEDT提高50% [35] 局域
等离激元石墨烯 圆盘阵列 10
(12.4 μm吸收率)32%
(12.4 μm)单元 吸收峰动态调节 [42] 量子点 圆盘阵列 2.08
(9 μm 光响应)— 单元 — [43] 石墨烯 小孔阵列 — — 单元 热响应时间
1 ms[47] 量子阱 金属光栅 6
(14.7 μm 光响应)— 阵列 偏振比
65[51] 谐振腔 量子阱 金属光栅/谐振腔 — — 阵列 偏振比
136[58] 量子阱 金属阵列/谐振腔 — 82%
(12.5 μm)阵列 低热损耗 [59] 量子阱 金属微腔 — 阵列 偏振和波长选择 [24] 陷光结构 碲镉汞 柱状阵列 — 80%
(8 μm)阵列 — [75] 碲镉汞 小孔阵列 5.8
(10 μm吸收率)58%
(10 μm)单元 — [76] 碲镉汞 柱状阵列 7.9
(9 μm 量子效率)55%
(9 μm)阵列 小周期、串扰低 [18] 超透镜 — 超表面 — 86%
(10 μm)阵列 8—14 μm
平均收集效率80%[84] 赝等离激元 量子点 小孔阵列 1.3
(8.8 μm 光响应)10%
(8.8 μm)单元 — [86] 量子阱 金属阵列/金属反射层 33
(14.4 μm 吸收率)62%
(14.5 μm)单元 宽角度耦合 [89] -
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