




    王坤, 史宗谦, 石元杰, 白骏, 李阳, 武子骞, 邱爱慈, 贾申利

    Experimental investigation on the electrical explosion of single aluminum wire in vacuum

    Wang Kun, Shi Zong-Qian, Shi Yuan-Jie, Bai Jun, Li Yang, Wu Zi-Qian, Qiu Ai-Ci, Jia Shen-Li
    • 开展了铝单丝在负极性电流脉冲作用下电爆炸特性的研究. 利用皮秒激光探针, 搭建了阴影、纹影和干涉的光学诊断平台, 得到了不镀膜铝丝典型的能量沉积过程, 在电压崩溃时刻其沉积能量为2.4 eV/atom. 为了增加金属丝内的沉积能量, 开展了相同电参数及金属丝尺寸下的镀膜铝丝电爆炸实验, 其沉积能量可达到5 eV/atom, 实现了在电压崩溃之前铝丝完全气化(完全气化所需能量为4 eV/atom). 阴影图像展示了高密度丝核区域的膨胀过程, 不镀膜铝丝平均膨胀速度为2.2 km/s, 而镀膜铝丝因为沉积能量大, 其膨胀速度约为不镀膜铝丝的2.3倍, 高密度区域膨胀速度为5 km/s. 由于阴影不能反映低密度等离子体的膨胀, 开展了平行双丝实验, 通过测量自发光辐射, 估算了低密度等离子体的膨胀速度. 利用条纹相机拍摄了不镀膜铝丝电爆炸过程中自发光区域的图像. 纹影图像清晰地展示了不镀膜铝丝在电爆炸过程中形成的核冕结构, 而镀膜铝丝电爆炸过程中核冕结构得到了一定程度的抑制. 从干涉图像计算了相移, 在轴对称假设下对相移进行阿贝尔逆变换, 重构了三维的铝原子数密度分布.
      The electrical explosion of single wire occurs in many application fields, such as wire-array Z-pinch, synthesis of the nanopowder, high-intensity magnetic field source, etc. The initial stage of the electrical explosion of single wire has a critical influence on the stagnation and X-ray yield in the wire-array Z-pinch. The impressive result of X-ray yield from wire-array Z-pinch is a major motivation to promote the research in this field. Although numerous studies have been carried out to gain a deep insight into the physics of the electrical explosion of single wire, more experimental investigations are necessary to optimize the energy deposition and expansion rate. It is important to investigate the characteristics of the electrical explosion of single wire under the negative polarity pulsed-current, which is adopted in many Z-pinch facilities. In this paper, the electrical explosion of aluminum wire under negative polarity pulsed-current in vacuum is investigated. In the present experiments, the light emission is measured by the photomultiplier and streak camera. A laser probe EKSPLA-PL2251C (30 ps, 532 nm) is adopted to perform the shadowgraphy, schlieren and interferometry diagnostics. The radial knife-edge schlieren scheme is employed to translate the regions with plasma refractivity and gas-type refractivity. The interferometry is constructed based on Mach-Zehnder interferometer. The shadowgram, schlieren image and interferogram are recorded by Canon cameras. The typical waveforms of the voltage, current and light emission from the electrical explosion of 15 m-diameter, 2 cm-long aluminum wire are derived. The energy deposition at the instant of voltage collapse is about 2.4 eV/atom (vaporization energy is about 4 eV/atom). In order to increase the energy deposited into the wire, the 15 m-diameter, 2 cm-long aluminum wire with 2 m polyimide coating is exploded with the same electrical parameters. The energy deposition in the coated wire is about 5 eV/atom. From the shadowgram of the electrical explosion of uncoated aluminum wire, the expansion velocity of the high-density region can be estimated to be about 2.2 km/s. However, the expansion velocity of the high-density region of the polyimide-coated aluminum wire is about 5 km/s. The schlieren images show that the wire is exploded into a binary structure, i.e., a high-density core surrounded by the low-density corona. It should be noted that the energy deposition in the coated wire is larger than the vaporization energy, indicating that the aluminum wire is totally in gaseous state. Thus, the plasma region in the schlieren image of electrical explosion of coated wire is not distinct. The core-corona structure is depressed by the insulating coatings to a certain extent. The configuration of the parallel wire is adopted to estimate the expansion velocity of the plasma shell. The expansion velocity of the low-density plasma is about 5.8 km/s. Two-dimensional distribution of the phase shift is derived through the interferogram. The central part of the gas-type material with a radius of 0.1 cm exhibits a large positive phase shift, while the peripheral plasma shows a small negative phase shift. The three-dimensional atomic density distribution is reconstructed in the gas-type distribution area in which the contribution of electrons is negligible. In our experiments, the energy deposition of the electrical explosion of uncoated wire ranges from 2 to 4 eV/atom. This may be caused by the initial conditions of the wire surface and the connection between the wire and electrode. Further research should be carried out for a better understanding of this phenomenon.
        • 基金项目:国家自然科学基金 (批准号: 51322706, 51237006, 51325705)、教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划 (批准号: NCET-11-0428)和中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助的课题.
          Corresponding author:Shi Zong-Qian,zqshi@mail.xjtu.edu.cn
        • Funds:Project supported by the National Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 51322706, 51237006, 51325705), the Program for New Century Excellent Talents in University of Ministry of Education of China (Grant No. NCET-11-0428), and the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities, China.
































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      • 收稿日期:2015-06-19
      • 修回日期:2015-09-22
      • 刊出日期:2016-01-05
