




    游志明, 王洁, 高勇, 范佳锟, 张静, 胡耀程, 王盛, 许章炼, 张琦

    Gas density evolution in beam screen of super proton-proton collider

    You Zhi-Ming, Wang Jie, Gao Yong, Fan Jia-Kun, Zhang Jing, Hu Yao-Cheng, Wang Sheng, Xu Zhang-Lian, Zhang Qi
    • 真空稳定性问题是粒子加速器设计中的关键问题之一, 对高能量的超级质子-质子对撞机而言更是如此. 质子束流在弯转区产生的同步辐射将会引起束屏壁面吸附的气体分子发生解吸和裂解, 从而引发真空不稳定问题, 导致束流品质和寿命的降低, 甚至引起束流的崩溃. 本文通过建立超级质子-质子对撞机束屏内的气体动态模型, 首次计算分析了束屏内气体密度随束流运行时间的演化规律, 并探究了将非蒸散型吸气剂涂层应用于束屏设计的优化方案. 结果表明: H 2是束屏内的主要解吸气体, 其次是CO, 而CO 2和CH 4分子密度被分子裂解所限制. 束屏内最高气体密度出现在运行初期, 气体密度随时间呈下降趋势. 考虑到非蒸散型吸气剂涂层具有强化吸附降低解吸的特性, 讨论了不锈钢镀TiZrV涂层的束屏方案, 计算得到最高等效H 2密度相比不锈钢镀铜降低接近两个数量级. 计算结果定性地反映束流运行过程中束屏内的动态真空演化情况, 可为真空系统设计提供参考.
      Vacuum stability is one of the key issues in the design of particle accelerators, especially high-energy super proton-proton colliders. The synchrotron radiation generated by proton beams in the bending area will desorb and crack the gas molecules which have adsorbed on the wall of the cold bore. The collision or scattering between the proton beam and the desorbed gas molecules may result in the degradation of the beam quality and the reduction of beam life time, and even the collapse of the beam. Usually a copper coated stainless steel beam screen is installed in the cold bore to intercept synchrotron radiation and reduce gas desorption. Based on the design parameters of the Super Proton-Proton Collider, in this paper the source of gas in the beam screen is analyzed. By considering the photon-induced desorption process and the gas molecule cracking process, the gas dynamic model in the beam screen is established. Moreover, the calculation of the evolution of the gas density in the beam screen with the beam operating time is carried out, and the effect of TiZrV non-evaporable getter film coated beam screen on the dynamic gas density is explored. The results show that H 2is the main desorption gas in the beam, the next is CO, while the molecular density of CO 2and CH 4are limited by molecular cracking. The maximum gas density in the beam screen appears at the initial stage of operation, and the gas density decreases with time going by. In order to strengthen adsorption and reduce desorption, TiZrV coated beam screen is discussed in this paper. In the case of TiZrV coated stainless steel beam screen, the maximum equivalent H 2density is about two order of magnitude lower than in the case of copper coated stainless steel beam screen. The non-evaporable getter(NEG) for beam screen material can significantly improve vacuum performance. The calculation results can qualitatively reflect the dynamic vacuum evolution in the beam screen during the beam operation and provide a reference for designing vacuum systems.
          通信作者:王洁,wangjie1@xjtu.edu.cn; 王盛,shengwang@xjtu.edu.cn;
        • 基金项目:国家自然科学基金青年科学基金(批准号: 11905170)、中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金(批准号: XJH012019018)、陕西省自然科学基金青年科学基金(批准号: 2020JQ-001)、中国博士后科学基金(批准号: 2018M643667)、陕西省博士后科学基金(批准号: 2018BSHEDZZ05)、中国核工业集团有限公司领创科研项目、国家自然科学基金(批准号: 11775166)和广东省基础与应用基础研究基金(批准号: 2020B1515120035)
          Corresponding author:Wang Jie,wangjie1@xjtu.edu.cn; Wang Sheng,shengwang@xjtu.edu.cn;
        • Funds:Project supported by the Young Scientists Fund of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 11905170), the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (Grant No. XJH012019018), the Young Scientists Fund of the Natural Science Foundation of Shaanxi Province, China(Grant No. 2020JQ-001), the China Postdoctoral Science Foundation (Grant No. 2018M643667), the Shaanxi Provincial Postdoctoral Science Foundation, China (Grant No. 2018BSHEDZZ05), the Innovative Scientific Program of CNNC, the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant No. 11775166), and the Guangdong Provincial Basic and Applied Basic Research Foundation of China (Grant No. 2020B1515120035)















































      • 主要参数 LHC[8] FCC-hh[7,9] SPPC[6]
        质心系能量/TeV 14 100 75
        环周长/km 28 100 100
        二极磁场强度B/T 8.3 16 12
        束流电流I/mA 580 500 730
        SR线功率密度P/(W·m–1) 0.22 35.4 12.8
        临界光子能量 $ {\varepsilon }_{\rm{c}} $/eV 44 4269 1814
        光子通量密度Γ/(m-1·s–1) 1017 1.7 × 1017 1.8 × 1017
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        气体种类 H2 CH4 CO CO2 O2
        $\eta ' _{ {\rm{r} }\;{\rm{max} } }$ 0.55 0.4 0.04 0.45 0.04
        $\eta '_{\rm{max} }$ 0.55 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04
        $ {\kappa }_{\rm{max}} $ $ {\kappa }_{{{\rm{C}}{\rm{H}}}_{4}\stackrel{}{\to }2{{\rm{H}}}_{2}+{\rm{C}}}\approx 0.36 $ $ {\kappa }_{{{\rm{C}}{\rm{O}}}_{2}\stackrel{}{\to }{\rm{C}}{\rm{O}}+{\rm{O}}}\approx 0.41 $
        $ {\chi }_{\rm{max}} $ $ {\chi }_{{{\rm{H}}}_{2}}\left({s}_{{{\rm{C}}{\rm{H}}}_{4}}\right)\approx 0.72 $ $ {\rm{\chi }}_{{\rm{C}}{\rm{O}}}\left({s}_{{{\rm{C}}{\rm{O}}}_{2}}+{s}_{{{\rm{C}}{\rm{H}}}_{4}}\right)\approx 0.41+0.36 $ $ {\chi }_{{{\rm{O}}}_{2}}\left({s}_{{{\rm{C}}{\rm{O}}}_{2}}\right)\approx 0.2 $
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        样品类型 反射率R 光电子产额${Y_{{\rm{pe}}}}$
        LHC型铜样品(LHC) 0.75 0.25
        锯齿形铜样品(ST) 0.07 0.08
        激光刻蚀铜样品(LASE) 0.006 0.09
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        A(cm2) 真空腔室轴向单位长度壁面面积
        $u = {A_{\rm{c}}}{D_{\rm{k}}}$(cm4/s) 轴向单位长度真空流导
        ${A_{\rm{c}}}$(cm2) 真空腔室横截面积
        V(cm3) 真空腔室体积
        $C = \rho {k_{\rm{t}}}S$ (cm3/s) 束屏孔的抽气速率
        v(cm/s) 平均分子速率
        ${D_{\rm{k}}}$(cm2/s) 努森扩散系数
        ${k_{\rm{t}}}$ 束屏开孔率(束屏抽气孔面积与束屏表面积之比)
        Γ(photons/(s·m)) 光子通量密度
        n(molecules/cm3) 气体体密度
        η(molecules/photon) 一次解吸产额
        $S = Av/4$(cm3/s) 壁面理想抽气速率
        $\eta '$(molecules/photon) 二次解吸产额
        s(molecules/cm2) 气体表面密度
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