二维原子晶体材料具有与石墨烯相似的晶格结构和物理性质, 为纳米尺度器件的科学研究提供了广阔的平台. 研究这些二维原子晶体材料, 一方面有望弥补石墨烯零能隙的不足; 另一方面继续发掘它们的特殊性质, 有望拓宽二维原子晶体材料的应用领域. 本文综述了近几年在超高真空条件下利用分子束外延生长技术制备的各种类石墨烯单层二维原子晶体材料, 其中包括单元素二维原子晶体材料(硅烯、锗烯、锡烯、硼烯、铪烯、磷烯、锑烯、铋烯)和双元素二维原子晶体材料(六方氮化硼、过渡金属二硫化物、硒化铜、碲化银等). 通过扫描隧道显微镜、低能电子衍射等实验手段并结合第一性原理计算, 对二维原子晶体材料的原子结构、能带结构、电学特性等方面进行了介绍. 这些二维原子晶体材料所展现出的优异的物理特性, 使其在未来电学器件方面具有广阔的应用前景. 最后总结了单层二维原子晶体材料领域可能面临的问题, 同时对二维原子晶体材料的研究方向进行了展望.Two-dimensional atomic crystal materials have similar lattice structures and physical properties to graphene, providing a broad platform for the scientific research of nanoscaled devices. The emergence of two-dimensional materials presents the new hope of science and industry. As is well known, graphene is the most widely studied two-dimensional (2D) material in recent ten years. Its unique atomic structure and electronic band structure make it have novel physical and chemical properties and broad applications in electronic devices, optical devices, biosensors, solar cell, and lithium ion battery. In recent years, graphene-like single-layered 2D materials have attracted much attention. Researches of these 2D atomic crystal materials and their physical properties, on the one hand, are expected to make up for the lack of band gap in graphene, and on the other hand, continue to explore their unique properties, expand the application of 2D atomic crystal materials. Among all the preparation methods of single-layered 2D atomic crystal materials, the molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) is considered to be the most competitive method. The manufacturing process of MBE is usually carried out under ultra-high vacuum condition, which ensures the cleanness of the 2D material surface. At the same time, the solid growth substrate needed for epitaxial growth can be used as a carrier to support and stabilize the growth of 2D materials. In this review, we summarize many single-layered 2D materials prepared by MBE under ultra-high vacuum conditions in recent years, including monatomic 2D atomic crystal materials (silicene, germanene, stanene, hafnene, borophene, phosphorene, bismuthene, antimonene) and binary atomic crystal materials (hexagonal boron nitride, transition metal dichalcogenides, copper selenide, silver telluride). In addition, by scanning tunneling microscopy (STM), low-energy electron diffraction (LEED) and first-principles calculations, we investigate the atomic structures, energy gap modulations, and electrical properties of 2D materials. These 2D atomic crystal materials exhibit the excellent physical properties, which will make them have broad application prospects in future electronic devices. Finally, we summarize the problems faced by the further development of 2D materials and suggest several potential development directions.
- two-dimensional atomic crystal materials/
- scanning tunneling microscope/
- molecular beam epitaxy/
- lattice structure
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晶体材料生长衬底 表征方法 平面构型 物理性能和潜在应用 文献 硅烯 Ir(111) STM, LEED 翘曲 自由状态下能隙为1.55 meV; [24] Ag(111) STM 翘曲 Ag(111)上硅烯载流子迁移率为100 cm2·V–1·s–1; [25,128-132] Ag(110) STM 翘曲 [131] Ru(0001) STM, LEED 翘曲 量子自旋霍尔效应; 场效应晶体管; [132] ZrB2 STM, ARUPS 翘曲 谷电子学器件; [133] Pb(111) STM 翘曲 铁磁性 [134] 锗烯 Pt(111) STM, LEED 翘曲 载流子迁移率高达
6.54 × 105cm2·V–1·s–1;[26] Au(111) STM, LEED 翘曲 能隙23.9 meV; [135] Al(111) STM, LEED, XPD 翘曲 量子自旋霍尔效应; [136] Ag(111) STM, LEED, ARPES 翘曲 高温超导体; 自旋极化电输运; [137] Cu(111) STM 平坦 负热膨胀系数; 热电材料 [138] 锡烯 Bi2Te3 STM, RHEED, ARPES 翘曲 热导率11.6 W·m–1·K–1; 巨磁阻效应; [32] Cu(111) STM, ARPES 平坦 自旋轨道耦合诱导带隙约0.3 eV; [33] Sb(111) STM 翘曲 拓扑超导体; 近室温量子霍尔效应 [139] 硼烯 Ag(111) STM, XPS 翘曲 超导温度: 10—24 K; 超高储氢能力;
杨氏模量可达398 GPa·nm[41,140] 铪烯 Ir(111) STM, LEED 平坦 强自旋轨道耦合作用; 磁矩为1.46μB [43] 磷烯 Au(111) STM, XPS 翘曲 能隙2.0 eV; 光探测器; 太阳能电池; [45,47] CuxO STM, XPS 平坦 电子迁移率高达1000 cm2·V–1·s–1. [141] 锑烯 PdTe2 STM, LEED, XPS 翘曲 能隙可达2.28 eV; 光电子器件; [53] Cu(111) STM, LEED, XPS 翘曲 拓扑绝缘体; 金属氧化物半导体场效应晶体管 [54] 铋烯 SiC STM, ARPES 平坦 热电材料, 热电优值高达2.4 [61] 单层二维原子
晶体材料生长衬底 表征方法 平面构型 物理性能和潜在应用 文献 六方氮化硼 Ir(111) STM, LEED, XPS 平面蜂窝状结构 能隙为6 eV的绝缘体; [67] Ni(111) STM, XPD 高功率电子学器件; 低摩擦材料; [68] Rh(111) STM, LEED [69,142] Cu(111) STM, LEED, AFM 场效应晶体管的介电层; 深紫外探测器件; 抗氧化涂层 [70,143] 二硫化钼 Au(111) STM, XPS 2H 载流子迁移率可达200 cm2·V–1·s–1;
关比为1 × 108; 能隙1.8 eV[75,144] SrTiO3 STM, SEM, Raman PL 2H [145] 二硒化钼 Au(111) STM, LEED, ARPES 2H 直接带隙约1.5 eV; 激子束缚能0.55 eV, 光电子学器件 [82,83] 双层石墨烯 STM, LEED, Raman 2H [80] 二硒化铂 Pt(111) STM, LEED, XPS, ARPES 1T 能隙2 eV; 螺旋状自旋结构; 自旋动量锁定; 自旋电子学器件; 气体传感器 [88] [146,147] 二硒化镍 Ni(111) STM, LEED, XPS 1T NiSe2/Li电池可逆放电容量为351.4 mA·h·g–1 [91,93] 二硒化钨 石墨烯 STM, RHEED, ARPES 2H + 1T' 双激子态; 谷霍尔效应; 谷赝自旋 [102] 二硒化钒 HOPG STM, AFM, XPS 1T 室温下二维铁磁性; 超高导电性、电荷密度波 [107,108] 硒化铜 Cu(111) STM, LEED, STEM 平面蜂窝状结构
一维摩尔条纹结构周期孔洞结构用于选择性吸附; [110] Cu(111) STM, LEED, ARPES 节线型狄拉克费米子能带结构; 拓扑非平庸的量子自旋霍尔态 [113] 碲化银 Ag(111) STM, LEED 平面蜂窝状结构 节线型狄拉克费米子能带结构; 拓扑非平庸的量子自旋霍尔态 [116,117] -
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