The analytical solution for the shape-variant astigmatic elliptical breathers in strongly nonlocal nonlinear medium is obtained, and the propagation properties of this type of breather is investigated according to the solution. During propagation, the beam in x- and y-direction keeps Gaussian, the beam width and the curvature of the cophasal line vary periodically but asynchronously. For the two-dimensional off-waist input case, the initial convergence (divergence) makes the width narrowed (broaden) first near the entrance plane, no matter what the input power is; then varies periodically but asynchronously in x- and y-direction. For the one-dimensional on-waist input case, the beam might breathe only in one direction. The breather of the beam width induces the periodical variation of the curvature for the elliptically cophasal surface and the ellipticity of the pattern. If the location of the waist in x-direction and that in y-direction are identical with each other, the product of the maximum and the minimum of the ellipticity keeps equal to unify. In this case, the position of the entrance plane does not affects the maxima and the minima of the ellipticity, but affects the uniformity for the variation velocity of the ellipticity in a period.