根据自由空间光束传输遵循的(3+1)维薛定谔方程, 得到了两束时空自减速艾里复变量拉盖尔高斯(Airy elegent-Laguerre-Gaussian, AELG)光束共线传输时的解析解, 并分析其共线传输时的传输特性. 分析结果表明, 双光束各自的模式指数、组合光束强度的权重因子、初始相位差对光束的传输都会有影响. 本文发现, 通过选择模式参数或者选择它们的相对振幅, 对于共线传输的两束时空自减速AELG光束, 可以有效控制叠加光束的波形形态以及横向传输截面的光斑分布. 特别是当两束光束的模式参数不等于零时, 波包将沿着传输轴发生螺旋形旋转, 其相位图中心位置都会出现涡旋现象. 若该参数值为正, 则光束沿传输轴逆时针旋转, 否则, 光束将沿传输轴呈螺旋形顺时针方向旋转. 通过调整叠加光束的初始相位差, 波包沿传输轴线也将发生旋转, 但这两种旋转特性的旋转机理完全不同. 如果选取两束时空自减速 AELG 光束的角向模式参数 m相同, 则叠加光束在传输过程中呈现空心环形状态, 出现空心环形时空自减速 AELG 波包, 且该波包在传输截面上随着传输距离的增加, 多环结构最终湮灭为单环, 并向远方推移, 使得空心部分越来越大.
- 复变量艾瑞拉盖尔高斯光束/
- 时空自减速/
- 共线传输/
- 空心光束
Based on the (3+1)-dimensional free-space Schrödinger equation, the analytical solutions to the equation for the propagating properties of two three-dimensional collinear self-decelerating Airy-elegant-Laguerre-Gaussian(AELG) light beams in free space are investigated. The different mode numbers, the mode index for each of the collinear beams, weight factor of combined beam, and initial phase difference will affect the profiles of the wave packets, and thus giving the method to control the spatiotemporal profiles during propagation. The spatiotemporal profiles will rotate if none of the mode parameters are equal to zero, and there are vortices in the center of the phase distribution curve. If the mode parameters are positive numbers, the profiles of the beams will rotate in a helical clockwise direction. Otherwise, if the mode parameters are negative numbers,they will rotate in a helical anticlockwise direction during propagation. The wave packets will also rotate when the relative phase is varied. However, the rotation principles of these two rotation characteristics are completely different. The spatiotemporal hollow self-decelerating AELG wave packets can be attained if the mode numbers of the collinear AiELG wave packets are the same. Multi-ring structure evolves into single-ring structure along radial direction with their propagation distance increasing during propagation, which makes the hollow part expand continuously.-
- Airy-elegant-Laguerre-Gaussian beam/
- spatiotemporal self-decelerating wave packet/
- collinear propagation/
- hollow beam
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