




    张扬, 孙顺凯, 丁宁, 李正宏, 束小建

    Basic dynamic and scale study of quasi-spherical Z-pinch implosion

    Zhang Yang, Sun Shun-Kai, Ding Ning, Li Zheng-Hong, Shu Xiao-Jian
    • 通过改变Z箍缩负载的初始形状和/或质量密度分布,可以实现等离子体的准球形聚心内爆.同柱形箍缩相比,准球形电磁内爆可以将内爆动能集中加载至负载中心较小的空间区域内,获得更高的能量密度,从而在驱动Z箍缩动态黑腔实现聚变点火方面具有潜在优势.准球形电磁内爆的负载和电极结构比柱形Z箍缩更复杂,球面收缩的几何特点使其内爆动力学过程和能量定标关系显著区别于柱形内爆.本文利用解析的薄壳模型推导并分析了理想条件下准球形电磁内爆的动力学行为和能量定标关系,并同二维磁流体力学模拟结果进行了比较.与柱形Z箍缩内爆相比,准球形电磁内爆的动能不仅与驱动电流有关,而且敏感地依赖于负载的初始尺寸.在不显著降低驱动电流和内爆品质的前提下,适当增加负载的初始半径和最大纬度,有利于获得更多的内爆动能和能量加载密度.
      Unlike cylindrical Z pinch, a quasi-spherical implosion enables load plasma to implode inward spherically and concentrate its kinetic energy toward the center. This helps to improve the energy-transport efficiency and increase the shock-induced radiation intensity of the foam convertor, when the quasi-spherical implosion is used to drive a dynamic hohlraum (DH). In previous work, it has been proved that a spherical metal shell with an exact mass-distribution can implode spherically by the nonuniform magnetic field, whose magnitude increases with the load latitude, Bφ~cos-1θ. However, this ‘mass-redistribution’ method is hard to realize on the fast pulse power generator widely used in today's Z-pinch study. The rise time of the facility is only ~100 ns, and the load is wire arrays with typical weight about 1 mg/cm. We develop a method of gaining quasi-spherical implosion with wire arrays by adjusting their initial shape, and it proves feasible on the 1.5 MA Qiangguang-I facility. Recently, we try to realize the quasi-spherical dynamic hohlraum (QSDH) implosion on generator with higher current, such as the 4.5 MA Angara5-I or the 8 MA PTS facility, and to make a direct compare with its cylindrical equivalence. But first of all, a basic but relatively comprehensive study on the quasi-spherical implosion dynamics is necessary and useful for the future QSDH load design and optimization.#br#Comparing with the device for classical cylindrical Z-pinch implosions, the load and electrodes structures of quasi-spherical implosions are complex, which leads to distinct implosion dynamics and scale rules. In this paper, we develop a thin shell model for the quasi-spherical implosion, from which the movement equation, as well as the energy scale relation is derived analytically. It is found that under the same drive condition, the implosion velocity and total kinetic energy of cylindrical load are higher than those of quasi-spherical one. However, as we expected, the quasi-spherical implosion has larger kinetic energy density, which is important for the applications such as driving a dynamic holhraum. Besides the peak current, the kinetic energy of quasi-spherical implosion also depends on the initial size of the load. By increasing the initial radius and maximum latitude angle moderately, one can obtain higher kinetic energy and energy density of the implosion, which is crucial for the load design. The theoretical study is supported by simulation results. It is found that under a drive condition close to that of the ZR facility, a quasi-spherical load with an initial radius of 5 cm will reach a peak kinetic energy density of 3.2 MJ/cm, which is about 3 times those from the cylindrical ones.
        • 基金项目:国家自然科学基金(批准号:11405012,91330107,11275030,11675025)、国防基础科研计划(批准号:B1520133015)和中国工程物理研究院院长基金(批准号:2014-1-042)资助的课题.
          Corresponding author:Ding Ning,ding_ning@iapcm.ac.cn
        • Funds:Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 11405012, 91330107, 11275030, 11675025), the Defense Industrial Technology Development Program, China (Grant No. B1520133015), and the Foundation of President of China Academy of Engineering Physics (Grant No. 2014-1-042).































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      • 收稿日期:2016-12-06
      • 修回日期:2017-03-09
      • 刊出日期:2017-05-05
