近年来, 凝聚态物理中平带局域与拓扑等概念与光学体系的有机结合, 使得平带光子学系统的研究迎来了极为快速的发展, 催生了一系列新颖的光物理现象与潜在的应用前景. 目前, 平带结构在光子晶体、光学超构材料以及光子晶格(倏逝波耦合的光学波导阵列)等多种人工光子微结构中得到了实现, 并在其中观察到了很多凝聚态系统中难以直接实现的物理现象. 本文简要综述光子微结构中关于平带物理的最新研究进展. 以光诱导和激光直写光子晶格系统为例, 包括Lieb, Kagome 和超级蜂窝晶格等, 特别介绍平带模式局域与实空间拓扑效应等新颖物理现象. 光子微结构为研究平带物理和拓扑效应提供了一个可调控的平台, 同时其研究结果也对探究电子、声子、等离激元、腔极化子与超冷原子等系统中相关的基本物理问题和应用具有借鉴作用.In recent years, flatband systems have aroused considerable interest in different branches of physics, from condensed-matter physics to engineered flatband structures such as in ultracold atoms, various metamaterials, electronic materials, and photonic waveguide arrays. Flatband localization, as an important phenomenon in solid state physics, is of broad interest in the exploration of many fundamental physics of many-body systems. We briefly review the recent experimental advances in light localization in engineered flatband lattices, with the emphasis on the optical induction technique of various photonic lattices and unconventional flatband states. The photonic lattices, established by various optical induction techniques, include quasi-one-dimensional diamond lattices and two-dimensional super-honeycomb, Lieb and Kagome lattices. Nontrivial flatband line states, independent of linear superpositions of conventional compact localized states, are demonstrated in photonic Lieb and super-honeycomb lattices, and they can be considered as an indirect illustration of the non-contractible loop states. Furthermore, we discuss alternative approaches to directly observing the non-contractible loop states in photonic Kagome lattices. These robust loop states are direct manifestation of real-space topology in such flatband systems. In this paper we do not intend to comprehensively account the vast flatband literature, but we briefly review the relevant work on photonic lattices mainly from our group. We hope that the mentioned concepts and techniques can be further explored and developed for subsequent applications in other structured photonic media such as photonic crystals, metamaterials, and other synthetic nanophotonic materials.
- photonic microstructure/
- flatband/
- localized states/
- real-space topology/
- noncontractible loop states
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