对z-4排斥位势证明了:(1)当|λ|→∞,|argλ| <π 2-ε时,s矩阵元s(λ,k)→1。(2)当|λ|→∞时,有无穷多个极点存在于虚轴的小角邻域内,并且这些极点的实部和虚部同时趋于∞,因此通常的双色散关系不成立。< div>π>It is proved that the S matrix element S(λ, k) for the z-4 repulsive potential → 1 as |λ|→∞ in the sector 0 ≤| argλ | <π 2-ε and that it has infinitely many reggepoles in a small angle neighbourhood of the imaginary axis with their real parts approaching ∞ simultaneously. ordinary double dispersion relation does not hold this case.< div>
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