本文通过人类对宇宙认识的发展,阐明:1)宇宙在空间上是无限的,但无限不能脱离有限孤立存在。无限和有限是对立的统一,有限转化为无限,无限转化为有限。历史上形形色色的宇宙无限论和有限论,从牛顿的经典宇宙模型到现代宇宙学,都不能正确认识有限和无限的辩证法,结果都走上了形而上学和唯心论。2)宇宙在时间上也是无限的。宇宙万物不断发展,宇宙总体无始无终,宇宙不动论是错误的,人类对宇宙的认识发展深刻阐明:宇宙是绝对无限和相对有限的对立统一。In this article the following views based on the development of human knowledge about the universe are expounded: (1) In space the universe is infinite, infinitude nevertheless cannot exist by itself independent of things finite. Infinitude and finite-ness form a unity of opposites. Finiteness transforms into infinitude, infinitude transforms into finiteness. All the various versions on the infinitude and the finite-ness of the universe that existed in history, from Newton's classical model of the universe to modern cosmology, cannot lead to a correct knowledge of the dialectics of infinitude and finiteness; thus, as a consequence, they all degenerate into metameta-physics and idealism. (2) In time the universe is also infinite. Matter in the universe is in incessant development. The totality of the universe has neither beginning nor end. The theory of a motionless universe is unsound. It is a far-reaching realization in the development of human knowledge of the universe that the universe is a unity of such opposites as absolute infinitude and relative finiteness.
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