我们在Oregonator模型的基础上,取速率常数k6、理想配比系数f及波数k为参变量,首先讨论了B-Z反应体系的稳定性,并得到了下列各量的表达式:空间周期结构的临界速率常数k6c、短波临界波数ksc与长波临界波数kLc,时空周期结构的临界速率常数k6c及临界波数kc等。而后,我们给出了B-Z反应体系的临界频率λc,讨论了体系在临界状态附近的行为,并得到了触发波速度uT及相位波速度uP的表达式。本文的结论是,在一定条件下,不搅拌的B-Z反应体系能在临界状态附近呈现稳定的波群或者波包,触发波是均匀体系中的波包,相位波是有微小梯度的非均匀体系中的波包。uT=2ηDkc,D为HBrO2的扩散系数,η为[H+]的缓变函数(在实验观测范围内,η≈0.1);uP=v,v为相速度。On the basis of the Oregonator model, we took the rate constant k6, the stoichio-metric coefficient f and the wave number k as the parameters to study the stability of the BZ reaction system. The expressions of the following physical quantities were obtained, they included: the critical rate constant k6c of the space periodic structure, its short-wavelength critical wave number ksc and long-wavelength critical wave number kLc; the critical rate constant k6c of time-space periodic structure and its critical wave number kc(kc = kLc). Then we worked out the critical frequency λc of BZ reaction system and analyzed the near-by critical state behavior of the system, whereby we obtained the trigger wave velocity ur and phave wave velocity up. We came to the conclusion that, under certain conditions, the near-by critical state of unstirred BZ reaction system may exhibit a stable wave group, or, a wave packet.. The trigger wave is a wave packet in the homogeneous system and the phase wave is a wave packet in the inhomogeneous one with a slight gradient. We have got that (uT=2ηDkc, where D is the diffusion coefficient of HBrO2,η changes slowly with [H+] (to the extent of experimental observation, η≈ 0.1), and UP = v, where v is the phase velocity.
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