\begin{document}$ O({n^2}) $\end{document}, 适用于大型复杂网络."> - 必威体育下载






    杨松青, 蒋沅, 童天驰, 严玉为, 淦各升

    A method of evaluating importance of nodes in complex network based on Tsallis entropy

    Yang Song-Qing, Jiang Yuan, Tong Tian-Chi, Yan Yu-Wei, Gan Ge-Sheng
    • 复杂网络中节点重要性的评估是网络特性研究中的一项重要课题, 相关研究具有广泛的应用. 目前提出了许多方法来评估网络中节点的重要性, 然而大多数方法都存在评估角度片面或者时间复杂度过高的不足. 为了突破现有方法的局限性, 本文提出了一种. 该方法兼顾节点的局部和全局拓扑信息, 综合考察节点的结构洞特征和K壳中心性, 并充分考虑节点及其邻域节点的影响. 为了验证该方法的有效性, 本文采用单调性指标、SIR模型和Kendall相关系数作为评价标准, 在8个来自不同领域的真实网络上与其他方法进行比较. 实验结果表明, 此方法能更有效和准确地评估网络节点的重要性, 可以显著区分不同节点的重要性. 此外, 该方法的时间复杂度仅为 $ O({n^2}) $ , 适用于大型复杂网络.
      Evaluating the importance of nodes in complex networks is an important topic in the research of network characteristics. Its relevant research has a wide range of applications, such as network supervision and rumor control. At present, many methods have been proposed to evaluate the importance of nodes in complex networks, but most of them have the deficiency of one-sided evaluation or too high time complexity. In order to break through the limitations of existing methods, in this paper a novel method of evaluating the importance of complex network nodes is proposed based on Tsallis entropy. This method takes into account both the local and global topological information of the node. It considers the structural hole characteristics and K-shell centrality of the node and fully takes into account the influence of the node itself and its neighboring nodes. To illustrate the effectiveness and applicability of this method, eight real networks are selected from different fields and five existing methods of evaluating node importance are used as comparison methods. On this basis, the monotonicity index, SIR (susceptible-infectious-recovered) model, and Kendall correlation coefficient are used to illustrate the superiority of this method and the relationship among different methods. Experimental results show that this method can effectively and accurately evaluate the importance of nodes in complex networks, distinguish the importance of different nodes significantly, and can show good accuracy of evaluating the node importance under different proportions of nodes. In addition, the time complexity of this method is $ O({n^2}) $ , which is suitable for large-scale complex networks.
        • 基金项目:国家自然科学基金(批准号: 61663030, 61663032)资助的课题
          Corresponding author:Jiang Yuan,jiangyuan@nchu.edu.cn
        • Funds:Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 61663030, 61663032).

































      • Algorithm 1:TSM algorithm.
        Input: Network $ G(V, E) $
        Output: TSM value for each node
        1. Find neighboring nodes $\varGamma (i)$of node $ {v_i} $
        2. Compute the restraint coefficient ${\rm{RC}}_i$ of node $ {v_i} $
        3. Compute the ${\rm Ks}_i$ value of node $ {v_i} $according to formula $k_i^{\rm m} = k_i^{\rm r} + \lambda k_i^{\rm e}$
        4. Compute $ {q_i} $ for node $ {v_i} $
        5.Fornode $ {v_j} $ in $\varGamma (i)$ do
        6. ratio = ($1 - {\rm{RC}}_j$)/${\rm{sum}}$($1 - {\rm{RC}}$(all neighbors of $ {v_i} $))
        7. $ T({v_i}) $= (pow(ratio, $ {q_i} $)-ratio)/(1 – $ {q_i} $)
        8.End For
        9. Compute ${\rm{IC} }\left( { {v_i} } \right) = \left( {1 - {\rm{RC} }_i } \right)*T\left( { {v_i} } \right)$
        10.Fornode $ {v_j} $ in $\varGamma (i)$ do
        11. ${\rm{Cnc}}\left( { {v_i} } \right) = {\rm{sum}}\left( {{\rm{IC}}\left( { {v_j} } \right)} \right)$
        12.End For
        13.Fornode $ {v_j} $ in $\varGamma (i)$ do
        14. ${\rm{TSM}}\left( { {v_i} } \right) = {\rm{sum}}\left( {{\rm{Cnc}}\left( { {v_j} } \right)} \right)$
        15.End For
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        Method Category Time complexity
        $ {\text{DC}} $ Local $ O(n) $
        $ {\text{BC}} $ Global $ O({n^3}) $or$ O(nm) $
        $ {\text{MDD}} $ Global $ O(n) $
        ${\text{N-Burt} }$ Local $ O({n^2}) $
        $ {\text{Cnc + }} $ Hybrid $ O(n) $
        $ {\text{AAD}} $ Hybrid $ O({n^3}) $ or $ O(nm) $
        $ {\text{IKS}} $ Hybrid $ O(n) $
        $ {\text{TSM}} $ Hybrid $ O({n^2}) $
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        Network $ n $ $ m $ $\langle k \rangle$ $ c $ $\langle d \rangle$ ${\beta _{\rm th} }$ $\beta $
        Karate 34 78 4.5880 0.5706 2.4082 0.1287 0.25
        Dolphins 62 159 5.1290 0.2590 3.3570 0.1470 0.15
        Polbooks 105 441 8.4000 0.4880 3.0788 0.0838 0.10
        Jazz 198 2742 27.6970 0.6175 2.2350 0.0259 0.04
        USAir 332 2126 12.8072 0.7494 2.7381 0.0225 0.03
        C.Elegans 453 2025 8.9404 0.6465 2.4553 0.0249 0.03
        Email 1133 5451 9.6222 0.2540 3.6060 0.0535 0.05
        PowerGrid 4941 6594 2.6691 0.0801 18.9892 0.2583 0.25
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        排名 节点 DC 节点 BC 节点 MDD 节点 N-Burt 节点 Cnc+ 节点 AAD 节点 IKS 节点 TSM
        1 ${v_{34}}$ 17 ${v_1}$ 0.4119 ${v_{34}}$ 11.9 ${v_{34}}$ 0.1682 ${v_{34}}$ 1156 ${v_{34}}$ 17.4666 ${v_1}$ 1.5215 ${v_{34}}$ 89.8687
        2 ${v_1}$ 16 ${v_{34}}$ 0.2862 ${v_1}$ 11.2 ${v_1}$ 0.1731 ${v_1}$ 1024 ${v_1}$ 16.4976 ${v_{34}}$ 1.4782 ${v_1}$ 81.8535
        3 ${v_{33}}$ 12 ${v_{33}}$ 0.1367 ${v_{33}}$ 8.7 ${v_3}$ 0.2257 ${v_{33}}$ 576 ${v_{33}}$ 12.6498 ${v_3}$ 1.2610 ${v_{33}}$ 72.0759
        4 ${v_3}$ 10 ${v_3}$ 0.1352 ${v_3}$ 7.6 ${v_{33}}$ 0.2746 ${v_3}$ 400 ${v_3}$ 10.7712 ${v_{33}}$ 1.2307 ${v_3}$ 70.7235
        5 ${v_2}$ 9 ${v_{32}}$ 0.1301 ${v_2}$ 6.9 ${v_{32}}$ 0.2793 ${v_2}$ 324 ${v_2}$ 9.8490 ${v_2}$ 1.0208 ${v_2}$ 59.4435
        6 ${v_4}$ 6 ${v_9}$ 0.0526 ${v_4}$ 5.1 ${v_9}$ 0.3266 ${v_4}$ 144 ${v_4}$ 7.2111 ${v_9}$ 0.9425 ${v_9}$ 47.6431
        7 ${v_{32}}$ 6 ${v_2}$ 0.0508 ${v_{32}}$ 5.1 ${v_2}$ 0.3357 ${v_{32}}$ 108 ${v_{32}}$ 6.7095 ${v_{14}}$ 0.9411 ${v_{14}}$ 46.9374
        8 ${v_9}$ 5 ${v_{14}}$ 0.0432 ${v_{14}}$ 5 ${v_{14}}$ 0.3541 ${v_9}$ 100 ${v_9}$ 6.4033 ${v_{32}}$ 0.9004 ${v_4}$ 45.5295
        9 ${v_{14}}$ 5 ${v_{20}}$ 0.0306 ${v_9}$ 4.7 ${v_{28}}$ 0.3674 ${v_{14}}$ 100 ${v_{14}}$ 6.4033 ${v_4}$ 0.8343 ${v_{32}}$ 41.3938
        10 ${v_{24}}$ 5 ${v_6}$ 0.0282 ${v_{24}}$ 4.1 ${v_{31}}$ 0.3810 ${v_{24}}$ 75 ${v_{24}}$ 5.8310 ${v_{31}}$ 0.7137 ${v_{31}}$ 37.1209
        11 ${v_6}$ 4 ${v_7}$ 0.0282 ${v_8}$ 4 ${v_{20}}$ 0.3935 ${v_8}$ 64 ${v_{31}}$ 5.6569 ${v_{24}}$ 0.7027 ${v_8}$ 35.7453
        12 ${v_7}$ 4 ${v_{28}}$ 0.0210 ${v_{31}}$ 4 ${v_{29}}$ 0.4115 ${v_{31}}$ 64 ${v_8}$ 5.6569 ${v_8}$ 0.6996 ${v_{24}}$ 33.3428
        13 ${v_8}$ 4 ${v_{24}}$ 0.0166 ${v_{28}}$ 3.7 ${v_{24}}$ 0.4348 ${v_6}$ 48 ${v_6}$ 5.0001 ${v_{20}}$ 0.6397 ${v_{28}}$ 29.9028
        14 ${v_{28}}$ 4 ${v_{31}}$ 0.0136 ${v_{30}}$ 3.7 ${v_4}$ 0.4684 ${v_7}$ 48 ${v_7}$ 5.0001 ${v_{30}}$ 0.6050 ${v_{20}}$ 29.6927
        15 ${v_{30}}$ 4 ${v_4}$ 0.0112 ${v_6}$ 3.4 ${v_{26}}$ 0.4845 ${v_{28}}$ 48 ${v_{28}}$ 5.0000 ${v_{28}}$ 0.6039 ${v_{30}}$ 29.1552
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        Network $ M{\text{(DC)}} $ M(BC) M(MDD) $M{\text{(N-Burt)} }$ $ M{\text{(Cnc + )}} $ M(ADD) $ M{\text{(IKS)}} $ $ M{\text{(TSM)}} $
        Karate 0.7079 0.7723 0.7536 0.9542 0.9472 0.8395 0.9612 0.9542
        Dolphins 0.8312 0.9623 0.9041 0.9623 0.9895 0.9623 0.9905 0.9979
        Polbooks 0.8252 0.9974 0.9077 1 0.9971 0.9996 1 1
        Jazz 0.9659 0.9885 0.9883 0.9983 0.9993 0.9981 0.9994 0.9994
        USAir 0.8586 0.6970 0.8871 0.9453 0.9945 0.9068 0.9943 0.9951
        C.Elegans 0.7922 0.8740 0.8748 0.9983 0.9980 0.9381 0.9974 0.9990
        Email 0.8874 0.9400 0.9229 0.9650 0.9991 0.9629 0.9995 0.9999
        PowerGrid 0.5927 0.8313 0.6928 0.8770 0.9568 0.8748 0.9667 0.9999
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        Network $\tau ({\text{DC, }}\sigma {\text{)}}$ $\tau ({\text{BC, }}\sigma {\text{)}}$ $\tau ({\text{MDD, }}\sigma {\text{)}}$ $\tau ({\text{N-Burt, } }\sigma {\text{)} }$ $\tau ({\text{Cnc + , }}\sigma {\text{)}}$ $\tau ({\text{AAD, }}\sigma {\text{)}}$ $\tau ({\text{IKS, }}\sigma {\text{)}}$ $\tau ({\text{TSM, }}\sigma {\text{)}}$
        Karate 0.6435 0.5651 0.6756 0.7683 0.9258 0.6591 0.8445 0.9637
        Dolphins 0.7768 0.5643 0.8181 0.7282 0.8611 0.7532 0.8526 0.9492
        Polbooks 0.7528 0.3579 0.8029 0.7037 0.9098 0.7691 0.9165 0.9436
        Jazz 0.8185 0.4628 0.8503 0.8216 0.9132 0.8235 0.8804 0.9363
        USAir 0.6982 0.4744 0.7175 0.7929 0.9047 0.6995 0.9055 0.9461
        C.Elegans 0.6376 0.4711 0.6521 0.6251 0.8127 0.659 0.8217 0.8570
        Email 0.7911 0.6467 0.8015 0.7735 0.8980 0.7797 0.8758 0.9250
        PowerGrid 0.5469 0.4167 0.5786 0.4298 0.7341 0.5563 0.7399 0.8207
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