




    文琳, 樊群超, 蹇君, 范志祥, 李会东, 付佳, 马杰, 谢锋

    Calculating macroscopic gas molar heat capacity of SO molecule based on rovibrational energy level

    Wen Lin, Fan Qun-Chao, Jian Jun, Fan Zhi-Xiang, Li Hui-Dong, Fu Jia, Ma Jie, Xie Feng
    • 本文在研究SO宏观气体摩尔热容的工作中, 进一步考虑了分子内部的转动贡献, 通过联立能获得分子某电子态完全振动能级的变分代数法 (variational algebraic method, VAM) 和RKR (Rydberg-Klein-Rees) 方法构建了SO电子基态的势能函数, 解析求解获得了该体系的振转能级, 进而采用量子统计系综理论计算得到了300—6000 K温度范围内SO宏观气体的摩尔热容. 将本文的计算结果与其他几种理论模型的计算结果进行比较分析, 结果表明: 当采用基于全程势能曲线求解的完全振转能级来计算热力学性质时, 得到的摩尔热容与实验结果更为吻合. 本文利用分子完全振转能级计算摩尔热容的思路, 弥补了前一阶段工作中仅采用近似模型表征分子转动行为来计算热容的不足, 为基于微观统计过程求解宏观热力学量提供了新的研究范式.
      Sulfur oxide (SO) is a kind of well-known diatomic molecule which becomes one of the major pollutants in the atmosphere. Control of the heat capacity of SO molecule is of great significance for elucidating its macroscopic evolution process. In the research of macroscopic systems composed of many particles as well as several matters, it is an important approach to obtain macroscopic thermodynamic quantities of the system by constructing a partition function from the microscopic information of molecule. For diatomic molecules in a certain electronic state, the partition function can directly be obtained by calculating the rovibrational energy of the system to acquire the macroscopic molar heat capacities. In this work, the contribution of rotational behavior to molar heat capacity is further considered. The potential energy function for the ground electronic state of SO is constructed by the variational algebraic method (VAM) and RKR (Rydberg-Klein-Rees) method, in which the former one can determine the complete vibrational energy levels of an electronic state of a molecule. The rovibrational energy level of the system is obtained by analytical solution, and then the molar heat capacity of SO macroscopic gas in the temperature range of 300–6000 K is calculated by quantum statistical ensemble theory The above calculation depends only on the experimental vibrational energy, experimental rotational spectral constant and the dissociation energy of SO molecule. Fortunately, through comparison between theoretical calculation results and experimental data, we find that the molar heat capacity of gaseous SO molecule can be well predicted by employing the full set of rovibrational energy to describe the internal vibration and rotation of SO molecule. The idea of calculating the molar heat capacity by using the full set of rovibrational energy makes up for the shortcomings of previous work where molar heat capacity is calculated by using the approximate model characterizing the molecular rotational behavior, and also provides a new research paradigm for solving macro thermodynamic quantities based on micro statistical processes .
          通信作者:樊群超,fanqunchao@mail.xhu.edu.cn; 范志祥,fanzhixiang235@126.com;
        • 基金项目:中央引导地方科技发展面上项目 (批准号: 2021ZYD0050)、国家自然科学基金 (批准号: 61722507, 11904295) 和极端光学省部共建协同创新中心开放课题 (批准号: KF2020003) 资助的课题.
          Corresponding author:Fan Qun-Chao,fanqunchao@mail.xhu.edu.cn; Fan Zhi-Xiang,fanzhixiang235@126.com;
        • Funds:Project supported by the Fund for the Program of Science and Technology of Sichuan Province of China (Grant No. 2021ZYD0050), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 61722507, 11904295), and the Open Research Fund Program of the Collaborative Innovation Center of Extreme Optics, China (Grant No. KF2020003).





































      • $ {\omega _0} $ $ {\omega _{\text{e}}} $ $ {\omega _{\text{e}}}{x_{\text{e}}} $ $ {\omega _{\text{e}}}{y_{\text{e}}} $ $ {\omega _{\text{e}}}{z_{\text{e}}} $ $ {\omega _{\text{e}}}{t_{\text{e}}} $
        实验[34] 1148.19 6.12
        1161.80 6.50
        CI-SD[35] 1263.50 5.35
        1173.10 5.09
        VAM 0.75 1147.71 5.99 –1.55×10–2 7.59×10–4 –1.30×10–5
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        T/K ${ C_\upsilon ^{ {\text{expt} } } }^{\rm\; a}$ ${ \Delta C_{\upsilon {\text{, RKR} } }^{ {\text{cal} } } } ^{\rm\; b}$ ${ \Delta C_{\upsilon {\text{, VAM} } }^{ {\text{cal} } } }^{\rm\; c}$ ${ \Delta C_{\upsilon \_r{\text{, RKR} } }^{ {\text{cal} } } } ^{\rm\; d}$ ${ \Delta C_{ {\text{This work} } }^{ {\text{cal} } } }^{\rm\; e}$
        300 30.197 –0.025 –0.024 0.071 0.006
        400 31.560 –0.041 –0.040 0.092 0.009
        500 32.826 –0.057 –0.056 0.080 0.011
        600 33.838 –0.073 –0.072 0.054 0.011
        700 34.612 –0.088 –0.087 0.027 0.011
        800 35.206 –0.108 –0.108 –0.001 0.005
        900 35.672 –0.135 –0.136 –0.032 –0.008
        1000 36.053 –0.177 –0.177 –0.071 –0.035
        1100 36.379 –0.235 –0.235 –0.123 –0.079
        1200 36.672 –0.313 –0.314 –0.192 –0.143
        1300 36.946 –0.412 –0.413 –0.280 –0.228
        1400 37.210 –0.532 –0.533 –0.386 –0.333
        1500 37.469 –0.670 –0.670 –0.508 –0.455
        1600 37.725 –0.822 –0.823 –0.645 –0.593
        1700 37.980 –0.989 –0.989 –0.795 –0.743
        1800 38.232 –1.163 –1.164 –0.952 –0.902
        1900 38.482 –1.345 –1.346 –1.116 –1.068
        2000 38.727 –1.530 –1.530 –1.282 –1.236
        2100 38.967 –1.715 –1.716 –1.449 –1.404
        2200 39.200 –1.899 –1.900 –1.614 –1.571
        2300 39.425 –2.079 –2.079 –1.775 –1.733
        2400 39.641 –2.254 –2.254 –1.929 –1.889
        2500 39.847 –2.422 –2.421 –2.077 –2.038
        2600 40.043 –2.582 –2.581 –2.217 –2.180
        2700 40.229 –2.735 –2.733 –2.349 –2.313
        2800 40.404 –2.879 –2.876 –2.472 –2.436
        2900 40.568 –3.014 –3.009 –2.585 –2.549
        3000 40.721 –3.140 –3.133 –2.689 –2.652
        3100 40.864 –3.258 –3.248 –2.784 –2.746
        3200 40.996 –3.367 –3.352 –2.869 –2.830
        3300 41.119 –3.469 –3.449 –2.946 –2.904
        3400 41.232 –3.562 –3.536 –3.015 –2.969
        3500 41.336 –3.649 –3.615 –3.076 –3.025
        3600 41.432 –3.729 –3.686 –3.130 –3.072
        3700 41.520 –3.804 –3.749 –3.178 –3.111
        3800 41.601 –3.874 –3.806 –3.220 –3.143
        3900 41.676 –3.940 –3.857 –3.259 –3.168
        4000 41.745 –4.002 –3.902 –3.293 –3.187
        4100 41.810 –4.063 –3.943 –3.326 –3.202
        4200 41.871 –4.122 –3.980 –3.356 –3.211
        4300 41.929 –4.180 –4.014 –3.387 –3.217
        4400 41.986 –4.241 –4.047 –3.419 –3.221
        4500 42.042 –4.303 –4.079 –3.453 –3.224
        4600 42.098 –4.367 –4.111 –3.490 –3.226
        4700 42.156 –4.437 –4.144 –3.533 –3.229
        4800 42.217 –4.512 –4.181 –3.581 –3.235
        4900 42.282 –4.593 –4.221 –3.637 –3.244
        5000 42.352 –4.682 –4.266 –3.702 –3.258
        5100 42.429 –4.781 –4.318 –3.778 –3.279
        5200 42.514 –4.891 –4.377 –3.865 –3.307
        5300 42.608 –5.012 –4.445 –3.966 –3.344
        5400 42.712 –5.146 –4.523 –4.080 –3.392
        5500 42.829 –5.295 –4.614 –4.211 –3.453
        5600 42.959 –5.459 –4.718 –4.359 –3.527
        5700 43.104 –5.641 –4.837 –4.526 –3.617
        5800 43.265 –5.841 –4.971 –4.714 –3.724
        5900 43.444 –6.061 –5.123 –4.923 –3.849
        6000 43.620 –6.280 –5.273 –5.133 –3.973
        $ \Delta {C_{{\text{aver}}}} $f 2.896 2.721 2.363 2.084
        注: a. 实验热容; b. 基于实验振动能级运用近似模型所得热容值与实验值的误差; c. 基于VAM完全振动能级运用近似模型所得热容值与实验值的误差; d. 基于实验振转能级所得热容值与实验值的误差; e. 基于完全振转能级所得热容值与实验值的误差; f. $\Delta {C_{ {\text{aver} } } } = \dfrac{ {\text{1} } }{w} \displaystyle\sum {\left| { {C_{\text{m} } } - {C_{ {\text{expt} } } } } \right|}$,w为参与计算的热容值个数.
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      • [1]





































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