




徐海超, 牛晓海, 叶子荣, 封东来

Unified phase diagram of Fe-based superconductors based on electron correlation strength

Xu Hai-Chao, Niu Xiao-Hai, Ye Zi-Rong, Feng Dong-Lai
  • 铁基超导和铜基超导具有诸多相似性,这为建立统一的高温超导机理图像提供了可能性.然而,对铁基超导体系中无论是进行电荷掺杂、还是等价掺杂来改变化学压力,都能产生定性上类似、而细节上纷繁复杂的相图,这对建立统一的图像造成了困难.研究化学掺杂效应如何在微观上影响电子结构和超导电性,区分主导超导电性演化的主要因素和次要因素,对建立统一图像和揭示高温超导机理至关重要.本文综述了对铁基超导体系中化学掺杂效应的一系列角分辨光电子能谱研究,涵盖了基于FeAs和FeSe面的多种代表性铁基超导体系,包括异价掺杂、等价掺杂、在元胞不同位置的化学掺杂,及其对电子体系在费米面结构、杂质散射、电子关联强度等方面的影响.实验结果表明:电子关联性或能带宽度是多个铁基超导相图背后的普适参数,不同的晶格和杂质散射效应导致了并不重要的复杂细节,而费米面拓扑结构与超导电性的关联并不强.这些结果对弱耦合机理图像提出了挑战,并促使人们通过局域反铁磁交换作用配对图像在带宽演化层面上统一地理解铁基超导.
    The similarities between the Fe-based superconductors and cuprate superconductors imply a possible unified picture of high temperature superconductivity. However, various chemical doping effects in Fe-based superconductors can lead to qualitatively similar phase diagrams that show diverse and complicated details, which pose great challenges of establishing a unified picture. Studying how chemical doping affects the electronic structure and superconductivity, and finding the real universal control parameter for superconductivity, are very important for establishing a unified picture and revealing the mechanism of high temperature superconductivity. In this article, we review a series of angle resolved photoemission studies on the chemical doping effect in Fe-based superconductors, involving both type I Fe-based superconductors with both electron and hole Fermi pockets, and type Ⅱ Fe-based superconductors with only electron Fermi pockets, and involving chemical doping of hetero-valent doping, isovalent doping, and chemical doping at different sites in unit cell. Comprehensive studies and analysis are conducted from various aspects of doping effects, including Fermi surfaces, impurity scattering, and electron correlation, and their roles in evolving the superconductivity. Electron correlation is found to be a universal electronic parameter behind the diverse phase diagrams of Fe-based superconductors, which naturally explains the qualitatively similar phase diagrams of various Fe-base superconductors despite of doping them in different ways. The electron correlation in Fe-based superconductors is closely related to both the carrier type of dopant and the lattice structure parameters, such as bond length. The different impurity scattering effects and different structures may affect the optimal Tc and thus leading to the diversity and complexity in the phase diagram. Fermi surface topology and its evolution with doping may play a secondary role in determining Tc. In order to enhance the Tc, one needs to optimize a moderate electronic correlation while minimizing the impurity scattering in the Fe-anion layer. Our results explain many puzzles and controversies and provide a new view for understanding the phase diagrams, resistivity behaviors, superconducting properties, etc. Our findings also strongly challenge the weak coupling theories based on the Fermi surface nesting, but favors the strong-coupling pairing scenario, where the competition between the electron kinetic energy and the local correlation interactions is a driving parameter of superconducting phase diagram. Like the t-J model of cuprates, in the picture of local antiferromagnetic exchange pairing, superconductivity appears in Fe-based superconductor when the electron correlation strength is at a moderate level. If the correlation is too weak, the system cannot exhibit superconductivity and remains metallic at low temperature. If the correlation is too strong, magnetic order appears in type I Fe-based superconductor, while type Ⅱ Fe-based superconductor shows a bandwidth-control correlated insulating state. The control parameter of the phase diagram is carrier doping for cuprates, but electron correlation strength for Fe-based superconductors. Our experimental results give a unified understanding of iron-based superconductors as a bandwidth-controlled system.
      • 基金项目:国家自然科学基金(批准号:11704073,11504342)和国家重点研发计划(批准号:2016YFA0300200,2017YFA0303004)资助的课题.
        Corresponding author:Feng Dong-Lai,dlfeng@fudan.edu.cn
      • Funds:Project supported in part by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 11704073, 11504342) and the National Key Research and Development Plan of China (Grant Nos. 2016YFA0300200, 2017YFA0303004).




























































































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    • 收稿日期:2018-08-16
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