受限液晶体系是软物质领域里一类基本的问题,理论方法是研究该问题的一种重要的手段. 本综述简要回顾了液晶体系理论的发展历程,介绍了Onsager模型、 Maier-Saupe模型、Landau-de Gennes展开、 Frank弹性模型和高分子液晶的自洽场模. 近几十年,使用这些理论模型,辅以适合的边界条件,已有大量的针对受限液晶体系的理论研究,本文重点介绍了受限体系最近20-30年的主要进展,包括狭缝中液晶体系的实验与理论进展、限制在二维平面中封闭曲线内液晶体系的指向行为、限制在三维球面上刚性分子的缺陷结构的研究进展,在此基础上指出了学科中尚未解决的前沿问题及与实际应用有关的重大问题.Liquid-crystal polymers in confined system is a fundamental issue in soft matter. Theoretical method plays animportant role in studying these systems. The intention of this work is to give a thorough reviewof the theoretical methodologies used in tackling confined liquid crystals. At first, some basic concept of liquid crystal, such as a vital order parameter for orientation, phases of liquid crystal, the uniaxial and biaxial of liquid crystal, are presented. After that, a brief review of the development of liquid-crystal theories, which include the Onsager model, the Maier-Saupe model, the McMillanmodel, the Landau-de Gennes expansion, the Frank elastic model and the self-consistent field model for liquid-crystal polymers, are given. All these theories havetheir own advantages and disadvantages. For example, the phenomenological Frank elastic model is the most widely used model due to its simplicity. In contrast, parameters in the self-consistent field model are physically meaningful, however, it is rather complicated. During recent decades, with these theories and suitable boundary treatment, plenty confined liquid crystal systems are investigated. In this review, we focus on three kinds of confined systems: 1) the surface wetting behavior in slits; 2) the two-dimensional liquid crystals confined by a boundary line and 3) defects in the orientational field of rigid rods on spherical surface. Results arrived from different At the end of this review, we give a list of frontier issues and an outlook for thecoming ten years.
- liquid crystal/
- confined system/
- Onsager model/
- self-consistent model
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